Fruit and Vegetable Value Chain - Zakho RFO DOH-LIV-191
Request for Offer (RFO) for Fruit and Vegetable Value Chain Assessment Zakho District, Dohuk Governorate DOH-LIV-191
1About GOAL
GOAL is an international humanitarian agency, currently operating in 17 countries worldwide, dedicated to alleviating the suffering of the poorest of the poor. We are a non-denominational, non-governmental and non-political organisation. For more information on GOAL and its operations please visit
GOAL began working in Iraq in 2015 with a modest NFI program and an assessment of the agricultural sector (with a focus on sheep and dairy). GOAL currently has two livelihood projects based in Dohuk. The first is a 24 month (September 2016 to August 2018) PRM funded project to support livelihood development through vocational and business training, apprenticeships, grants to small businesses and market linkages in Zakho and Shekhan districts. The second is a 12 month (November 2016 to October 2017) GIZ funded project to increase livelihood skills with a focus on agricultural knowledge and productivity in Dohuk and Zakho districts and small business development in Dohuk City. GOAL is working with both internally displaced communities and local host communities.
Asthe protractedcrisisin Iraqcontinues,itiscrucialthatinternationalassistanceandsupportlooks towardsbuildinglocalresilienceinthemediumandlong-term. The on-goingconflicthasimpactedsignificantlyonthe economywithconsequentialeffectsonboth IDPsandhostcommunity.
Traditional,pre-conflictlivelihoodandemploymentopportunitieswere inthe oilandgasindustry, public sectorand a heavilysubsidized agriculturesector.Allofthesesectorshavebeensubstantially affected by the ongoingconflictandcorrespondingeconomic downturn.Agricultureisanimportant sectorforIraq’seconomy:theagriculturalsectorinIraqrepresentsthesecondlargestindustryof thenon-oileconomy,contributing4.2%toGDPin2013. Formanyhouseholds,agriculturalactivity providedasecondsourceofhouseholdincomeandsupplementedwagesearnedinthepublic sector.However,agriculture hasbeeninslow declineforoveradecadedueto low productivity, urban migration, conflict and significantly reduced government support which have fundamentally changed market dynamics.Theeventsofthepastfewyearshavehastenedthedeclinewiththeconflictcausing rural areastobe destroyed,landdeemedunsafe due toremnantsofexplosives,andagriculturalassets stolen.ReportsestimatethatIraqhaslost40% ofitsagriculturalproduction capacityfollowingISILcontrol of the country’s agriculture-dominantprovinces.
GOAL’s current programming
GOAL started implementing programs in the Kurdish Region, Iraq from September 2016. GOAL is currently implementing 2 programs in Iraq building socio-economic initiatives in the agriculture sector and also enhancing economic security and recovery in Kurdistan Region of Iraq targeting host communities, refugees and IDPs.
The first initiative is a two-year programme September 2016 – August 2018 supported by the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration in Dohuk Governorate covering Zakho and Al-Shikhan, which will create market driven agricultural livelihood opportunities in the sheep and dairy value chain, for both host communities and IDPs. Activities include; skill development through vocational training and apprenticeships, market linkages and small business grants.
The second economic livelihood initiative in Dohuk Governorate covering Dohuk City and Zakho District supported by GIZ is designed to enhance economic livelihood competencies among both urban and rural population and both host communities and IDPs. In rural areas, and in collaboration with the Agricultural Extension Directorate, the focus is to improve agricultural knowledge for increased productivity and the provision of agricultural grants. In urban areas, the programme works to improve employability through skill development and micro enterprise support.
Zakho is a district of Dohuk Governorate. The district is host to over 110,000 IDPs, including approximately 50,000 hosted across three camps (IOM Displacement Tracker). The majority of IDPs come from the Sinjar area and have moved to Zakho after IS took control of large portions of Ninewa governorate in 2014. Zakho lies close to the border with Turkey and is 60km from Dohuk. The agriculture sector (particularly livestock, followed by crops and vegetables) was the most common source of livelihood pre-conflict and continues to be today. Other reported sources of livelihood include Government job, Daily labour/informal, NGO assistance and Private sector.
