January 2002 Page 2 FGMAA

January 2002 FGMAA

Full Gospel Ministerial Association of America, Inc.

January 2002 Page 2 FGMAA

January 2002 Page 2 FGMAA

The prayers of God’s saints are the capital stock in heaven by which Christ carries on His great work upon the earth. Great and mighty convulsions in the world have come about as a result of prayers. The earth is changed, revolutionized; angels move on more powerful wings; and God’s policy is shaped when the prayers of His people are more numerous and more efficient. E.M.Bounds

Bulletin Board

Tuesday, January 1

Start the year off right, be at Full Gospel Outreach, 113 Liberty Ave., Berea, KY for prayer at 7 P.M. New year’s day.

Of all the duties enjoined by Christainity, none is more essential and yet more neglected than prayer. Most people consider prayer a fatiguing ceremony, which they (believe) are justified in abridging as much as possible. Fenelon

Monday, January 14

Monthly Business Meeting

Board of Directors meet at 6 PM

Membership meets at 7 PM.

Please note that by resolution of the Executive Board of Directors in the August monthly meeting, by unanimous vote, all Executive Directors and Officers must attend at least 6 of 12 monthly meetings in order to be qualified to continue serving in the following year, except for emergency absences approved by the Board.

Monday, January 21, 7 PM

The House of Worship, Mason Lake Rd., Berea, KY will be hosting the FGMAA Monthly fellowship meeting. Speaker will be Rev. Burford Parkerson, Pastor is Rev. Jeff Whittemore.

Missionary Activity

Dr. David T. Rahamut, Missionary to India and Africa will be going to Africa in February 2002. Please pray for his safety, health and the salvation of souls in these crusades.

Please pray for Rev. Vernal French, Missionary to Mexico, and the needs there. He presently oversees thirty churches in North East Mexico and is in the process of building four new churches in Saltillo, Mex., and plans to build a campground in La Ascension, Mexico.

Please encourage any church that is able to support this work financially and physically.


Please welcome the following new members approved at the December meeting.

Rev. Donald R. Trusty, Full Gospel Tabernacle, Miamisburg, OH, Rev. William T. Taylor, Full Gospel Outreach, Berea, KY, Rev Orvel Hisel, McKee, KY, Rev. Steve R. Mullins, Lily, KY, Rev. Jerry Lee Thomas, Richmond, KY.


Please be in prayer concerning an early spring Prayer Conference....

Prayer...is a disinfectant and a preventive. It purifies the air; it destroys the contagion of evil

E.M. Bounds

The Full Gospel Ministerial Association of America, .P.O.. Box 1143 Berea, KY 40403

Is a 501, (C), (3) non-profit association incorporated in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

President...... Rev George M. Poynter

Vice-President...... Rev Donald R. Wilson

Advisory Board Chair...... Rev James E. Smith, DD

Secretary...... Rev McKinley C. Bishop

Four Kentucky counties havce been sued by the ACLU for posting the Ten Commandments along with other historical documents as approved by the Supreme Court in an earlier decision. The four counties include Boyle, Garrard, Mercer and Rowan, Please remember these counties and the leaders who have said we are taking a stand for God and against the evil for which the ACLU stands.

The ACLU was established in 1920. Founers and leaders of the ACLU include such persons as Dr. Harry F. Ward, an identified Communist, who was its first chairman; William Z. Foster , former head of the Communist Party, U.S.A.; Morris Ernst, also a founder and member of the national executive board of the National Lawyers Guild, “cited as a Communist front which “is the foremost legal bulwark of the Communist Party, its front organizations, and controlled unions” and which “since its inception has never failed to rally to the legal defense of the Communist Party and individual members thereof, including known espionage agents” 1

And Humanist Roger Baldwin. (Baldwin has a long record of Communist front citations).2 After concluding its first decade under the directorship of Roger Baldwin, ACLU came under the scrutiny of the U.S. House of Representatives Special Committee to investigate Communist Activities in the United States. That Committee’s report, dated January 17, 1931, contained the following statement:

