Midlands3Cities DTP

Frequently Asked Questions

1.  Where do I find information about the M3C, including key dates, guidance on the application processes and eligibility?


2.  Who are the M3C contacts at the University of Leicester?

Professor Martin Halliwell (UoL Co-Site Director):

Professor Neil Christie (UoL Co-Site Director; semester 1):

Professor Phil Shaw (UoL Co-Site Director, semester 2):

Louise Taylor (UoL M3C Administrator):

3.  Which are the M3C institutions?

University of Leicester, De Montfort University, Nottingham University, Nottingham Trent University, University of Birmingham and Birmingham City University

4.  Is the M3C open to students with a background in the social sciences, e.g. Management, Human Geography and Media & Communications?

Yes, but the PhD project must fall within the remit of one or more of the AHRC subject categories (Media and Communications, International Relations, Human Geography, some aspects of Sociology, Criminology and Business), and the supervision team must include academic representatives from relevant arts and humanities disciplines.

5.  Is the scheme open to non-UK students?

Yes, but only to EU students, not international. The government has recently signalled its commitment to maintaining EU eligibility for Research Council funded schemes. EU applicants will normally receive a ‘Fees Only’ award, and should indicate that they are a Fees Only applicant on the form. If it can be confirmed that they have been resident in the UK for a minimum of 3 years prior to applying for funding, they may be eligible for a full award.

6.  Is the scheme open to part-time as well as full-time students?

Yes. A part-time studentship consists of payment of approved pro-rata fees and a pro-rata maintenance grant (50% of the stipend).

7.  Can students apply who have already commenced doctoral study?

Students who have already commenced doctoral study are eligible to apply for AHRC funding provided that, at the start of the AHRC award, they will have at least 50% of their period of study remaining (excluding the ‘writing up’ period).

8.  Is the scheme open to DL students?


9.  Must applicants have a First for the UG degree and a Distinction for their MA (predicted or secured?)

The M3C is highly competitive, but consideration will be given to applicants demonstrating “exceptionality”, e.g. relevant work experience, outstanding marks in relevant aspects of their academic career. For example, a 2.1 degree received in the early 1990s and a distinction for an MA could be presented as a case for exceptional consideration. The institutional support form (ISF) and the references will need to make this case.

10.  Does the supervisory team have to be cross-institutional?

The M3C encourages cross-institutional supervisions but also takes into account of the best “fit” between project, person and place. In other words, if the best supervisors for a particular project really are based exclusively at UoL then this would be the ideal supervisory team. The Institutional Support Form (ISF) will need to demonstrate that this is indeed the case.

11.  Are projects involving non-HEI partners to be encouraged?

Yes, but only to the extent that the project necessitates genuine involvement with an external partner, e.g. a gallery, museum, library, public organisations or business. Similarly, if there is potential for placements with non-HEI partners then is ISF should make this clear.

12.  Must the project demonstrate impact?

In the broad sense yes, but impact should not be tacked on to a project for the sake of it; it must be evident that the impact is central to the project’s rationale.

13.  Should potential supervisors work with prospective students to refine their project proposals and applications?

Yes, conversations between students and supervisors/PGR tutors should be on ongoing throughout the application process. Students should be encouraged to attend the Application Writing Workshop at UoL on Saturday 18 November 2017. The process of identifying potential applications from existing MA cohorts should already have begun.

14.  Should referees be given advice on how to write an M3C reference?

Yes, a good reference can be crucial to a successful application. References must be specific rather than generic and should highlight key achievements, e.g. exceptional marks, prizes. Referees should also be reminded of the deadline for the submission of their references.

15.  Must the applicant have already been offered a place to study for a PhD at UoL?

Yes, it is therefore imperative that institutional applications are processed and offers made before the M3C deadline.

16.  Must M3C candidates be interviewed?

Yes. Departmental/School PGR tutors will be advised on the interview process and the composition of interview panels is due course. Panels are normally composed of 3–4 staff members (but these cannot include supervisors to any students).

17.  Who writes the ISF (Institutional Support Form)?

Normally the Dept/School PGR Tutor with support from members of the interview panel and potential supervisors.

18.  When do students receive notification of the outcome of their application?

4 April 2018.