18 October 2018

The Pharmacy
Vocational Training Scheme Stages 2,3& 4
Frequently Asked Questions about the VT ePortfolio
Version 2.0
7th April 2014
Review date February 2015

Q1.Who is the VT ePortfolio intended for?

The VT ePortfolio is intended for those VT trainees who started the Pharmacy Vocational Training Scheme, from 1st January 2013 onwards.

Q2.How will this change affect the trainee who started before January 2013?

We are not expecting people who started before January 2013 to use the ePortfolio because this would mean that they would need to transfer too much evidence from paper to an electronic format. They would need to ensure that their evidence was in line with the version of the competency framework that is within the e Portfolio. This may mean a lot of work for the trainee.

Q3.What does the development of an ePortfolio mean to both tutors and trainees?

The ePortfolio is a safe and secure system in which trainees will develop and store all of their evidence for a particular training programme. Tutors will be able to access the ePortfolio to review the evidence and provide feedback prior to meetings. This will hopefully improve the effectiveness of regular meetings between tutors and trainees.

Q4.How do tutors and trainees get started with the ePortfolio?

Once registered, both tutors and trainees will each receive a username and password within 1 week after the closing date for registration. To get started with the ePortfolio, trainees should review the various forms that are available within the ePortfolio and the resources section where there is guidance to help get them started. Within the Personal Library section, trainees should set up the folders as per the various sections outlined in the competency framework and ensure that the folders are configured correctly. Please note that once any of the folders contains an item, it cannot be deleted or reconfigured unless the folder is emptied first. It is advisable for the tutor to access the ePortfolio and help the trainee if required.

Q5.If the trainee has used the ePortfolio previously (e.g. pre-registration year), will it be necessary to change the username and password?

The same username and password should be used. Only those who haven’t used the ePortfolio will be sent a new username and password. To view the next aspect of training, the trainee will need to be registered onto the relevant training programme by NES Pharmacy staff. Once access has been granted they should on entering the ePortfolio remember to select the training available for a ‘registered pharmacist’ in order to see the relevant VTcurriculum. The trainee will also be able to access any previous ePortfolio and as they progress through training any further training undertaken using ePortfolio.

Q6.What is available within the ePortfolio?

All current forms and templates are available within the VT ePortfolio either under the ‘Logs’ or the ‘Forms’ section. There are also Care Plans that can be developed over time, saved and then emailed to the specialist trainer for feedback. Furthermore, various resources e.g. the Competency Framework that the trainee needs to access are available as are links to the NES website and documents in the resources section.

Q7.Within the ePortfolio which forms can be saved for editing prior to finally being saved?

The majority of forms are editable. Some forms have the ability to be saved as a draft prior to sharing e.g. aseptic services activity and reflection log, dispensing services activity and reflection log, medicines information activity and reflection log.

On the other hand, some forms are editable even after placed within the ‘shared area’ e.g. personal development plan, record of completion form, VT2 rotation record, VT action log and reflection log. This function allows trainees to share their personal development plan with their tutor prior to meeting and make any necessary changes following the meeting.

However, some forms are non-editable and cannot be deleted e.g. VT record of meeting. Therefore, it is necessary for trainees to ensure that this completed form is submitted (shared) within their ePortfolio.

Q8.What information should be omitted from the ePortfolio?

All information e.g. patient details, CHI numbers and any healthcare professional’s names that could be traced back to a patient should be omitted from the ePortfolio. Templates have been developed and are available within the ePortfolio to capture this information.

Q9.How do the ‘action logs’ and the ‘reflection logs’ differ from CPD records?

The action and reflection logs are standard templates that have been developed to be stored within the ePortfolio. CPD records, in contrast, are hosted externally by the GPhC and need to be uploaded into the Personal Library section of the ePortfolio. The formats of each type of log are quite similar with the action log being a record of an action/activity that has been completed while the reflection log and CPD records are a record of proposed learning i.e. learning needs.

Q10.Are action and reflection logs (in ePortfolio) interchangeable with CPD records?

Action and reflection logs are just a much shorter version of a CPD record. It is fine to complete a CPD record instead of an action log but not vice versa as we prefer a much more detailed reflection as depicted in the CPD record.

Q11.How are CPD records imported from the GPhC website into the ePortfolio?

There are various ways in which the CPD records can be imported from the GPhC website into the ePortfolio. There is a presentation that covers this. One way is to copy and paste the CPD record into a word document, save it in a folder and subsequently upload it into the ePortfolio Personal Library. Alternatively, you can save the CPD record as a PDF, save it in a folder and then upload it into the Personal Library. However, this can only be done if a PDF creator is installed within the computer. On the other hand, the CPD record can be saved as a webpage and uploaded directly into the Personal Library. However, please note that the ePortfolio only support the webpage as the format of a single file Web Archive (*mht) that is only supported by the Internet Explorer.