“The American Civil Liberties Union is closely affiliated with the Communist movement tin the United States, and fully 90 per cent of its efforts are on behalf of communists who have come into conflict with the law. It claims to stand for free speech, free press, and free assembly; but it is quite apparent that the main function of the ACLU is to attempt to protect the communists in their advocacy of force and violence to overthrow the Government, replacing the American flag by a red flag and erecting a Soviet government in place of the republican form of government guaranteed to each state by the Federal Constitution. “

The ACLU defended and, according to Irving Stone’s biography of ACLU founding member Clarence Darrow, actually manufactured and orchestrated John Scopes as a defendant in the infamous Dayton, Tenessee “monkey trial” in 1925 when Scopes challenged the Tennessee law banning the teaching of evolution. Evolution eliminates God in the teaching of the origins of the world. The abundant recognition of God Almighty is throughout American history. However, elimination of God in American public life - even if it censors or revises Amirican history - has been the ACLU’s mission as it has opposed the Ten Commandments in schools and has worked to erase the words, “under God” from our pledge of allegiance and off the motto on U.S. currency, while it vigorously opposed laws regulating obscene or pornographic material because the Union knows of “no clear or convincing empirical proof of a casual relationship between allegedly obscene material and antisocial behavior”. The ACLU opposes no religion except Christianity and Judaism.

As one considers the cases brought in the Kentucky county courthouses and the Harlan school houses, it should be noted that despite the ACLU’S vigorous attempt to say and do otherwise, “separation of church and state” does not appear anywhere in the American Constitution. This is one figment of their destructive Agenda. The only Constitution it did appear in is the Communist Soviet Constitution.


The ACLU defiantly defends those who profit from child pornography.

The ACLU’s passion for defending the sale and distribution of child pornogaphy led it to argue before the U.S. Supreme Court that child pornography was a form of free speech, protected by the First Amendment. It should be noted that the ACLU receives funding from the Playboy foundation. (Policy 4)

The ACLU’s position on the system which designates movies as G, PG, PG-13, R and X is that it should be eliminated. The ACLU does not like its “restrictive impact on the marketplace of ideas.” The ACLU is particularly disturbed by the R and X ratings, contending that such labels discourage further production of these movies and the ACLU is displeased that hotels and airlines “frequently refuse to accept X-rated films” (Policy 18)

The ACLU holds that “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional.

“The essence of the Pledge of Allegiance is to affirm one’s duto to country”. (Policy 92)

The ACLU wants drugs legalized, stating that “the introduction of substances into one’s own body” is a civil liberty. The ACLU’s philosophical belief is that liberty includes the right to self abuse, even when it is certain the drug addicts cannot help but infringe upon the rights of others by engaging in uncontrollably violent and deviant behavior and by burdening taxpayers with enormous bills for mediccal and welfare expenses. (Policy 210)

The ACLU holds that prostitution and street solicitation should be legalized. The ACLU bluntly “supports the decriminalization of prostitution and opposes state regulation of prostitution. The ACLU also condemns the “abuse of vagrancy of loitering laws or licensing or regulatory schemes to harass and arrest those who may be engaged in solicitation for prostitution”. (Policy 211)

The ACLU is also wedded to the gay rights movement. The ACLU holds that health professionals should not be allowed to trace for AIDS and that doctors should be prohibited from notifying unsuspecting persons that might be infected with this deadly disease. ((Policy 368, sections A-6 and B-5)

1 Committee on Un-American Activities, House report 3123 on the National Lawyers Guild, Sept 21, 1950

2 California Legislature, 1953 regular session, Eleventh report, Senate investigating Committee on Education, pages 18, 19, 23, 33, 40, 46, 132, 351. Investigation of communists Activities in N.Y.C. area, Part VI. House Committee on Un-American Activities, July 7, 1953, pages 2075-2077.

The alarm has sounded, The door has been opened, Our work is set before us and we must not delay in our efforts.

Celebrate Jesus!