UCP Central PA
To:Program Managers
From:Janeen Latin, CMO & Dereje Zewdu, Director of Finance
Date:March 15, 2016
Re:UCP Budget Instructions: FY17 (July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017)
- Hard to believe that the new budget year, Fiscal Year 2017,is just around the corner. This memo officially kicks off the process which will be completed when the Board approves the budget in June. In order to get there on time we need to start now.
- As we did last year, we will build the budget based on your inputs in the shared directory: T:\Budget\Budget Inputs FY17. As a program manager or director, you will have access only to the programs for which you have budget responsibility. Once again I’ll ask you to focus most of your time and effort in the areas that have the most financial impact – staff salaries, units of service, and revenue.
- Each Management level director has a separate folder under the shared drive T:\Budget Inputs\Budget Inputs FY17. Every program has a separate folder under their respective management level department. Access is controlled to these files so that only the program managers and their supervisors have access to their program information. Let me know if you have any problem accessing your work sheets. There are usually two files in each program folder. Here is a description of the files:
a)Salaries – this file contains Full Time and Part Time salary worksheets for your program. The individuals listed on these sheets are the employees that appear on this year’s (FY17) budget. You’ll need to add new people and delete those no longer employed by your program. Instructions for each sheet are included in the box that appears on the top of the form. There are slight variations on what is required for Full Time and Part Time employees.
You can find your employee wage and review date information through the ADP Portal.
Revenue & Expense
a)Revenue – Each program has a revenue worksheet that provides information about current year revenue by revenue source. For each source, you will find a straight line projection through the end of the year.
b)Expense – Each program has an expense worksheet that provides information about current year expenses by expense category. We’ll make a straight line projection for each expense through the end of the year. You will need to review the projections and make any changes that are necessary based on your knowledge of the program.
- Capital Budget –We will be using outputs from the Consumer and Agency Needs (CAN) process to program capital expenditures for the agency in Fiscal Year 2017. Program managers and directors that have any material need(s) that is/are not being funded through the agency budget process should prepare a CAN requirement input. These inputs will be collected and prioritized as outlined in the CAN process model. CAN requests should be turned in to Dereje by April 4, 2014. Select this link to access the form: Blank CAN_Capital Need Form.doc
- Timeline – the budget timeline is attached. Your worksheets will be in your program folders by March 22, 2016. Please complete all the worksheets and review them with your Director by April 15th … that gives youthree weeks to complete your budget input. Please email Dereje when you are finished. The Program Manager reviews beginning with the week of April 18th.
- It will take our collective creativity, ingenuity, and determination in order to sustain our agency as a premier provider of human services in Central Pennsylvania. We need to be practicing the fundamentals of efficiency, productivity, and frugality if we hope to emerge through the tough years ahead as we move toward managed care. We are incredibly fortunate to have a great team at UCP that will see us through this – and that team includes you!
- You are doing a fantastic job for UCP and our community. Keep up the great work! If you have any questions please call.
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