Pennsylvania Standard Forms
Technical Instructions
The Pennsylvania Standard Family Service Plan (FSP) and Child’s Permanency Plan (CPP) have been provided on CD. The FSP has been broken into nineseparate sections. The CPP has been broken into twelve separate sections. The standard forms have been formatted as Word documents to accommodate the technological capacity of each of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties. Refer to the Pennsylvania Standard FSP or CPP Instructions documentsfor how to complete each form.
Basic Form Information 1
Navigation and Editing Within the Document 2
Setting Up Form Templates 2
Word 98 or 2000 3
Word XP 2002 3
Basic Form Information
The sections of the FSP and CPP are word document templates and have been protected to alleviate modifications to the basic form. The protected form does not allow the use of spell check nor will it allow you to insert pagesinto the document. Regular copy and paste functions will work between fields once data has been recorded into the field.
To alleviate the need to retype the information in each field or to copy and paste between documents,click on the View menu, select Toolbars from the listing, and click on the Clipboard (clipboard dialogue box will appear). Select the text in the field you want to copy. Click on the Copy button located on the standard toolbar (the text will be placed on the clipboard). Place your cursor in the field you want to paste the text to then click on the text residing on the clipboard.
Caution: Removing file protection and re-protecting the document could cause data loss; removing file protection and inserting duplicate pages could also cause data loss.Inserting duplicate pages into the same document removes assigned bookmarks (field names).
Some fields will look like they are truncating (cutting off) because both Arial and Times New Roman are True Type Fonts which means the letters are not a standard width like the old typewriter PICA and Elite type size. Field lengths were set by typing the same letter until the row maximum was reachedgiving the character count. Example: In the first strength section the maximum number of characters is 1020 which equalsapproximately 17 lines of text by typing the letter “a” to the end of the field. By typingactual words including spaces, the number of lines is reduced.
Navigation and EditingWithin the Document
The following commands have the assigned meanings within the FSP and CPP documents:
Tab Key – Moves from field to field (when document remains protected).
Scroll bar – Moves up and down or left or right within the document.
Left Mouse click or right depending on mouse set up – Activates selected field.
Ctrl Home – Returns to the first field in document.
Ctrl End – Moves to the last field in document.
Page Up – Moves up one field at a time.
Page Down – Moves down one field at a time.
Editing Information – Navigate to the field in question, highlight the information to be edited, type the new data. To save the data click on the save button on the standard toolbar.
Setting Up Form Templates
Before using the forms follow the instructions listed below.
•Copy the FSP and CPP templates (located on your CD) into the Microsoft Templates Folder. You can get to this folder by right clicking on the Start Menu,left clickonExplore, double-click on the Program File folder, double-click on the Microsoft Office folder, and double-click on the Templates folder.
•Counties will need to develop a process to determine the proper storage procedure foreach FSP and CPP by each family’s or child’s case.
•The development of a case file folder will need to be established for each case or child. Develop the Case File Folders (1 per case or child)per county process.
•To provide a working copy of the form open up the Word Application.
•Click on the File Menu and select the New option.
•Depending on Word Versionfollow the appropriate directions:
Word 98 or 2000
- Click on the General Tab
- SelectFSPSection A- Opening & Strengths.
- Click on the Create New Documentradio button
- Click on the OK command button. (Document shows in the application window)
- Immediately save the file by clicking on the File Menu option and selectSave As (Save As Dialogue Box appears)
- Click on the Save In drop-down arrow (directory tree appears), select the case file folder by double clicking on the appropriate case folder to open it.
- Click on New File Folder Icon (folder with star) located to the right of the Save In drop-down list, rename the folder to appropriate county naming convention (i.e. 1234 FSP 11-04-04). The name of new folder should be showing in the Save In field.
- Type the Name of the file per your county instructions in the File Name field(i.e. 1234 FSP Section A).
- Click on the Save as Type drop-down arrow (Save as Type drop-down list appears), select Word Document (*.doc) from the list.
- Clickon the Save command button, each of the sections will need to be created following the instructions listed below.
- Repeat the above steps for each of the required and applicable optional sections of the FSP and the CPP.
- Properly identify multiples of the following sections when needed:
- FSP Section C- Identifying Information (example: Section C- child’s name).
- FSP Section D- Household Members.
- FSP Section E- Individuals & Groups Significant to the Family.
- FSP Section F- Service Plan (example: Objective 1-1, Objective 1-2,
Objective 1-3, Objective 2).
- CPP Section H- Visitation Plan.
- CPP Section J- Service Plan.
Word XP 2002
- Follow steps 1 through 5 above (the New Document Task Pane will appear).
- In the New FromTemplate section of the Task Pane click on General Templates (Templates Dialogue Box Appears).
- Click on the General Tab
- SelectFSP Section A- Opening & Strengths
- Click on the Create New Document radio button
- Click on the OK command button. (Document shows in the application window)
- Immediately save the file by clicking on the File Menu option and select Save As (Save As Dialogue Box appears)
- Click on the Save In drop-down arrow (directory tree appears), select the case file folder by double clicking on the appropriate case folder to open it.
- Click on New File Folder Icon (folder with star) located to the right of the Save In drop-down list, rename the folder to appropriate county naming convention (i.e. 1234 FSP 11-04-04). The name of new folder should be showing in the Save In field.
- Type the Name of the file per your county instructions in the File Name field (i.e. 1234 FSP Section A).
- Click on the Save as Type drop-down arrow (Save as Type drop-down list appears), select Word Document (*.doc) from the list.
- Click on the Save command button, each of the sections will need to be created following the instructions listed below.
- Repeat the above steps for each of the required and applicable optional sections of the FSP and the CPP.
- Properly identify multiples of the following sections when needed:
- FSP Section C- Identifying Information (example: Section C- child’s name).
- FSP Section D- Household Members.
- FSP Section E- Individuals & Groups Significant to the Family.
- FSP Section F- Service Plan (example: Objective 1-1, Objective 1-2,
Objective 1-3, Objective 2).
- CPP Section H- Visitation Plan.
- CPP Section J- Service Plan.
Issued December 2005