Line / Item / Date, year, time1 / RFO published / 24th May 2017
2 / Closing date and time for receipt of quotations / 11th June 2017, 12.00pm Iraq Time
3 / Contract award forecast / 18th June 2017
3Supply Requirements
The purpose is to undertake two detailed value chain assessments in Zakho District of:
1. The fruits value chain;
2. The vegetables value chain;
To identify the constraints and opportunities all along the value chains (from inputs to production to value addition and markets), and to specifically identify all the key players all along both value chains. The consultant(s)/service provider will work closely with the GOAL Iraq country team and GOAL’s global Livelihoods and Markets Advisors to undertake the value chain research and to collaboratively design two portfolios of interventions based on the opportunity, feasibility and relevance in both value chains. The assessment should be conducted in accordance with GOAL methodology and tools for value chain assessments summarized in the specific scope of work.
The contract between GOAL and the winning bidder will be with one consultant. However, bidders are encouraged to assemble a group of local and/or international team members as per their methodology and team design.
Specific scope of work
The target district is Zakho but key to understanding the market system, key players and opportunities will be the markets and players in the region. The assessment should follow the following approach:
Context analysis of the fruit and vegetable value chains
- Select the value chains and map it to guide key research areas. The following presents an initial mapping of the fruit and vegetable market system; a guide to bid development and the initial research.
- Research and document the value chains (secondary and primary), and identify and document key players / stakeholders.
- Describe the target population – demographic data, land access, acres available and under cultivation, numbers of producers (M/F/Y by Host and IDP populations), average incomes, current production, involvement in current value chains, current economic activities by host / IDP groups.
- Map the value chains, supporting functions, linkages and rules or enabling environment (including relevant markets in neighbouring areas).
Complete a context analysis report for both value chains
Portfolio design
- Assess each supporting function for relevance, opportunity, feasibility and resilience. Rank according to importance to increasing livelihood opportunities all along the value chain.
- Map each supporting function and rules and identify opportunities and constraints and key players.
- Sustainability analysis of the value chains and its supporting function and rules (who does and who pays now and in the future).
- Assess key players all along the value chain for capacity and incentives and document.
- Document a portfolio of interventions for each value chain and identify the economic opportunities in the value chain for both host and IDP population.
Complete a design report for both value chains
Key tasks
Tasks- Undertake desk review of relevant documents relating to fruit and vegetable production, demand, supply and value chain (secondary research)
- Develop and submit an inception report, detailing;
- A summary of the secondary research (max. 5 pages)
- The proposed methodologies and the tools for primary data collection
- A list of proposed stakeholders to be met
- Proposed timeframe for primary data collection
- Data collection and supervision of team and quality assure data
- Value chain analysis:
- Prepare and power point presentation of the assessment findings to the GOAL team and a number of key stakeholders
- Submit draft report for review
- Revisions to report and submit final report and (final) power point presentation
Key Deliverables
- An inception report as detailed under key task two
- Primary data collection tools, testing, refining and training of team and supervision of data collection and quality.
- Data analysis workshop - a concise and well-presented summary power point presentation of the value chain assessment findings to GOAL Iraq and invited stakeholders.
- Draft value chain analysis and portfolio design reports (one per value chain) - (max. 40 pages excluding annexes) to be submitted to GOAL Iraq in English for review and feedback (Allow GOAL at least five working days for feedback)
- Final reports (one per value chain) - (max. 40 pages excluding annexes) to be approved by GOAL Iraq to include annexes with all the assessment tools / materials / summary power point presentation, list of stakeholders. Reports must be in English, fully referenced, include relevant donor acknowledgement (details provided by GOAL) and be suitable for sharing with external stakeholders.
