Growing Success states:
It is expected that teachers will work with students to help them develop the learning skills and work habits identified in the following table [see reverse]. For each of the skills and habits, the table provides examples of associated behaviours, which are designed to guide teachers in the instruction, assessment, and evaluation of the learning skills and work habits. The sample behaviours are intended to assist but not restrict teachers in their efforts to help students become effective learners, and will look different at the various grade levels. (pg. 10)
- Refer to the LEARNING SUMMARIES BY STRAND on pp. 122-133 of the Family Life Education curriculum policy document.
- Use a highlighter to indicate the expectations that teachers could use to help students develop an understanding of each of the Ontario Ministry of Education Learning Skills.
- Be prepared to share your findings with the group.
The following is the vision of the Ministry’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy:
We envision an inclusive education system in Ontario in which:
- all students, parents, and other members of the school community are welcomed and respected;
- every student is supported and inspired to succeed in a culture of high expectations for learning.
To achieve an equitable and inclusive school climate, school boards and schools will strive to ensure that all members of the school community feel safe, comfortable, and accepted. We want all staff and students to value diversity and to demonstrate respect for others and a commitment to establishing a just, caring society.
Ontario’s Accepting Schools Act (Bill 113) builds on the Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy:
Bill 13 requires school boards to prevent and address inappropriate and disrespectful behaviour among students in our schools. These behaviours include bullying, discrimination and harassment. The new law makes it clear that these behaviours are unacceptable in our schools. It promotes respect and understanding for all students regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, disability or any other factor.
- Refer to the LEARNING SUMMARIES BY STRAND on pp. 122-133 of the Family Life Education curriculum policy document.
- Use a highlighter to indicate the expectations that teachers could use to cultivate a safe, welcoming, inclusive environment.
- Be prepared to share your findings with the group.
The expectations for health and physical education are organized into three distinct butrelated strands – Active Living, Movement Competence, and Healthy Living. Integral toexpectations in all these strands is a further set of expectations, presented at the start ofeach grade. These are the living skills – the personal, interpersonal, and critical and creativethinking skills that are essential to the achievement of expectations in the three strands.The living skill expectations are to be taught and evaluated in conjunction with learningin each of the strands; they cannot be addressed in isolation. They make the learning inhealth and physical education personally relevant to students, as students learn to applythem in a variety of contexts that relate to their everyday lives.
- Refer to the LEARNING SUMMARIES BY STRAND on pp. 122-133 of the Family Life Education curriculum policy document.
- Use a highlighter to indicate the expectations that teachers could use to also address expectations in health and physical education.
- Be prepared to share your findings with the group.