Friday 09 December 2016 Meeting Minutes
Meeting invitees Thundridge Parish Council (Steve Bosson (SB)),Barratt Homes (Malcolm Nicholls (MN)) andEHDC Planning and Enforcement (Kim Shenton (KS)). Kim Shenton sent her apologies.
Main and secondary pipes crossing North Drive (Flood avoidance)
MN advised that the Diocese have had some issues with the initial documentation, but MN believes these to now have been resolved. The final copy has been issued to the Diocese, but a signed version has not yet been returned. DW will continue to chase. It is believed that EHDC are ready to sign.
It is now clear that work will not start in 2016.
SB requested that MN supply an emergency phone number in case flooding occurs over the holiday break. This is required as the drainage status in North Drive is actually worse now than it was before the development was built for a variety of reasons. Action MN.
Provision of a no step connection Canterbury Park to North Drive.
MN mentioned that he believed that permission had been granted for this work to proceed. SB noted that bollards or another mechanism would be required to ensure that vehicles did not use this route.
Treatment of hedging on the North Drive boundary.
MN informed SB that the DW Homes tree contractor was going to review the hedging with a view to proposing how this area should be dealt with.
Vehicles accessing Canterbury Park direct from North Drive after moving temporary fencing.
This had been reported to EHDC Planning Enforcement. MN and SB replaced the fencing and MN will get the fencing more effectively secured post meeting).
SB asked for a better understanding of where the fence levels will be when the main play area is installed. Due to removal of the old site office it was not practical to access this area on this visit.
Visit of Michael George – a new date is awaited. Action MN.
Next meeting date:
21st December at 14:00