Present: Manor Street: Ian Phillips (Chair), Sue Davis,Clive Leyland, Jenny Jones
Boxwell Road: Pam Nicklin(Chair)
Milton House: Madeleine Donoghue
Apologies: Graham Cartmell, Sally Hodes
The meeting was held at the Hospice of St Francis and chaired by Ian.
1) Community Navigator Scheme (CNS)
Ian said it was now time to ensure all our practices were fully aware of the CNS and to
plan how best the PPGs could assist with this.
Madeleine considered that both the Dacorum Holistic Team and the CNS existed to help
patients with a high degree of need but that the former was probably more accessible
because more people were involved, e g .nurses, physios, OTS etc. The CNS could
help 'walk' a person through the system such as accompanying some one with limited
mobility to a day care centre and acting as a liaison with staff.
Ian said there were ongoing difficulties in getting patients registered as carers at all the
surgeries. For example, low numbers were currently registered at Manor Street and not
much was happening to alleviate this problem. Ian again referred to the help he and his
family had received from the CNS.
Fay had had experience of trained volunteers directing patients to an appropriate
source of support.
Madeleine said that a pilot was taking place at The Maltings surgery in St Albans
using CNS trained volunteers. The volunteers were based in the surgery on a defined
day so that patients were able to book a particular slot.
Ian stated that the Carers Champions had a big role to play in ensuring the CNS was
promoted and used appropriately. Although all practices have a Carers Champion, this
role was often added on to existing jobs so that, in reality, very little time could be
devoted to it.
Paul O'Hare (CNS Manager) had offered to visit the practices. The meeting felt that
at least one partner should be present.
Pam felt we needed to be clear re the advantages of such meetings as it was thought
that the CNS had visited the practices in the past.
One proposal was to invite Paul to attend a PPG meeting with the PPG lead GP and
Carers Champion present.
Madeleine referred to the Dacorum GP Hot Topics meetings where the CN had also
previously attended. Her contact for this group is Elaine Keeler.
Madeleine also felt it prudent to find out more about the experience of the CNS trained
volunteers at The Maltings. The pilot has only been running for a short while.
Ian agreed to circulate statistics relating to each of practices usage of the CNS. He
emphasised that each practice would need to consider how best to hold any CNS events
and arrange the associated required publicity.
Madeleine was also interested in usage statistics related to Herts Help.
Ian said that all the PPGs were interested in recruiting more members and this work could
have a wider profile. The work of the PPGs could ber further promoted in the media.
Patient Group Awareness week is in June so it would be ideal to have something out by
Pam reminded the meeting of utilising NAPP.
It was noted that there is now a charge for using the group display board in Berkhamsted
An action plan was drawn up.
- Pam would contact Paul re revisiting the practices to promote awareness of the
scheme. A lead GP and Carers Champion to be present.
- Pam would link in to the Dacorum GP Hot Topics agenda via Elaine Keeler.
- Communication to patients needed to be clear. e.g CN would be present in the
surgery on 2 dates in a 2 month period. PPGs would monitor uptake.
- If there was sufficient demand for the service, the PPGs would help find
volunteers for CN training.
- GP buy in was essential. PPGs to investigate their practice's position and
bring the findings to the next meeting.
- Information to be obtained from The Maltings pilot.
Ian reiterated that Paul's capacity to help with the plan needed to be established at theoutset.
2) Hertfordshire Health Walks
Pam had been on a Hertfordshire Health walk in Berkhamsted recently and said it was a
very good experience. There were 2 walks of differing levels and she tackled the more
strenuous one. It lasted for one and a quarter hours and the group went at a good pace.
Front and back markers were present. After the walk, tea/coffee could be purchased for
a small charge at the Bowls Club.
Not many of the leaders do the First Steps (easiest level) walks.
Ian felt we should allow ourselves a little more time to plan and arrange the First Steps
walks in Berkhamsted (first proposed date had been Thursday 4th May).
The meeting agreed and suggested keeping May 18th and adding June 15th.
Ian will contact Isabel Crozier (HW contact) to check if our suggestions will work for her.
The volunteers leading the more active walks will stay on and then lead the First Steps.
Pam has a contact at the Bowls Club and will confirm with her that the extra catering
can be accommodated.
Ian asked Sue to publicise the First Steps walks at Manor Street and the other practices
to do the same. Promotional material is available.
Ian reminded the meeting that if the initial walks were a success, Isabel would want the
PPGs to help with recruiting volunteers to lead further walks.
It was noted that no representative from Gossom's End was present. Ian will follow up
with Nyree O'Brien
3) Wellness
Ian reported that a Manor Street PPG member had suggested a talk on falls would be
widely welcomed.
Sue will contact Ian Reay( Herts County councillor) re the locality budget as monies
will be needed to book a venue for the talk.
All PPGs to think of more possible topics for talks.
4) Date of Next Meeting
Monday May 2nd 4-5.30pm, revised potentially to Monday May 8th, Hospice of St Francis