Friends of Scouting “Blitz Day”


Proposed Concept:

Using the Membership Blitz Day as a model; unit serving executives participate in a one-day volunteer recruiting effort focused on recruiting key FOS campaign leadership and campaign workers. FOS Blitz Day efforts should be supported by District and Council management professional staff team members who serve as mentors to Unit Serving Executives (USE’s). Mentors for USE’s can also be supported by capable key

district /council volunteers, or even by professional staff /volunteers from Regional/National staff teams as well, if requested by the council.

Time Frame:

Ideally FOS Blitz days would take place in the months of October, November and possibly January in preparation for the next year’s FOS campaign.

Key Action Steps:

Action Step / Days Out / Description
1 / -100 / Council request FOS Blitz Day support from Area Director
2 / -90 / Review with Scout Executive & key management of program requirements. Regional/National support is requested as needed.
3 / -85 / Set dates for FOS planning day and Blitz Day
4 / -60 / Complete agenda for Finance Planning Day – confirm participation with supporting personnel
5 / -30 / Finance Planning Day – Review Campaign Organization and campaign volunteer needs
FOS Training Module - Prospecting
FOS Training Module – Getting the Appointment
Optional: MYBSA Training Module – Contact Management Tools
6 / -20 / Materials developed for Blitz Day – mission focused piece; campaign calendar, volunteer expectations
7 / -21:-14 / Phone calls to prospects scheduling appointments for Blitz Day; target 4-5 appointments with priority prospects per day.
8 / -12 / Publish appointment schedule and team of two assigned
9 / -1 / Blitz Day Kick-off Training – Show DVD How to recruit a FOS Chair. Discuss how to close the sale. All team members should be present.
10 / 0 / Blitz Day – Teams of two visit pre-scheduled appointments
Blitz Day – Evening meeting report and evaluation
11 / +3 / Follow-up communication to confirmed campaign leadership
12 / +21 / District/Council FOS Campaign Kick-off

8 Easy Steps to Recruiting FOS Top Volunteers

1.  Create and prioritize a prospect list of qualified volunteers with at least 10 key names.

2.  When setting up the appointment, mutually agree on the day, and time of the visit.

3.  During interview with prospect, re-establish affluence, ability & interest. Read body language.

4.  Share timeline, job description, and organization chart for position being requested.

5.  Before meeting, determine who should make “the ask”. The key volunteer, the USE, or the mentor?

6.  If the prospect says “yes”, discuss a time frame for a follow-up briefing orientation meeting.

7.  If the prospect says “no”, ask the prospect if willing to take on a lesser role in the campaign, or work a few cards, or call upon another prospect to open doors. If prospect has a positive view of Scouting, but doesn't take on leadership role, then ask for appropriate amount of support.

8.  Afterwards, graciously thank the prospect for him/her time.