From: Sally Blondell

Sent: Tuesday, 31 July 2007 2:36 p.m.

To: ''

Cc: Jim Furneaux

Subject: Presence of support person during practical driving tests

Good afternoon Sarah,

You may be aware of the trials conducted last year where Testing Officers offered driver licensing applicants the option of having a support person in the vehicle during the test. Following an evaluation of the trials undertaken it has been decided to adopt this practice as part of future practical driving tests. NZDL have commenced implementing this process throughout the country and hope to have it operating nationwide by the end of August.

The following guidelines have been developed with NZDL in order to maintain some control over this process and to ensure a nationally consistent standard. It is intended this information will appear in the next version of the road code and in the relevant fact sheets as they are updated.


Prior to commencing the practical driving test you will be asked, by the Testing Officer, if you would like to have a support person accompany you during the test.

This is a decision for you as the driver to make and you should not be pressured by any other person in making this decision.

If you choose to have a support person in the vehicle with you, the support person;

must be a person over 20 years of age; and

must not be accompanied by any other person or animal (unless the support persons sight is impaired and the animal is a guide dog); and

must not talk, offer assistance to or distract the driver or Testing Officer at any stage during the test; and

must not interrupt the Testing Officer as they are providing feedback to the applicant at the end of the test; and

will be required to supply their name and contact details to the Testing Officer prior to the test commencing.

If at any time during the test the support person talks or distracts the driver or Testing Officer in any way, a warning will be given on the first occasion. Any further talking or distraction by the support person will result in the test being terminated. Should that happen the applicant would be required to book and pay for another test.

The Testing Officer may refuse to accept any person as a support person if the Testing Officer believes on reasonable grounds that:

his or her personal safety would be, or is threatened or endangered; or

the support person appears to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs or is noisy or violent; or

If there is no suitable seating available in the rear of the vehicle presented for the test.

Should you have any queries regarding any of the information contained in this email, I may be contacted on 03 964 2860 or 021 833 315.


Sally Blondell

Driver Licensing Auditor

Land Transport NZ

129 Hereford St, Level 5

PO Box 13364