Full Time & Part Time Employees

Instructions for Completing Employment Papers

There are many personnel forms that you will need to print and complete before you can be hired as an employee of Ogeechee Technical College (OTC). All of those forms are listed on the OTC website under New Hire Packet. Please bring these forms with you on your first day of work in order for us to process your information into the payroll system.

The Director of Human Resources is available Monday through Thursday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM and on Friday from 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM if you have any questions. The Director of Human Resources can be reached at (912) 871-1801 or .

Please read these instructions carefully. Accurate and complete data are essential. Complete the forms to the extent possible andbring them with you. All entries, other than signature, must be typed or printed in ink. DO NOT SIGN ANY FORMS REQUIRING A NOTARY OR A WITNESS!We will take care of that when you start your New Employee Orientation.

1) G-4 State of Georgia Employees Withholding Allowance Certificate

The link to this form will allow you to complete the form (typing it) on line. Once you have completed the form, print and sign it. You must complete your name, address, and Social Security Number. Read and follow the instructions on the bottom of the form to

determine your state withholding, then check the appropriate block. Remember to date and sign.

2) Federal W-4 Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate

The link to this form will allow you to complete the form (typing it) on line. Once you have completed the form, print and sign it.You must complete your name, address, and Social Security Number. Check the appropriate block in number 3 “Marital Status” and

on line 5 place the number of allowances you are claiming. Remember to date and sign.

3) State Security Questionnaire and Loyalty Oath

The link to this form allows you to complete the form (typing it) on line. Complete all questions. For the “Loyalty Oath” section, fillin your name, the country in which you have citizenship, and Athens Technical College. For the “Affidavit of Verification” section, fill

in the county of your residence and print your name in the space provided in the first paragraph. DO NOT SIGN THE FORM. THIS FORMMUST BE SIGNED IN THE PRESENCE OF A NOTARY PUBLIC.

4) Worker’s Compensation Questionnaire Subsequent Injury Report

This is not a form that can be completed on line. It is not a fill-in form. Simply print the form and complete in either blue or blackink. Section I, complete name, Social Security Number and date of employment. “Unit” is Ogeechee Technical College. Section II,

answer all questions. If any answers are “yes,” explain in the “Remarks” Section. Date and sign at the bottom of the form.

5) Employment Eligibility Verification (Form I-9)

The link to this form will allow you to complete the form (typing it) on line. Section 1, complete name, including birth name ifdifferent from current name, address, date of birth, and social security number. Check box 1, 2 or 3 that applies to you; print theform, sign and date. Section II will be completed when eligibility documents are verified by the Office of Human Resources or hiringofficial. Please read the lists in Section II and bring the appropriate documents with you when employment papers are returned. These documents must be brought with you so that your employment eligibility can be verified.

6) Designation of Outstanding Wages

The link to this form allows you to complete the form (typing it) on line. Complete all applicable sections. Directions on how tocomplete this form are provided for you.

7) Selective Service

State Law requires all selected male applicants between the ages of 18 and 26 to present proof of having registered with the SelectiveService System or to present proof of being exempt from registration prior to beginning State employment.

8) Transcripts

Faculty & Adjunct Instructors:

If your original transcripts were not submitted during the interview process, you will have to have them mailed from allacademic institutions you attended directly to the attention of the Director of Human Resources at the college address.Contact the Director of HR for the correct name and address the transcripts will need to be mailed to so their authenticity

will be validated.Staff:Transcripts are required to verify educational background for certain positions. The position you hold will determinewhether the college needs to maintain official, original transcripts.