Other Conditions
The party contracted for this piece of work will be responsible for all costs associated with delivery including but not limited to travel, accommodation, insurance, translation, data collection activities. GOAL will provide technical direction and support. Delays in delivery may result in the application of penalties or the cancellation of any contract in place.
The final report must be submitted by the 15th of September 2017
4Terms Of Bidding
GOAL, acting in its capacity as Contracting Authority, invites bidders from suitably qualified interested parties that wish to participate in conducting Fruits and Vegetables Value Chain Assessment for Zakho district in Dohuk Governorate.
This competition is being conducted under GOAL’sRequest for Offerprocedure. The Contracting Authority for this procurement is GOAL.
Any queries about this RFO should be addressed in writing to GOAL via email ease include the reference number DOH-LIV-0191 and words “clarification required” in the subject line
5Conditions of Quotation Submission
Quotations must be completed in English.
Bidders must respond to all requirements set out in this RFO and complete their offer in the format requested in Appendix 1 and 2.
In the event of a contract being awarded to a bidder that has knowingly withheld relevant information or otherwise misled GOAL in the evaluation process in any way, then that contract will be rendered null and void
Any conflicts of interest involving a bidder must be fully disclosed to GOAL particularly where there is a conflict of interest in relation to any recommendations or proposals put forward by the bidder
GOAL is not bound to accept the lowest, or any bid submitted and can terminate this competition at any stage.
Information supplied by respondents will be treated as contractually binding.
Unsuccessful bidders will be notified.
This document is not construed in any way as an offer to contract
GOAL and all contracted suppliers, and their subcontractors, associates or partners must act in all its procurement and other activities in full compliance with donor requirements and the highest ethical standards.
- Bidders must submit their best and final offer.
6Submission of Quotations
Quotes must be delivered in the following ways:
Through Email
Requirements for Email submission: All required documents filled, signed and scanned can be mailed in a single email with the attachments to
Or it can be Hand delivered to:
Procurement Team
GOAL Office, Media Qtr., Sofia St. 35, Duhok, KR-I.
The quotation must be submitted in a sealed envelope labelled with your company name and the reference “Quotation for DOH-LIV-0191” Number.
Important: Offers transmitted in any other manner or offers received after the deadline date and time will not be considered.
All responses will be opened by the GOAL Procurement Committee and all Bidders will be notified of the results.
7Submission checklist
Full submission documents must be submitted.
Line / Item / Tick attached1 / This document filled in and signed
2 / Appendix 1 Questionnaire; filled and signed
3 / Appendix 2 Financial Offer(s); filled and signed
4 / Appendix 3 Standard GOAL Terms and Conditions; signed
5 / Copy of Company Registration (when applicable)
6 /
Copy of ID or passport of consultant and team members (if any at present)
7 /Copies of Academic certificates of consultant and team members (if any at present)
8 /CV/Resume of the consultant and team members (if any at present)
8Eligibility, Qualification and Evaluation Process Award Criteria
The first phase of evaluation of the responses will determine whether the tender meets the preliminary eligibility criteria. These are:
Administrative instructions:
- Bid submission by the deadline.
- Submission of all supporting documents as outlined above in section 8.
- All costs must be quoted in USD.
- At least two references from previous or current clients (international NGO, or other organisations)must be provided.
Bidders not conforming to the administrative instructions may have their bids disqualified at this stage, and therefore would not progress to the next stages.
Essential Criteria
- Timetable is realisticshows delivery of report by 15th September
- Conducted at least two previous agricultural value chain assessments
- Ability to conduct field work in the target areas
- Submission is well written and clearly presented and shows a high level of English
- 8 years of relevant work experience
The second stage of the evaluation will involve an assessment of the bidders’ personal and legal circumstances, economic and financial standing, and technical capacity to fulfil the obligations of the Request for Offer.
