
From street drugs toprescription painkillers, thousands ofAustralians face the social,economic and physical consequences of drug addiction every day. When drug addictiondevelops it takes a wide-reaching toll on the addicted individual’s lifestyle leading to personality changes, mood swings, financial difficulties and social isolation.For many the initial use of a drug can set off a complex series of chemical interactions in the brain and body, leading to chemical imbalances that quickly render the user unable to stop drug use alone.

The START Community provides the opportunity for people tofocus on breakingthe physical, psychological and emotionalcycles of drug addiction. At START we recognise that healing, transformation and wholeness come through community and a sense of belonging. When this is combined with our therapeutic responses recovery becomes not only possible but for many a reality.

Those suffering from addiction find they becomestuck committing unethical behaviours and misconduct against people and society at large. These behaviours are usually carried out in an attempt to feed, hide or protect their drug addiction. The common cyclethat people are unable to escape involves actions and transgressions which are an attempt to solve problems that earlier violations have created. As this cycle of transgressions continue, drug addicted individuals begin to withdrawfrom those whom they love and care about and may even become hostile toward them. This withdrawal and hostility creates guilt and shame, which in-turn leads those suffering from drug addiction to feel as though they need to use more drugs or alcohol to mask the pain and negative feelings they created by their own actions. It is this cycle of addiction that is often seen and misunderstood and seemingly impossible to escape.

  1. Do you lose time from work due to drug use?
  2. Is drug use making your home life unhappy?
  3. Do you use drugs because you are shy around other people?
  4. Is drug use affecting your reputation?
  5. Have you ever felt remorse after drug use?
  6. Have you gotten into financial difficulties as a result of your drug use?
  7. Do you turn to lower companions and an inferior environment when using drugs?
  8. Does your drug use make you careless of your family’s welfare?
  9. Has you ambition decreased in since using drug?
  10. Do you crave a drug at a definite time daily?
  11. Do you want a drug the next morning?
  12. Does your drug use cause you to have difficulties in sleeping?
  13. Has your efficiency decreased since using drugs?
  14. Is your drug use jeopardizing your job or business?
  15. Do you used drugs to escape your worries or troubles?
  16. Do you used drugs alone?
  17. Have you ever had a complete loss of memory?
  18. Has your doctor ever treated you for drug use?
  19. Do you use drugs to build your self-confidence?
  20. Have you ever been in hospital or institution on account of drinking or drug use?

Symptoms of Drug Addiction

  • Compulsive seeking of drugs
  • Aggressive or violent behaviour when using or seeking drugs
  • Anxiety and panic
  • Paranoid behaviour
  • Psychotic episodes similar to schizophrenia
  • Hallucinations
  • Delusions
  • Hyperactivity and hypersexuality
  • Confusion, incoherence
  • Negative impact onrelationships, work and school
  • Thoughts of suicide
  • Depression