Frog Guts Questionnaire Name: ______

1. What is the scientific name for the common bullfrog?

a. / Anura Salientia
b. / Cordata Amphibia
c. / Rana catasbiana
d. / Bullfrogimus maxiums

2. Which of the following is not a function of a frog’s skin?

a. / absorbing oxygen and water
b. / mucus makes is slippery to predators
c. / pigment cells help it regulate body temp and camouflage itself
d. / produces chemicals called endorphins

3. What is the tympanum?

a. / the third eyelid
b. / the nostrils
c. / the external eardrum
d. / none of the above

4. A frog’s heart has how many chambers? (google)

a. / 2
b. / 3
c. / 4
d. / 6

5. What statement is false about the conus arteriosis?

a. / it is the first artery to leave the heart
b. / it carries blood to the right atrium
c. / it transports a mixture of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood
d. / the blood is separated by a spiral valve into one of 3 paths blood will take throughout the body

6. What is the function of the kidneys?

a. / produce chemicals that aid in digestion
b. / store nutrients (such as sugars and fats)
c. / produce new blood cells
d. / filter waste products from blood

7. Respiratory exchange of gases occurs in the:

a. / skin
b. / mouth
c. / lungs
d. / all of the above

8. What is the name of the thin layer of muscle that humans require for respiration that is not located in a frog?

a. / diaphram
b. / Bucco pharangeal pump
c. / glottis
d. / pulmonary tissue

9. What is the second step in positive pressure breathing?

a. / mouth lowers, fresh air fills oral chamber
b. / Bucco pharengeal contraction and expansion occurs while lungs absorb oxygen
c. / glottis opens, lungs squeeze used air towards roof of mouth and out the open nares
d. / nares shut, frog “gulps” forcing air into lungs

10. What is the function of the gullet?

a. / flipping prey back into the mouth
b. / grasping insects
c. / close off the esophagus when breathing
d. / produces croaking noises

11. What chemical is produced in a frog’s stomach to help break down food?

a. / seratonin
b. / saliva
c. / mucus
d. / strong acids

12. Where is bile produced and stored?

a. / liver
b. / pancreas
c. / spleen
d. / pyloric sphincter

13. What is the function of the villi in the small intestine?

a. / produce enzymes which aid in digestion
b. / grind food into smaller pieces
c. / increase surface area for absorbing nutrients
d. / contract to push food along the digestive tract

14. What is the function of the spinal cord?

a. / protects vital organs
b. / controls subconscious instincts
c. / transfers electrical signal between the body and the brain
d. / gives the frog good posture

15. What do the olfactory lobes control?

a. / the hind legs
b. / opening/closing the nares, and odor detection
c. / higher order thinking
d. / produces the hormone melatonin

16. What is the function of the medulla oblongata?

a. / controls the coordination of balance
b. / controls sleep cycles
c. / recieves visual information
d. / regulates digestion, breathing and heart rate

17. What is the pelvic girdle made of?

a. / 1 cervical, 7 dorsal, 1 sacral and one tail vertebra
b. / tarsal bones
c. / 2 ilium bones, pointed ischium and pubus bone
d. / sternum, clavicles, scapulae and shoulder blades

18. What is the approximate size of the brain case?

a. / a grain of rice
b. / a sunflower seed
c. / an acorn
d. / a pine cone

19. What is the name of the bone labeled “19” on the diagram below?

a. / tibiofibula
b. / humerus
c. / phalanges
d. / radioulna

20. What is the name of the bone labeled “20” on the diagram below?

a. / urostyle
b. / metacarpel
c. / palatine
d. / spine