To:All OWWA Members

From:Jim Merritt, OWWA Awards Committee Chair (2016-2017)

Date:August 2016

Re:OWWA and AWWA Awards Nominations

Do you know someone in the water sector deserving of an award?

The Ontario Water Works Association (OWWA) is seeking nominations for OWWA Awardswhich willbe presented during Ontario’s Water Conference in Niagara Falls in May, 2017. Nominations will be reviewed and recommendations made to the OWWA Board of Directors by the Awards Committee. The OWWA Awards Committee consists of 4 past Fuller Awardees and the Past President of the OWWA Board of Directors.


Fuller Award - TheGeorge Warren Fuller Awardis presented to an OWWA member for their distinguished service to the water supply field in commemoration of the sound engineering skill, brilliant diplomatic talent, and constructive leadership which characterized the life of George Warren Fuller.

Norman J. Howard Proficiency Award – recognizes proficiency in one or more of the following areas of municipal water supply: design, construction, operation, maintenance, management, regulation, research.

Operator’s Meritorious Service Award – recognizes the special performance by operators for compliance with public health standards and development of new ideas.

Appreciation Certificates– recognizes significant contributions as a committee member, director,volunteer or other extraordinary contributions to the OWWA over an extended period.

Dr. Albert E. Berry Membership Award – recognizes efforts in promoting membership in OWWA.

All OWWA awards nominations must be received by December 15, 2016. Please mail or email completed nomination forms to:



922 The East Mall, Suite 100

Toronto, ON M9B 6K1


Please note that all nominations will remain active for 5 years after the submission is received.

Ontario Water Works Association

Award Nomination

The Awards Committee will make their decision based on the information provided below.

Name of Award:

Nominator Information


Company Name


CityProvincePostal Code


Nominee Information


Company Name


CityProvincePostal Code


Eligibility/Justification: Please provide details of the nominee’s contributions to the drinking water industry in relation to the specific award:

Citation: Please provide a recommended citation of 40 words or less.

Please also complete the biographical information requested below.

Signature of Nominator: ______Membership Number: ______

Biographical Information

Nominee: ______Name of award: ______

Does this individual know about this nomination? ______

May we consider this nominee for other awards? ______

AWWA member? ______Year joined: ______

Brief employment history:

Offices held in OWWA or AWWA:

Professional organization memberships:

Professional awards or honours received (including year and awarding organization):

Civic organization memberships:


Attach additional information as necessary.