Fund for the Advancement of Jungian Psychoanalysis (FAJP)

Registered as a charity in the UK 1115533

Guidelines for Applications for Grants

The FAJP is a charitable fund (registered in the UK) that has been established to assist IAAP Developing Groups and Router Programmes worldwide. Money may be granted to a Developing Group or to a Router Group for activities that foster education in the field of analytical psychology within these groups and encourage the training of IAAP routers to become internationally recognised Jungian analysts. The Fund recognises that groups will be at various stages of development and in order to improve the quality of training it will usually give priority to continuing the provision of teaching, supervision and personal analysis in existing programmes recognised by the IAAP. The Fund wishes to make grants that complement IAAP funding with the purpose of consolidating and intensifying the depth of training available in any group.

The FAJP makes decisions independently of IAAP but consults about the appropriateness of applications with the IAAP Officers/Executive Committee. Jan Wiener (Vice President of the IAAP) is one of the trustees and will liaise with the IAAP about applications.

Postal grant applications may be received through the Charity at FAJP c/o The Society of Analytical Psychology (SAP) at 1, Daleham Gardens, London NW3 5BY, UK. They may also be received online via the FAJP website the instructions given there. The applications will be forwarded in the first instance to Pramila Bennett, Catherine Crowther and Jan Wiener and later to the other trustees of the Charity. If accepted and grants are offered, the money will be transferred to the IAAP accountant in Zurich to be held in an account earmarked for the specific Developing Group or Router Group and administered in the usual way by the IAAP.

Some examples of suitable requests for grants:

  • Travel costs of visiting Jungian analysts, e.g. lecturers, teachers, shuttle supervisors and shuttle analysts, including visas
  • Living expenses, accommodation, interpreters’ fees etc. for visiting analysts
  • Bursaries for routers to attend international conferences, but not including accommodation costs
  • Purchase of books
  • Translation of books and articles
  • Purchase of telephone and/or video conferencing equipment to encourage distance learning

This is not an exhaustive list, and Developing Groups and Router Groups will be able to make other requests that are appropriate to their circumstances. Applications will not normally be accepted from individuals. An individual can make a request only if it is included in the group’s overall budget and is endorsed by the group’s IAAP Liaison Person or Router Organiser. However, grants cannot be given to cover fees paid by individuals to analysts for teaching, supervision or personal analysis.

In the year2012, applications can be made for a grant of up to the value of 10,000 CHF.

For January 2012 applications may be made only once a year with the deadline of 30th September 2012.

Only one application per Developing Group or Router Group may be made in any one year. Each grant is a discrete one-off payment with no undertaking that any further grant will be made to that group in the future, although itis free to apply again in subsequent years.

Requests to the FAJP should include the following information:

  • a general account of the Developing Group/Router Group’s membership, activities, circumstances, organisational structures
  • the current training needs of the Developing Group or Router Group
  • money given to the Group now and in the past by the IAAP
  • a detailed budget with an up to date estimate of specific costs, hours, airfares etc
  • the names of two people who are willing to write in support of the application, whom FAJP can approach for references

Guidelines for completing the application form - Please ensure you answer ALL the questions. Applicants should pay particular attention to the following:

Question 4: History and Structure of your group

FAJP needs a complete picture of your group - so it is important to state the facts and information about your group accurately. Make sure you have completed all the financial information about monies you have received from IAAP – both past and present.

Question 5: Purpose and Activity of your group

This question needs to be answered as fully as possible paying particular attention to the current education and training needs of the members. Do not use initials or abbreviations as they will not be familiar to FAJP. This question is designed to give FAJP a summary of the current activities of your group.

Question 6: Purpose of your Application for a Grant

Your answers to this question should show why you want a grant from FAJP. Explain in detail what you propose to use the grant for. Try to reflect accurately what you intend to do and make sure there is enough detail in your response for FAJP to be able to understand your future programme and how the grant will be spent.

Question 7: Budget

You need to give a detailed breakdown of the grant you are requesting, making sure the items you are requesting a grant fit within the guidelines of the charity – see the earlier section of these guidelines. Please ensure you detail the exact costs – not estimates – for example, the cost of an air fare should be stated not just an estimated cost. The currency used is CHF – Swiss Francs – and the maximum you can apply for is 10,000 CHF so make sure your budget reflects this.

If the budget for your proposed programme is higher than 10,000 CHF show the complete budget and then show what element of the budget you want FAJP to pay for. However, you must also show how the balance of the programme budget is being raised.

Question 8: References

FAJP will be contacting your references before any grant is awarded, so make sure you have made the references aware that you have put their names down in your application.

An Application Form is available to download from the FAJP website.

FAJP will expect yearly reports of how the money has been used and how it has helped the DG or Router Group.

Trustees of FAJP:

Pramila Bennett, Chair (Managing Editor, Journal of Analytical Psychology)

Catherine Crowther (SAP)

Lucinda Hawkins (SAP)

Marigold Johnson

Ann Kutek (BAP)

Penny Pickles (SAP)

Diana Rose

Jan Wiener (SAP, IAAP)


Martin Shaw, Treasurer

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