February 13, 2012
From the desks of: Kate McCord, CNO, and Jamie Smith, COO
This message is intended for all Penrose-St. Francis Health Services associates. For more information on this topic, contact Kate at 776-5504 or Jamie at 776-5117.
Two New Changes to Protect the Health of Our Patients & Associates
- Fit Testing
In an effort to assist departments with meeting OSHA requirements, a decision has been made to fit test all associates who need this requirement in March of each year. The Centura Centers for Occupational Medicine (CCOM) will be providing the fit testing clinics on site during March. There will also be a PAPR station for those associates working in a PAPR-only department.
- Scheduling will be available on Feb. 20 in HealthStream.
- Associates must go online and register for a test time.
- Associates will also need to print out a complete the OSHA medical questionnaire prior to their arrival for testing.
- Medical questionnaires are to be reviewed and signed off by each department trainer prior to the day of testing.
Effective Feb. 1, 2012, all new hires are fit tested through CCOM upon hire. These associates will be due for a new fit test each March. If fit testing is not completed in March, theassociate will be suspended for a maximum of two weeks. If fit testing is not completed within thetwo weeks, the associate is terminated.
- Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis)
In 2006, the CDC (Center for Disease Control) recommended that all healthcare workers receive a one-time dose of Tdap vaccine in replacement of their Td vaccine in order to help reduce the amount of pertussis (whooping cough) disease in local communities. In order to increase the number of vaccinated healthcare workers at Penrose-St. Francis, Occupational Health will be offering Tdap vaccine to all associates who have not yet been vaccinated.
- Tdap vaccine will be made available during fit testing clinics in March.
- Prior to attending the fit testing clinic, associates are to print and complete a Tdap vaccination form which, will then be brought to the clinic so that they can receive their free Tdap vaccination.
- Associates who have already received their one-time dose of Tdap are to indicate the date they received the vaccine and submit this to Occupational Health.
Thank you for complying with the regulations and for doing your part to keep our patients and associates safe.
We extend the healing ministry of Christ by caring for those who are ill and by nurturing the health of the people in our communities.