Q12.Where are completed pieces of evidence stored?

The various forms will be stored within the relevant section within the ePortfolio. The competency can be linked to the piece of evidence and displayed as a list. This will help the tutor and trainee to identify any learning needs and help develop a personal development plan to cover the competency.

Most of your evidence will be saved in a standard format within the main part of your e Portfolio (Logs and forms section of e Portfolio, where there are a variety of forms but also action and reflection logs). There will be pieces of evidence that you wish to include that may not be in a standard format and available as a word document that you have created. This evidence should be uploaded into the Personal Library of your e Portfolio. We suggest that the Personal Library needs to be formatted carefully and outlined as per the competency framework prior to any evidence being uploaded. This is because once a folder contains even just one item; the folder cannot be deleted or reformatted unless it is emptied first. There is a presentation - Development of your e portfolio and a Guidance document that details how to do this effectively.

Q13.How can tutors and trainees learn to develop an online portfolio?

In addition to the presentation and VT ePortfolio Guidance document , there is a recording of a webinar with a specialist demonstrating the various aspect of ePortfolio. This is available online within the VT pages of the NES website here. It is important for both the tutors and trainees to watch the recording before starting to develop an ePortfolio.

There is also a sample VT2 ePortfolio available here for you to view.

Username: mcmillan4984 Password: olivermac! Please note that the competency framework within this presentation is not the most up to date version.

Q14.If the trainee has used the ePortfolio during their pre-registration training, is it necessary to view the webinar and read the Guidance?

Whilst there are some similarities between both the PRPS and the VT ePortfolio there are some differences. Therefore, it will be beneficial if the trainee can view the webinar and get up to speed with the VT ePortfolio.

Q15.Can trainees download pieces of evidence from the ePortfolio to share with others?

Yes, there is a function to download the evidence as a PDF within the ePortfolio. This function would be particularly useful if trainees wish to receive feedback on a piece of evidence e.g. care plan/case study from their trainers or other healthcare professionals that would like to see the evidence before providing any feedback through the ticketed feedback system.

Q16. a) How do trainees receive feedback from the tutor or specialist trainer signing off the evidence?

The trainee’s tutor is linked to their ePortfolio and can view any ‘shared evidence’ and provide comment. For other specialists and trainers there is a ‘ticketed feedback system’ within the ePortfolio. Without having to receive paper copies of the evidence, the tutor will be able to provide feedback easily within the ePortfolio by adding signature or comment for each Log or Form that has been shared. Please note that this can be done by clicking on the ‘add link’ button below each Log or Form.

For other specialists and trainers there is a ‘ticketed feedback system’ within the ePortfolio. This enables the trainee to send the specialist/trainer a ‘ticket’ (an online feedback form or witness testimony) from the ePortfolio on which they provide comments. The individual will be sent a specific code via their email address and asked to provide feedback to a task that the trainee has undertaken. With the specific code, they can access the NHS ePortfolio to view the specific piece of evidence – they cannot view any other pieces of evidence.

Please note that once a ‘ticket’ is issued it is only available for feedback for 28 days from the date of issue.

Q16. b) How do I select the items from my e Portfolio to attach to the e mail for my tutor/specialist to provide feedback?

To select the pieces of evidence from your e Portfolio for the specialist/trainer to view, use the ‘Profile’ tab at the top of the screen. Select the ‘Down load portfolio ‘ button and then the link entitled ‘ items from my ePortfolio to make into a PDF...’

To create a PDF, select the items from your ePortfolio in the left box and click the > arrow to move them to the box on the right hand side of the screen. Select the "Make PDF" button. The items will then appear as a PDF that can be saved as a file and then e mailed to the specialist/ tutor.

The tutor can then provide feedback on the form that they access via the ticketed feedback system.

Q16. c) How are the various forms and logs ‘signed’ by the specialist/tutor?

The various forms and logs are ‘signed’ by the tutor using the Links button at the bottom of the page. This provides the opportunity to provide either a comment or a signature by selecting the appropriate ‘Comments’ or ‘Signature button’. The piece of evidence should be shared with the specialist for feedback using the ticketed feedback system as described above.The feedback from the specialist can then be linked by the trainee to the relevant competency and this will then be able to be viewed as part of the evidence for the competency. The tutor can then ‘comment’ or ‘sign’ this piece of and this would all be viewed as part of the piece of evidence.

Q17.How do trainees receive feedback on a care plan/case study? (See also Q16).

The process that is used to get feedback from a specialist is the Ticketed Feedback Form process as mentioned above. Any comments received by the tutor/specialist may then be detailed in the reflective element of the care plan/case study or the piece of evidence edited and re saved and shared. However, it may be good practice to also send them a Witness Testimonial form to complete when you finalise the care plan/case study so that you get their final sign off.

