FSHN 167 Supplemental InstructionPractice Exam 5

1. Define the following terms:

Low birth weight (LBW):

Small for gestational age (SGA):


Large for gestational age (LGA):

2. True/False: Folate needs increase during pregnancy.

3. Having low folate intake during pregnancy increases the risk for ______.

4. True/False: The umbilical cord connects the mother’s stomach to the fetus’s stomach.

5. True/False: the placenta prevents all drugs and toxins from entering the fetus’s blood.

6. True/False: because a newborn only weighs about 8 pounds, pregnant females should only gain about 8 pounds during pregnancy.

7. True/False: females who are underweight should ideally gain more weight during pregnancy than pregnant females who are obese.

8. True/False: females who are pregnant should not exercise.

9. ______is/are used to determine if a child is growing in a healthy way.

10. A female who starts a pregnancy at a normal BMI should gain ______- ______lbs. during pregnancy.

11. True/False: Hispanic women have an increased risk of low birth weight.

12. Fill in the table with kilocalories extra per day and g of protein extra per day that should be consumed by a pregnant female in each of the three trimesters.

Kilocalories extra per day / Protein extra per day
First Trimester
Second Trimester
Third Trimester

13. Solid food should be introduced at _____ - _____ months, which is also the age when ______stores start to run out in the infant’s body.

14. Infants need a much (higher/lower) amount of protein per kg but a much (higher/lower) percent of protein as overall calories.

15. Matching:

____ premilk produced before and just after birth a. oxytocin

____ peptidehormone that signals milk production b. estrogen and progesterone

____ steroid hormones that are high during pregnancy c. prolactin

____ peptide hormone that signals milk letdown (release)d. colostrum

____ 0 – 2 weeks e. teratogen

____ 2 – 8 weeksf. critical period

____ 8 – 38 weeksg. implantation stage

____ stage when organogenesis occurs h. embryo stage

____ stage when most growth occurs i. fetal state

____ chemical that can cause birth defects j. placenta

____ period of time during development of an organ or system when it is most sensitive to a teratogen

____ organ that connects fetus to uterine wall for to exchange nutrients and waste

16. Circle: During pregnancy the body’s “need” for calcium (increases/decreases/stays the same), andthe RDA for calcium (increases/decreases/stays the same) because absorption of calcium (increases/decreases/stays the same).

17. True/False: pregnant females should not consume fish during pregnancy

18. True/False: pregnant females should consume an extra 25 g of protein per day on top of how much protein they were already consuming

19. True/False: because the RDA for vitamin A increases during pregnancy, pregnant females should take a retinoid (vitamin A) supplement.

20. True/False: babies should be weaned at 3 months onto cow’s milk.

21. Circle: (High/Low) intake of caffeine causes a (small/large) increase in the risk of having a miscarriage.

22. Circle: A healthy, pregnant female in the third trimester would be in (positive/negative/equilibrium) nitrogen balance.

23. List the nutrients that are added to enriched foods and why those particular nutrients are added.

24. List some foods that are high in folate.

25. RDA stands for ______.

26. The RDAs and the DVs are the same thing and these terms can be used interchangeably.

27. True/False: You must consume at least the RDA for all nutrients every day in order to be healthy.

28. Barb (female) and Bill (male) both weigh 160 lbs and are 5’5”. They would have (equal/different) BMIs and (unequal/different) IBWs and %IBWs.

29. Case study: Over the last 7 days, Shelly, a pregnant female, consumed 45 mg, 20 mg, 120 mg, 65 mg, 40 mg, 55 mg, 5 mg of Vitamin C. The RDA for vitamin C for a pregnant female is 85 mg.

a. Is Shelly at risk for Vitamin C deficiency?

b. Does Shelly have scurvy?

c. Does her vitamin C intake put her future infant at risk for low birth weight?

d. Besides preventing scurvy, why would increasing her vitamin C intake during pregnancy be beneficial?

30. Case study: Daniel is a 22 year old male who weighs 180 lbs and is 5’10”. His PAL is 1.45 which is low active.

a. What is his BMI and what BMI category is he in?

b. What is his BMR and TEE? How much fluid should he consume per day?

c. He currently consumes about 80 g of protein perday and he consume about 2900 kcals per day. Is this an appropriate amount of protein and kcals?

d. Will adding a protein shake to his diet help build his muscle mass even without changing his activity?

e. Daniel is white and always follows MyPlate. Is he currently at risk for hypertension, iron deficiency anemia, or osteoporosis? Which of these conditions should he be most concerned about in 20 – 30 years?

f. Daniel wants to lose weight so he decides to cut out his daily king sized candy bar which means he consumes 300 kcals fewer every day. How long will it take him to lose 10 lbs?

g. Daniel was recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes? Was this caused by his high simple carbohydrate intake from his candy? What will Daniel need to do now that he’s been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes?

h. Daniel’s breakfast contains 22 g protein, 50 g carbohydrate, and 15 g fat. How many kcals is this? Is this meal within the AMDRs?

i. Daniel wants to lose body fat so he decides to eat a lower percent of his total kcals from fat. He switches out his 200 kcals worth of butter on his toast for 200 kcals worth of strawberry jam on his toast. Will this change help Daniel lose body fat?