French Gulch – Upper Clear Creek
Resource Management Group

Managing for Sustainability of Natural Resources and Community in the Upper Clear Creek Watershed

P.O. Box 49, French Gulch, CA 96033



March 24, 2005



Meeting began at 5:30 PM, with Leslie Bryan facilitating.

Directors present: Kit Lauderdale, Judy Britton, Gene Dymond, Kevin Ransom and Pat McCabe

Directors absent: None

Guests: Superintendent Jim Milestone, Whiskeytown National Recreation Area

Advisors: Jack Bramhall, WSRCD and Leslie Bryan, WSRCD

Agenda was revised to reflect correction of date of minutes to be reviewed.


M/S/A Dymond / McCabe approved minutes of the January 20, 2005 Board Meeting.

FINANCES: Bank balance as of January 20th is $4,318.24. This includes $20.00 from the Secretary of State for return of the filing fee.

M/S/A Dymond / McCabe approved Treasurers Report as of March 23, 2005.


·  Jim Milestone, Superintendent Whiskeytown National Recreation Area (WNRA) reported on Fire Rehabilitation work at WNRA and other items he felt of interest to the group –

o  The initial rehabilitation work from the French Fire has been completed. Park policy is to allow natural regeneration, however invasive weed removal is being done. The area where fire originated off Trinity Mt. Road could be planted, and Whiskeytown NRA can provide labor if community can acquire native species for planting. The best time for planting is near Thanksgiving, and Gretchen Ring from WNRA can give group a list of desired species.

o  WNRA is monitoring water quality in Clear Creek due to the Green Horn Mine runoff.

o  Entrance fees will fund sand replenishment project for Brandy Creek and Oak Bottom beaches.

o  Marijuana gardens are a serious issue in the park. Eradication and clean up of damage caused by equipment and chemicals used on identified gardens is being done.

o  Gates are being installed along Hwy 299 PG&E access road due to erosion issues. Right of Way permits are being reissued, with upgrades and maintenance being required.

o  It is being considered to locate a staging area in the Mary Lake area for Shasta Trinity Trail non-motorized vehicle usage.

o  The group expressed the opinion that the Whiskeytown / French Gulch area is best suited for non-motorized recreational use as ATV use is not compatible with equestrian, hiking and biking use. It was noted the Whiskeytown General Plan is for non-motorized vehicle usage.

o  Bicycle and equestrian usage in park is increasing.

o  The Lemurian race will be in the park likely the 1st weekend in May.

o  Boulder Creek Falls and Brandy Creek Falls access have been improved.

o  The WNRA will be celebrating its anniversary in August.


·  Membership Drive – Preparations for January 2006 membership drive mailing will begin in November 2005. Newsletter to community will be sent now.

·  Letter to County about exterior design of park restrooms - It was decided no action was needed.


·  WSRCD Project Report - Jack Bramhall

o  The French Fire rehabilitation efforts have been successful thus far.

o  The WSRCD has been working on getting the irrigation ditch back on grade to eliminate standing water.

o  Shasta County has installed culvert through park. Those with concerns can contact Public Works Department.

o  Those with hazard trees from fire should contact Jack Bramhall or John Ribinsky for inspection and possible removal. Shasta County will be contacted regarding large oak tree in town.

o  The Drunken Gulch fuelbreak has been completed. Both Trinity Mountain Road and Section 11 fuelbreaks are in progress. WSRCD has been contacted by landowners on Trinity Mountain Road to request extending fuel break, however additional funding will have to be acquired in order to make this possible.

o  A Chipper Day date and location need to be decided. The FG – UCC RMG Board would like these items to be determined at the upcoming Community Meeting.

·  Leslie reported that she has arranged for the Shasta County Fire Safe Council to make a presentation at the upcoming Community Meeting.

·  Leslie reported that the WSRCD is hosting a May Watershed Awareness Month event at the Mt. Shasta Mall that will take place on Saturday, May 14, and encouraged the group to develop and staff an informational booth on the watershed and FG – UCC RMG.

·  Judy has written a letter to USFS regarding off highway vehicle use. It was discussed that additional articulation of community concerns are needed. Judy will revise and send and copy to Bureau of Land Management and OHV Commission.

·  Judy explained her understanding that activity at the French Gulch Mine is beginning. The group decided more information is needed. Leslie was requested to contact Bureau of Land Management to inquire if EIS has been done or if needed.

·  Judy Britton’s position is open for election this year. Leslie will e-mail announcement and send Judy a flyer to post around watershed.

·  Agenda items identified for the upcoming Community Meeting include:

o  Election of Officer

o  Shasta County Fire Safe Council Presentation

o  WIM Presentation

o  Date for Chipper Days

o  Sesquicentennial Event

o  Free Dump Day Update

8:10 Adjourn

Board members:

Gene Dymond, 12429 East Fork Road, French Gulch, CA 96033


Kit Lauderdale, 17358 Lassen Avenue, Anderson, CA 96007


Pat McCabe, P.O. Box 130, French Gulch, CA 96033


Kevin Ransom, P.O. Box 9, French Gulch, CA 96033


Judy Britton, P.O. Box 4, French Gulch, CA 96033


FG-UCC RMG Annual Meeting and Board of Directors Elections 7:00 PM on Thursday April 28, 2005 at French Gulch – Whiskeytown School

FG-UCC RMG Board Meeting 5:30 PM on Thursday May 26, 2005 at Round Table Pizza on Eureka Way in Redding