Full proposal’s acronymAAPG ANR 2017
Challenge - funding instrument
Full proposal’s title
(FR + EN)
Applicants are advised to use an easily readable document layout (A4 pages, times 11 or equivalent, single spaced, 2 cm margins, numbered pages).
The submission site will not upload any document exceeding 20 pages.
CV and references are to be provided as an annex (a single document not exceeding 20 pages).
Table of contents
I.Proposal’s context, positioning and objective(s)
I.1.Objectives and scientific hypotheses
I.2.Originality and relevance in relation to the state of the art
I.3.Risk management and methodology
II.Project organisation and means implemented
II.1.Scientific coordinator
II.3.Means of achieving the objectives
II.1.Scientific coordinator
II.2.The scientific coordinator’s team
II.3.Means of achieving the objectives
III.Impact and benefits of the project
Project summary
Copy and paste the summary entered using the online form (max. 4,000 characters)
Summary table of persons involved in the project:
Partner / Name / First name / Currentposition / Involvement (person.month)* / Role & responsibilities in the project (4 lines max)
University X/ Company Y / CALCULUS / Cuthbert / Professor / 18 / Scientific coordinator
Scientific and technical leader (partner no. x)
Other member (partner x)
* indicate the amount throughout the project's total duration
If the project is international collaborative research project (PRCI), replace table with:
Country / University or institution / Last Name / First name / Current position / Role in the project / Involvement(person.months)*
Professor? / Coordinator?
Task number?
Technician? / Task number?
Postdoc to be hired in the framework of the project? / Task number?
Any change that have been made in the full proposal compared to the pre-proposal
About a half page (0.5),
Specify and justify any significant changes made since the drafting of the pre-proposal, in particular changes in duration, requested grant amount, scientific and technological objectives and composition of the consortium.
I.Proposal’s context, positioning and objective(s)
About five pages (5),
I.1.Objectives and scientific hypotheses
State the issue being addressed. Present the project’s objectives and scientific and technical barriers to be lifted. Emphasise the ambitious nature and/or novelty of the proposal. Possibly describe any final products developed, present the expected results.
I.2.Originality and relevance in relation to the state of the art
Present state of knowledge on the subject. Show the possible contributions of project partners to said state of the art. Please list any preliminary results.
Where relevant, describe the project’s background by presenting, depending on the objectives envisaged, an analysis of social, economic, regulatory, environmental, industrial implications etc. Specify the project’s positioning in this context: towards competing, complementary, and previous research projects, patents and standards...
In the case of project proposals following up on previous project(s) already funded by ANR or by another body, this must be mentioned in the document (a table will be indicated in section II.3about these proposal’s financial and administrative details). Provide a summary of the results achieved and clearly describe the new issues raised and the new objectives set out in the light of the earlier project.
Position the project at the national level (specify any links with a structure or a regional /national structure, with a project supported through the Investments for the Future programme etc.), and other European and international programmes.
I.3.Risk management and methodology
Describe the methods and technical decisions, risks and fall-back solutions envisaged.
II.Project organisation and means implemented
About ten (10) pages
If the project is collaborative (PRC, PRCE, PRCI),
II.1.Scientific coordinator
Indicate scientific coordinator’s experience (for each of the scientific coordinators from each individual country in the case of PRCI) and their roles in the project (please provide CV in an annex).
Present the consortium and its complementarity
Demonstrate the quality and the complementary nature of the consortium (CVs of principal scientific leaders in the annex).
Where appropriate, demonstrate the link between scientific disciplines andthe complementary nature of skills called upon. Specify the main references of the relevant consortium in the field with a direct link to the proposal (publications, R&D highlights, patents, scientific prizes, products, processes, licenses, services, etc.), and all other items providing a framework for judging the quality of partners and consortia where appropriate.
II.3.Means of achieving the objectives
Describe the means to achieve the objectives.
Set out the scientific programme and justify the work programme's task breakdown with regard to the objectives being pursued.
For each task, list the objectives and potential indicators of success, the leader and partners involved, the complete work programme, deliverables, partners' contributions, methods and technical decisions, risks, and fall-back solutions.
Timetable for respective tasks and their dependencies may be included if justified and presented as charts (e.g. Gantt chart).
For research projects dealing with subjects that may harm humans, animals, or the environment, discuss the ethical aspects of the project.
Indicate, if necessary, the conditions of access to a very large research infrastructure (TGIR).
Provide partner-by-partner scientific and technical justification (including foreign partners for PRCI) of the resources sought, per major expenditure items in accordance with the information filled in on the website and with ANR’s grant allocation procedures.
Add table of previous or ongoing projects and funding received in connection with this proposal
Title of the call for proposals, source of funding / Project title / Name of coordinator / Starting date/End date / Grant amount / Part. / Name / Person. MonthOf the person involved in this proposal
If Young researchers project (JCJC),
II.1.Scientific coordinator
Present the scientific coordinator, his/her situation at the time of submission and during the implementation of the project, his/her role in the project (Please provide CV in an annex).
II.2.The scientific coordinator’s team
Present the scientific coordinator’s team and its positioning within the organisation or the host laboratory.
II.3.Means of achieving the objectives
Describe the means to achieve the objectives.
Set out the scientific programme and justify the work programme's task breakdown with regard to the objectives being pursued.
For each task, list the objectives and potential indicators of success, the complete work programme, deliverables, team members' contributions, methods and technical decisions, risks, and fall-back solutions. Timetable for respective tasks and their dependencies may be included if justified and presented as charts (e.g. Gantt chart).
For research projects dealing with subjects that may harm humans, animals, or the environment, discuss the ethical aspects of the project.
Indicate, if necessary, the conditions of access to a very large research infrastructure (TGIR).
Provide scientific and technical justification of the resources sought, per major expenditure items in accordance with the information filled in on the website and with ANR’s grant allocation procedures.
Add table of previous or ongoing projects and funding received in connection with this proposal
Title of the call for proposals, source of funding / Project title / Name of coordinator / Starting date/End date / Grant amount / Part. / Name / Person. MonthOf the person involved in this proposal
III.Impact and benefits of the project
About five (5) pages;
-Please specify in what field(s) (scientific, economic, social or cultural) the results of the project may have an impact
-Describe how the results of the project address an ANR 2017 Work Programme challenge or theme, an SNR priority area, or fundamental research theme
-Describe the dissemination and/or exploitation strategy envisaged
Specify the scientific impact and the actions of scientific communication, actions promoting scientific and technical awareness and education (outreach to other scientificcommunities, the general public, etc.), and contributions to higher education curricula.
Specifyhow results will be promoted and create value, including a rough plan for using and protecting results, scientific, technical, industrial, and economic benefits...
When appropriate, specify the project's positioning within the industrial strategy of the project's industrialpartners, additional impacts (standardisation, creating awarenessamong government bodies, ...), deadlines and the nature of expected techno-economic benefits, the possible impact on employment, creation of new business opportunities...