Q19.Is there a care plan document that trainees can populate on the ward prior to populating in the ePortfolio?

Yes, there is a word document within the resources section of the ePortfolio and available on the VT pages of the NES website that trainees can print off and use on the ward after which they should copy the information into the ePortfolio.

Within the ePortfolio the various sections of the Care Plan can be edited several times prior to completion. Once complete they should be amalgamated using the software within ePortfolio and saved as a PDF document.

As an alternative to populating the different sections of the care plan and then amalgamating, a word version of the care plan can also be completed electronically and uploaded into Personal Library.

Q20.What evidence is required for each competency?

This detail is in the competency framework which is available within the resources section within the ePortfolio.

Q21. How do I link the evidence to a specific competency?

Trainees can link their evidence e.g. action or reflection logs, feedback forms, witness testimony, files that have uploaded into personal library, to the competency framework within the ePortfolio. Within each ‘logs’ or ‘forms’, there is a ‘links’ button. By clicking the ‘links’ button, trainees will be asked what would they like to link to that particular piece of evidence. To link to the competency framework, trainees should click ‘link with a curriculum item’ and select the curriculum e.g. VT2. A list of performance indicators that has incorporated within the competency framework will appear and trainees can add links to the performance indicators that they have achieved within the particular evidence.

Q22. How can Locality tutors or Educational Supervisors ‘sign’ off sections of evidence as the trainee progresses?

The Completion of section form can be used by the Locality tutor /Educational Supervisor to indicate that the section of the e Portfolio is finished and in effect ‘signed off’ and ready for submission for assessment.

Q23. How should I navigate around the ePortfolio website?

It is recommended that you use the bar at the top of ePortfolio for navigation rather than the back arrow. Some people have encountered problems when using the back arrow.

Q24. What is the best way to request a Ticketed Feedback from a trainer, tutor or educational supervisor?

Once you have clicked on to the Ticketed Feedback ePortfolio webpage via the Forms section you should click on the "Request Ticket" option and the click on "Request New Assessment". You should then follow the instructions to send a request to your tutor, trainer or educational supervisor as appropriate. If you have evidence to submit at the same time you should send this by email at the same time.

Q25. Once a Log Entry has been signed off, can it be altered?

It depends of the entry however many cannot be edited once they have been signed by the trainee and the trainer or educational supervisor so be careful not to sign them off until they are fully completed

Appendix A: Forms within the VT ePortfolio

Forms / Ticketed? / Section
Feedback Form / Y / Forms > Ticketed Feedback
Witness Testimony / Y / Forms > Ticketed Feedback
Additional Action Plan / N / Forms > Appraisal / Meeting Forms
VT Appraisal / Y / Forms > Appraisal / Meeting Forms
Weekly Review Meeting Record / N / Forms > Appraisal / Meeting Forms
VT Record of Meeting / N / Forms
Record of Completion of Section / N / Forms > Completion
VT Rotation Record / N / Logs > Learning and Reflection
Case-based Discussion (CbD) / Y / Logs > Learning and Reflection
Mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise (Mini-CEX) / Y / Logs > Learning and Reflection
Action Record / N / Logs > Learning and Reflection
Scribble / N / Logs > Learning and Reflection
Case study log / N / Logs > Learning and Reflection
Medicines Information Activity and Reflection / N / Logs > Learning and Reflection
Dispensing Services activity and reflections log / N / Logs > Learning and Reflection
Aseptic services reflection log / N / Logs > Learning and Reflection
Aseptic services activity log / N / Logs > Learning and Reflection
Declaration of own work / N / Logs > Learning and Reflection
CMS Care Plan / N / Logs > Learning and Reflection
Reflection Log / N / Logs > Learning and Reflection
Record of Completion (MCQ Scores) / N / Logs > Learning and Reflection
Personal development form / N / Logs > Personal Development Plan
Care Plan: Clinical Management / N / Profile > Care Plan
Care Plan: Continuity Of Care / N / Profile > Care Plan
Care Plan: Current Medication / N / Profile > Care Plan
Care Plan: Factors Affecting / N / Profile > Care Plan
Care Plan: Investigations / N / Profile > Care Plan
Care Plan: Medical and Drug History / N / Profile > Care Plan
Care Plan: Patient Details / N / Profile > Care Plan
Care Plan: Pharmaceutical Care Plan / N / Profile > Care Plan
Care Plan: Reviews / N / Profile > Care Plan
Care Plan: TDM / N / Profile > Care Plan
Care Plan: Summary / N / Profile > Care Plan
Care Plan: Reflection and learning / N / Profile > Care Plan
Care Plan: Feedback Form / N / Profile > Care Plan

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