Each proposal that conforms the above stages will then be evaluated according to the following Award Criteria. Any bids that do not conform to both of the above stages will be rejected at this stage.
Award Criteria
Bidders will be awarded marks under each of the award criteria listed in this section to determine the most economically advantageous quotations.
- Financial bid (scored based on inverse proportionality)
Qualifications of Consultants for the Assessment:
- Of the consultant. Based on CV/Resumes and Appendix 1.
- Beyond and above the requirements outlined in the Essential Criteria; e.g. academic degrees, vocational qualifications, training courses attended, etc.
Experience of the Consultants for the Assessment:
- Of the consultant. Based on CV/Resume and Appendix 1.
- Beyond and above the requirements outlined in the Essential Criteria.
- Amount and nature of previous experience in Agricultural (Fruits and vegetables) value chain.
- Level of experience in the region.
- Relevant Technicalexperience and expertise in related fields and activities. Previous experience with private businesses, non-profit organizations, or public agencies to provide these services.
- Number of international consultancies
Quality of References
- Feedback from both nominated referees based on their relevance.
Quality of Assessment Methodology Outline and quality of the team as per design
- Approach and Outline of the Assessment Methodology including team design. *
- Others include work plan, risk analysis and mitigation.
*GOAL is able to provide some assistance to the winning bidder in terms of recruitment of the local team. However, this is limited to providing CVs/resumes to the consultant. All other aspects of team management including but not limited to recruitment, contracting and payment is the responsibility of the consultant.
9Individual/Company information – sections MUST be completed
First name
Family name
Job Title
Company NameاAddress
Company Registration Number
E-mail address (official)
Skype address
Website address
Year Established
Type of Organisation. Tick the relevant box. / Company
Joint Venture / Other (specify):
Does the company have a bank account for business activities?
Are you willing to accept payment by cheque or bank transfer?
Who would cheques be made payable to?
Are you willing to accept GOAL’s payment terms of:
-First 50% of cost of the consultancy; 10 working days after validation of Draft Value Chain and Portfolio design report by GOAL
-Final 50% of cost of the consultancy 10 working days after submission of final report and completion of consultancy
If not please provide details.
Directors’ names and titlesا
Please state name of any other persons/organisations (except tenderer) who will benefit from this contract.
Parent company
Company ownership
Do you have associated companies? Tick relevant box. If YES – provide details for each company in the form of additional tables in this format.
Yes No
Provide details of any applicable certificates or qualifications you, your company or employees have:
Please include at least 2 (two) references who may be contacted on a confidential basis to verify satisfactory execution of contracts:
Reference 1
Nature of supply
Approximate value of contract
Reference 2
Nature of supply
Approximate value of contract
By submitting an offer under this request for quotation DOH-LIV-0191, the bidder hereby asserts that the following statements are correct at the time of submission; and further undertakes to inform GOAL of any changes in status of these matters.
The bidder is not bankrupt or is being wound up, neither are its affairs are being administered by the court nor has entered into an arrangement with creditors or has suspended business activities or is in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure under national laws and regulation.
The bidder is not the subject of proceedings for a declaration of bankruptcy, for an order for compulsory winding up or administration by the court or for an arrangement with creditors or of any other similar proceedings under national laws and regulations.
Neither the bidder, a Director or Partner, has been convicted of an offence concerning his professional conduct by a judgement which has the force of res judicata nor been guilty of grave professional misconduct in the course of their business.
The bidder has fulfilled all its obligations relating to the payment of taxes or social security contributions in Ireland or any other state or country in which the tenderer is located or doing business.
Neither the bidder, a Director or Partner has been found guilty of: fraud, money laundering, corruption; convicted of being a member of a criminal organisation; nor of serious misrepresentation in providing information to a public buying agency
The bidder has not contrived to misrepresent its Health & Safety information, Quality Assurance information, or any other information relevant to this application.
I confirm that my bid has a validity of 90 days. If your bid does not have this validity, please state what bid validity you offer.