Talented and Gifted Program - High School Seminar Contract
Last Name ______First Name:______Period _____ School: Chattahoochee_High
Course Title ____FRESHMAN FOCUS______TAG Teacher: _WINN______Semester/Year: Fall 2015
Check One:_X_ _ Seminar ____ Individual Project / Goal Statement; To orient gifted students to high school and the gifted program and develop an understanding of their unique talents and individual traits.
Content Areas:
_X__ Soc. St. _X_ Lang. Arts
____ Science ____ Foreign Lang.
_X__ Computer ____ Fine/Perf. Arts
____ Math ____ Car. Tech / Obj.#
3. / Course Objectives: As a result of participating in this study the student will be able to:
Understand the high school TAG program expectations, options, and procedures.
Increase understanding of one’s unique talents and traits and one’s relationship to others.
Develop a four year high school plan including personal goals and anticipated TAG activities.
Learner Goal:
___ _To develop advanced research
methods and independent study
_X _ To generate new ideas and products
original to the learner.
__ To develop higher order and
critical-thinking skills.
__X__ To develop advanced
communication skills. / Obj.#
1-3 / Activities/Products: The student will:
1. Review the TAG program; expectations for quality work and attendance,
Registration, procedures, advisement, seminars, individual projects, directed
studies, and internships.
2. Develop a four – year plan of courses for high school and set long – term
educational and personal goals.
3. Participate in personal assessments such as personality type, learning style, stress
analysis, leadership style, etc.
4. Develop skills for success in high school courses based upon personal
assessments and in-class activities.
5. Create a portfolio that may be used and developed throughout high school
6. Participate in team building activities. / Date Due / Completed / Teacher Comments
Contacts: Weekly
Student: ______
TAG Teacher: ______
Other: ______
Directionalty Materials
Deal me In cards
Internet/ computer labs
Career & counseling center
Completion Date: ______