Job Summary

The Practice Nurse is a member of the Primary Healthcare team with special responsibility for all aspects of preventative care, working to a protocol in close conjunction with the General Practitioners. The post holder is responsible for the assessment of care needs, the development, implementation and evaluation of programmes of care without supervision and may be required to teach nursing and

non-nursing staff.

The management of patients with chronic disease is key to the role.

Professional Responsibilities

  • To establish good working relationships and maintain effective communication with other nursing and medical colleagues.
  • To accept referrals of patients for screening and health promotion according to the protocol agreed by the Practice.
  • To adhere to the agreed protocols for treatment/prevention laid down by the General Practitioners and the Practice Nurses.
  • To assess and evaluate on an on-going basis the results of screening and treatment and to plan treatment/education programmes for individual patients, including chronic disease management.
  • To maintain professional knowledge and competence including compiling a professional profile in accordance with PREP.
  • To be aware of the emotional and physical needs of patients undergoing screening procedures and of the needs of the patient's immediate family, referring as necessary to appropriate primary care team members.
  • To co-operate with the primary healthcare team in co-ordinating information when setting team objectives and participating in action plans and evaluation.
  • To be involved in setting, reviewing and auditing standards of care.
  • To attend team meetings for the purpose of maintaining an informed interest in the business of the practice and primary healthcare team.
  • To be familiar with all practice policies and procedures.
  • To maintain accurate and comprehensive computerised information.
  • To be familiar with emergency procedures including fire and resuscitation.
  • To provide evidence based best practice in all aspects of work.
  • To provide Family Planning and contraception advice in practice.
  • To attend Chronic Disease groups in your area of expertise
  • To assist the Nurse Manager by taking on areas of responsibility within the practice such as vaccination, stock ordering, maintaining patient leaflets etc.
  • To be involved in chronic disease management in the community.
  • To provide chronic disease management in your area of expertise to patients within the practice


Educational Responsibilities

  • To provide practical experience and support to all learners in the community.
  • To promote good health practice through education when in contact with patients and to participate fully in formal health education activities.
  • To participate in orientation programmes for all newly appointed staff.
  • To undertake appropriate training/personal development.

Management Responsibilities

  • To ensure the appropriate use of all available resources.
  • To ensure that all equipment and aids issued are appropriate for the task, have instructions for use and a record of maintenance when relevant.
  • To report and record in accordance with the practice health and safety policy all accidents, incidents and dangerous occurrences.


In the course of your duties you may have access to confidential material about patients, members of staff or other health service business. On no account must information relating to identifiable patients be divulged to anyone other than authorised persons, for example medical, nursing or other professional staff as appropriate, who are concerned directly with the care, diagnosis and/or treatment of the patient. If you are in any doubt whatsoever as to the authority of a person or body asking for information of this nature, you must seek advice from the Practice Manager. Similarly, no information of a personal or confidential nature concerning individual members of staff should be divulged to anyone without the proper authority having first been given. Failure to observe these rules will be regarded by your employers as serious or gross misconduct which could result in disciplinary action being taken against you.

Health and Safety/Security

It is the duty of every employee to work in such a way that accidents to themselves and to others are avoided and to co-operate in maintaining their place of work in a tidy and safe condition, thereby minimising risk. Employees will therefore refer any matter of concern to the Practice Manager. Similarly, it is each person's responsibility to ensure a secure environment and bring any breaches of security to the attention of the Practice Manager.

Non-Smoking Policy

The Practice operates a policy which bans smoking in the workplace.

Standard Requirements

  • RGN with current PIN number
  • To work in accordance with NMC code of conduct
  • Membership of professional body e.g. RCN/MDU.
  • Appropriate training/experience in chronic disease management and evidence of updates required.

This job description is not exhaustive and will be reviewed and amended if appropriate.

Date of Last Review & Update:



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