From Empire to Independence – From Resistance to Rebellion

EQ: What impact did the steps Britain took to punish Massachusetts for the colonial acts of resistance have on the Revolutionary period?

Intercolonial Cooperation

1)According to the reading, what impact did the Tea Acts have on the colonies?

2)Explain why ‘… his salary and those other royally appointed Massachusetts officials would be paid by the crown’ was such an important and controversial issue in the colonies/Massachusetts.

3)Explain the role of the Committee of Correspondence in the different colonies.

4)The reading refers to the letters that Benjamin Franklin obtains from Hutchinson as the “smoking gun”. What is the reading talking about?

The Boston Tea party

5)Explain the importance of the role of the East India Tea Company to the British Empire.

6)What does Parliament do to entice colonist to start drinking tea again?

7)In 1773, why do you think that coffee would be the patriotic drink of choice?

8)Describe the event known as the Boston Tea Party. YOU MUST INCLUDE THE CAUSE AND EFFECT.

9)Create a chart that describes the different parts of the Coercive Acts (Intolerable Acts and Quebec Act.

The First Continental Congress

10)Explain the role or purpose of the First Continental Congress. You must include: its cause and effect as well as its key participants.

Lexington and Concord

11)Describe the events influencing tension in Boston during September and October of 1774.

12)By 1774, what is King George’s view of how to handle the colonies? (Support your answer with quotes)

13)Describe the debates within Parliament on how to handle to conflicts Massachusetts (colonies).

14)Describe the event surrounding April 18, 1775 known as Lexington and Concord. You must discuss a timeline of events, the key participants, and the cause and effect of the events.

Battle of Lexington Documents

Read both Document A: Barker (Original) and Document B: Mulliken (Original)

15)Answer the yellow sourcing prompts (Read Like A Historian sheet) for both documents.

16)Pick which document you believe to be more accurate and defend your choice using both the words from the accounts and the prior information you read about.

Observe, Reflect, and Question the two paintings on the Battle of Lexington from Amos Doolittle and Terrance Blachaux.

17)Which painting seems more accurate to you as an account of the events. Defend your choice.

18)Like Paul Revere’s engraving of The Bloody Massacre, the use of propaganda was frequent. Do you feel that propaganda influenced the design of Amos Doolittle’s painting? Defend your answer.