From: Reihe, Carla
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2005 11:36 AM
To: Preszler, Suzanne
Cc: Pomplun, Joann CC Director; Halgerson, Marilyn
Subject: ASCC issues for the next call
Here are more specifics with the issues that had my name on them for the ASCC agenda for Tuesday:
8.Home Location Update Program – carried forward MH & CR
Enhancements requested:
1.From Cindy S: After looking at the changed home locator it appears that the only problem is when it determines the new school based on accepted aid, and the aid is for a future term.
For example:
Matt Norton 1012500
SDSU also had accepted aid in the fall, but declined for spring. BHSU had only accepted aid (in the spring) and the updater used that fact (no declined aid)
MH: Review how current logic uses the term parameter to check aid.
2.From Carla: Have it only update the ones that change.
- From Rosie: Have the home location logic look for commitment codes and dates to determine where a student is to be assigned the Home location based upon terms and dates. Since you can not inactivate the program until the end of the term for extracts etc., there are dual active programs toward the end of the term. If they are changed prior to end of term, it causes aid to unpay and the logic changes the home location away from the current home school since it looks at active program initially.
MH: Possible update to the home location logic from checking:
3)Completed Credits
To checking:
2)Commitment code
4)Completed Credits
MH still needs to check with Rosie on this.
- Provide the ability to update the STU.MISC1 field without updating the home location in the same run. Withdrawn students are being excluded from the home location selection but STU.MISC1 should be updated for them for Clearinghouse reporting purposes.
Procedural documentation – does anything need to change for Home Location manual changes?
In Defining Home Location
Home Location Determination. Primarily used for Enrollment Reporting/Billing/Academic Progression/Class Level Update for All Currently Enrolled Students:Entered at the time of application and moved to SPRO with the first MTS
For current students, home location isupdated during the home location update run based on the program(s) entered on SPRO at the time of a program change to degree seeking within the same university. Carla; is this correct?
- For students who are returning to your university after one semester or more hiatus, update the home location field on SPRO. If the home location field is updated, the student must also have a program that corresponds with the home location university
Home Location, for students who are not currently enrolled and have no active programs or current applications, may be adjusted by the University Data Administrator in coordination with the System Data Administrator on an individual, exception basis.
The batch process to identify and populate home location will be run centrally once a daybased on the established schedule published in the system processing calendar. This usually occurs in preparation for census day and the enrollment extract, then run prior to the freeze date for enrollment extract, the billing cycle, class level update, and academic minimum progression. The batch update process will use the following criteria:
In Ending a Student’s Academic Program
Home location on SPRO should not be updated when a program is ended.
In Commitment Process
Access the Student Profile (SPRO) screen for the student (once the program status is ‘Ready to Register’)
oIn the Home Location field
Insert a new, blank line and enter the home location for your university
Today’s day should default. Do not enter an end date on the old Home location. When a new location is added the old location will automatically be ended with yesterday’s date.
- Update the SPRO screen
Proposal to/from FA directors:
Step 2 – After receipt of information on a student’s decision
Access the Student Profile (SPRO) screen for the student (once the program status is ‘Ready to Register’)
oIf this student is currently enrolled,
Inactivate the program after the end of the term with an effective end date of the end of term.
Do not update the Home Location, until after the first run of the Home Location Update for the term.
- If this student has not been enrolled in the Regental system since?????, in the Home Location field
Modified Proposal from the commitment subcommittee:
Step 2 – After receipt of information on a student’s decision
Access the Student Profile (SPRO) screen for the student (once the program status is ‘Ready to Register’)
- If this student is currently enrolled or the student withdrew from your university during the current term,
- Inactivate the program at the end of the term after the minimum progression process and home location update program have been run. Use an effective end date of the end of term.
- Manually update the Home Location on SPRO only after minimum progression and the first Home Location Update for the next term have been run.
- If this student is returning to your university after a hiatus of one semester or more, update the home location field on SPRO. If the home location field is updated, the student must also have a program that corresponds with the home location university.
Step 4 – The point person of the “committed to” university contacts the “declined” university(ies) for further processing.
Note: It is imperative that the “declined” university(ies) process the students from the steps below within 48 hours from the receipt of notification of the non-commitment unless the student is currently enrolled. Then, processing needs to wait until after the end of the term for program inactivation and home location update.
MH: From Commitment Subcommittee:
Note: It is imperative that the “declined” university(ies) process the students from the steps below within 48 hours from the receipt of notification of the non-commitment unless the student is currently enrolled or the student withdrew from your university during the current term. Then, processing needs to wait until after the end of the term for program inactivation, minimum progression process and home location update.
oEnter I - Inactive in Status/Dt/Opr field.
Note: If the student is currently enrolled, do NOT inactivate the program until after the end of the term, then inactivate the program with an effective date of the end of the term.
MH: From Commitment Subcommittee:
Note: If the student is currently enrolled or the student withdrew from your university during the current term, inactivate the program at the end of the term after the minimum progression process and home location update program have been run. Use an effective end date of the end of term
In Data Entry Required for Readmits and Transfer Readmits
Step 3 – Access and verify/update the Home Location on the Student Profile (SPRO) screen and residency status on the Addnl Student Profile Info (ASPR) screen
Home Location
If this student is returning to your university after a hiatus of one semester or more, update the home location field on SPRO. If the home location field is updated, the student must also have a program that corresponds with the home location university
Before updating, verify the student is not active on another campus, either registrations or financial aid
oTo Update, Shift F3 on the Home Location field to enter a blank line
oEnter the new home location
oEnter the date as the start of the semester the student is re-applying for
In Data Entry Required for Readmits & Transfer Readmits &Withdrawing a Student as a Transfer Out & Adding an Admissions Application
Note: Enroll Status, Home Location & the primary e-mail address should not be changed until after minimum progression is completed for the term for students who were everenrolled during that term at another SDBOR university, except in the case of a transfer out between the start and census date of the term.
In Processing a Mid Term or Mid Year Transfer
Step 9 - Go to SPRO/RGPE
oDon’t update home location until after the centrally – run home institution update job is run. It will show the “other” school until that time.
oIf a student has active multiple statuses, the centrally run home institution update job will not update the home institution and you must do it manually. Be sure to put an end date in for the other school and use a begin date that is prior to the begin date of the term.
Proposal to/from FA Directors:
The first university
Step 8 - After the end of the term, inactivate the program effective with the end of term date.
The second university
Step 9 - Go to SPRO/RGPE
oDon’t update home location until after the centrally – run home institution update job is run. It will show the “other” school until that time.
oIf a student has active multiple statuses, the centrally run home institution update job will not update the home institution and you must do it manually. Be sure to put an end date in for the other school and use a begin date that is prior to the begin date of the term.
oAfter the Home Location update for the next term has completed – run the CM query to find those with a xAC04DMS (spring commitment) and Check to see if the Home Location Program has changed the Home to your university.