Frequently Asked Questions about PEPs
- Who is responsible for the PEP? – As the PEP is part of the overall care plan for the child/young person, the social worker is ultimately responsible that it is completed in partnership with the school and carers. Within school, the designated teacher has lead responsibility for the development and implementation of the PEP.
- Who arranges the PEP meeting? – School and the social worker liaise to arrange the time and date of the meeting. A member of the Virtual School should attend PEP meetings when the child is new into care.
- What should happen prior to the PEP meeting? – The designated teacher or a designated person in school meets with the child/young person to complete the relevant sections of the PEP. Instructions are at the top of each page of the PEP.
- Who should attend the PEP meeting? – The child/young person should be asked if they want to attend the meeting. Social worker and carer/s should attend and contribute to the meeting. The social worker is the person who decides if the birth parents attend. The school should invite Inspira to PEPs at Key Stage 4 and decide if any other school staff should attend i.e. SENCo, key worker, or teaching assistant. In year 11, the young person may have a leaving care adviser and they could attend the PEP meeting.
- How often do PEP meetings take place? – Within 20 working days of a child/young person coming into care and then every 6 months. If a child/young person is already in care it is suggested that the PEP meeting takes place in September/October and then in March/April, so that two PEP meetings take place in the academic year.
- What happens to the PEP after the meeting? – The designated teacher quality assures the PEP and sends it to the Virtual School within 5 days of the PEP meeting. Schools in Cumbria should upload the PEP to the School Portal “Returns to the LA” “PEPs Virtual School Team”. Other schools email the PEP securely to:
The Virtual School quality assures the PEP and the request for pupil premium plus. The Virtual School are responsible for uploading the PEP onto ICS. Only when this has taken place is the PEP counted as complete. The original PEP is kept in school where it is a working document, which is regularly updated.
- What is the connection between the PEP and the Pupil Premium Plus? – Schools receive Pupil Premium Plus via the PEP. If the PEP is not fully completed the school may not receive the funding for the child/young person. The designated teacher must complete the right-hand column of the action plan to record the impact of the pupil premium plus spend each term.