DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. / 7709.58_30
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FSH 7709.58 – transportation system maintenance handbook
Chapter 30 – maintenance of other transportation facilities
/ Forest Service Handbook
intermountain region (region 4)
ogden, ut
fsH 7709.58 – transportation system maintenance handbook
chapteR 30 – maintenance of other transportation facilities
Supplement No.: 7709.58-2004-1
Effective Date: March 8, 2004
Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed.
Approved: jack g. troyerRegional Forester / Date Approved: 02/23/2004
Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document; remove entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this Handbook was 7709.58-95-1 to Chapter 30.
New Document(s): / 7709.58_30 / 3 PagesSuperseded Document(s) by
Issuance Number and Effective Date / 7709.58,30 (Supplement 7709.58-95-1, 8/18/1995) / 3 Pages
31 – This is a technical supplement that converts the format and style of this Regional directive to the new FSH template using the agency’s current cooperate word processing software. Although some minor typographical and technical errors have been corrected, this supplement contains changes to the substantive direction in this title.
31.1 - Maintenance Plan
Forest Supervisors shall develop and implement definitive maintenance plans for Forest Development airfields under their jurisdiction.
Maintenance of airfields in the River of No Return Wilderness should generally be by primitive methods. The use of motorized equipment requires prior approval by the Regional Forester or Chief (FSM 2326.04 and FSM 2326.1).
Forest Development airfields located in Wilderness or backcountry areas must be maintained to the following minimum standards:
2. Mowing and leveling of surfaces
Maintain relatively smooth surface within the used portion of the runway. The remaining portion of the runway should be maintained free of obstructions (such as, rocks, holes, and so forth.) that may damage aircraft.
4. Wind Indicators. Provide windsock and strip markers.
5. Marking of the Landing Area. Maintain present established landing surface dimension and approach clearances.
7. Drainage. Provide drainage needed for safe airfield use and to avoid resource damage.
31.3 - Closure
Close airfields that require periodic or temporary closure for maintenance, to protect vegetative cover, or for any other reason, in the following manner:
1. Mark each runway end with a yellow "X", with legs not less than 20 feet long by 30 inches wide as illustrated in exhibit 01. Secure "X's" to the ground sufficiently to prevent heavy winds from disturbing them.
2. Notify the appropriate Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Flight Service Station(s) requesting a NOTAM be issued stating the beginning and ending dates of the closure. In addition, notify in writing, the appropriate state Aeronautics Agency and adjacent Forest Dispatchers of the closure.
31.3 – Exhibit 01