From the Art Room…………

3rd quarter we will be using our 4C’s… Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking and of course CREATIVITY! Be sure to follow us on twitter @DebbieDpurple to see many of these beautiful projects in process and in completion.

Kindergartners are finishing up painting and collaging their colorfully attired snowmen.

The next project will look at the element of texture through the medium of clay, and we wil make clay medallions. Then we will study Paul Klee’s famous Cat and Bird painting and be inspired to create our own version.

In first grade, we are finishing up our Owl Moon Owls in oil pastel and watercolor.

Next, we are starting a ‘lion of a project’ as we paint and collage our own delightful lions.

We will read the books, Library Lion, A Lion in Paris, Cat Balloons and

as we integrate literacy with this unit.

We will work in teams to make up our own creative stories about an imaginary lion and act them out! After our lions are completed we will make tiny bird nests in clay to herald in the beginning of spring.

In second grade, we are completing our Pop Art giant cupcakes. And they are beautiful. We will study the element of texture and imprint textural designs on the clay tiles in the shape of fish.

Towards the end of the quarter we will begin a unit on the butterfly. We will integrate this lesson with the 2nd grade science curriculum. Also Ms. Dunning in the computer lab will collaborate with us we delve deeper into the life cycle of the butterfly.

In third grade we will study Mexican folk art and sun stones. We will create sun stones out of clay and learn the process of welding the clay to successfully add on the facial details of our suns.

We are also beginning a whirlwind tour of Art History, from the Renaissance, to Impressionism to Contemporary Art. We will identify several artists with their respective style or period of art. Then we will collage an art work inspired by our favorite artist. This unit we are collaborating with the 3rd grade classroom unit on biography. Ms. Dunning in the Computer Lab is also collaborating with us on the Art History unit.

In fourth grade, we are integrating literacy as we read Scholastic Art magazines about the famous modern artist Jasper Johns. We are alsocompleting our ‘tie dye’ oil pastel drawings.

Then we will begin our unit on weaving. We will look at many examples of ethnic weaving from around the world. We will make our own cardboard looms and learn the weaving vocabulary of warp and weft, shuttle and heddle as we weave Native American Pouches. At the end of the quarter we will begin our collages based on North Carolina imagery, both in nature and in some of the major landmarks.

In fifth grade, we are integrating literacy as we read Scholastic Art Magazines on surreal artist Henri Magritte.

We are working in clay this quarter, making beads, clay owls and clay birds.

We are beginning to get prepared for our Artist in Residence.

She has asked us to collect some items to help with the 3- dimensional coral reef murals permanent legacy piece we will be making.

Please send in some of the following items if you can to help with this effort to support such a wonderful opportunity for our children: