Towns of Richfield and Erin
June 30, 2015
Regular School Board Meeting
MEMBERS PRESENT: Ellen Duhamel, President STAFF PRESENT: John Engstrom, District Administrator
Tom Wolff, Vice-President Denise Howe, Business Manager
John Tennessen, Clerk
Tony Kellicut, Treasurer
Ginny McGrath, Member at Large
I. The regular meeting of the School Board of the Friess Lake School District was called to order by Board Vice-President Tom Wolff at 6:15 P.M. The meeting was posted at Friess Lake School, Richfield Town Hall, Erin Town Hall, Hartford Times Press, WTKM Radio Station, and the Journal/Sentinel-Cedarburg Office.
II. Roll call was taken. A quorum was verified. John Engstrom and Denise Howe were also present. Ellen Duhamel arrived at 6: 25 P.M.
III. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by John Engstrom.
IV. Open Forum/Community Input
A. There was no one present for the Open Forum.
V. Recognition, Appreciation, Awards
A. John Engstrom thanked staff, students, parents and the Board for another great school year.
B. John Engstrom updated the Board on the significant gains they are seeing in the RTI students performance.
C. John Engstrom commented on what an amazing group of 8th grade graduates we had this school year and how impressed he was with their behavior, academic strength and empathy.
D. John Engstrom commented on how pleased he was with the second year of the Maker’s program and student’s continued interest in the program.
E. John Engstrom mentioned that he is happy to see the school continue to maintain diverse programming.
VI. Presentations
A. There were no presentations at this time.
VII. Approval of Minutes
A. Tony Kellicut made a motion to approve the May 27, 2015 Regular School Board meeting minutes as presented, John Tennessen 2nd; Motion carried unanimously.
VIII. Approval of Financial Reports and Bills Payable
A. Ginny McGrath made a motion to approve the May 31, 2015 Financial Reports as presented, Tony Kellicut 2nd; Motion carried unanimously.
B. Tom Wolff made a motion to approve the 2015-2016 CESA 6 contract as presented, John Tennessen 2nd; Motion carried unanimously.
- Student Achievement Reports and Updates
A. Enrollment Report
- The 2015-2016 Projected Enrollment as of June 24, 2015 was reported as follows:
Preschool Speech - 2 EC-0 4K-11 5K-12 1-20 2-22 3-15 4-25 5-21
6-20 7-19 8-31 Total: 196
- An update on open enrollment replies for 2015-2016 new applicants was reviewed.
- John Engstrom reported that Camp Invention was a success with 78 students including many students from area districts.
- John Engstrom provided the Board with a legislative update.
- John Engstrom updated the Board on the progressive of the 2015-2016 Block Schedule that is near completion.
- Personnel Items
- John Engstrom reported that the part time Art teacher position has not been filled yet.
- Tony Kellicut made a motion to approve the hiring of Kathryn Fedel as the new part time Science teacher effective as of the 2015-2016 school year as presented, Ginny McGrath 2nd; Motion carried unanimously.
- Denise Howe and John Engstrom discussed with the Board the need to review the teacher base salary. It will be further discussed at the next regular Board meeting.
XI. Board Reports and Updates
A. General Board Communications
1. Ellen Duhamel mentioned that she has received on behalf of the Board several nice thank you notes from staff who really appreciated the Staff Appreciation Dinner and festivities that week from parents.
B. Board President’s Report – Ellen Duhamel
1. Ellen Duhamel mentioned that she may have a lead on a local company that could be considered in our search for IT support services including Apple experience.
C. Long Term District Planning was not discussed at this time. John Engstrom reported that we did not receive the Motorola Grant that was applied for to assist with the Makers Lab mostly due to our distance from their offices in Chicago and low count of underprivileged youth. He did report that other avenues for funding assistance continue to be looked into.
XII. Building and Grounds Reports and Updates
A. Rick Croghan provided the Board with a Building and Grounds Report including things such as: an update on summer projects, indoor and outdoor painting and additional landscaping needs.
B. Tom Wolff reported on his thoughts regarding the needs of the LED sign and the solutions he is looking into.
XIII. Policies
A. Policies were not discussed at this time. John Engstrom reported that he is meeting with NEOLA again on July 21st to review more policies.
XIV. Future Agenda Items
A. The Board discussed future agenda items such as: the hiring of a part time Art teacher, continued discussion on teacher base salary, the LED sign, setting the Annual meeting date and the school schedule.
B. The next regular School Board meeting was scheduled for July 21, 2015 at 6:15 P.M. The August meeting was scheduled for August 24, 2015 with the time still to be determined.
XV. At 7:18 P.M., Tom Wolff made a motion to adjourn, Tony Kellicut 2nd; Motion carried unanimously.
Ellen Duhamel, President John Tennessen, Clerk
H: Denise/063015 Regular School Board meeting minutes 1