Process Guide:
Functional Behavior Assessment/BehaviorIntervention Plan
School teams should use this checklist to guide them through the process of conducting a functional behavioral assessment (FBA) and writing and implementing a positive behavior intervention plan (BIP).
Student: Age/Grade:
Behavior(s) of concern:
DATE / FUNCTIONAL BEHAVIOR ASSESSMENTSTEP ONE (Could occur at an SST, IEP, Student Concerns Meeting, etc.)
- Secure parental consent for FBA. If student is special ed, 504, or in the special education/504 eligibility process, use SE:2 - Parental Consent, if general ed, use Parent Consent for FBA
- For students who receive special education or are in the eligibility process, all special education assessment timelines and the 5 day rule apply
- If parents refuse permission, do not proceed with the FBA. You may use all existing data to create a BIP.
- Gather multiple sources of information (including student records, medical records, IEP or 504 Plan) from various individuals (e.g., teachers, parents, classmates, and student)
- A general idea of the behavior of concern is developed and written into the FBA forms
- If a student who is special ed, 504 or in the special ed/504 eligibility process is disciplinarily removed beyond 10 days of suspension, they must have a FBA that focuses on the specific behavior that caused the removal beyond 10 days
- Distribute the FBA forms
- Review FBA forms to confirm the specific behavior of concern
- Determine the direct measure* for collecting baseline data (e.g., ABC chart, frequency count, scatter plot) and distribute appropriate forms. Collect data for a minimum of five days.
- Determine the additional indirect measure* (e.g., student interview, checklist, questionnaire) and distribute appropriate forms
- Determine who will be responsible for completing the direct and indirect measures
- Bring and review the following information:
- FBA forms
- Additional indirect measure
- Direct measure
- Draft a Behavior Intervention Plan
- Use the Rubric for Quality Components for guidance
- For students receiving special education present the BIP at an IEP meeting.
- For general ed students present the BIP at a team meeting including parents& if appropriate, student
- Select direct measure for collecting ongoing data
- Set date to review data (approximately 4-6 weeks)
- Ongoing BIP data reviews should occur at least quarterly to monitor progress.
- Update BIP as appropriate or discontinue when no longer needed and inform parents. For students receiving special education services, discontinuation is an IEP team decision.
* All forms and samples can be found on under Special Education Forms, on FormFinder, and on the U drive/Staff/Pre-K12/School Counseling and School Support/FBA and BIP..
Parents and students may be invited to participate and provide input at any point throughout the process.
For severe infrequent behaviors more anecdotal measures may be used (e.g. referrals, teacher notes).
All documents should be kept in the special education folder for students receiving special education and the cumulative file for general education students. This includes instances when an FBA does not lead to a BIP.
Form Rev. 11/2013