French 4223-0 Advanced French Composition

Spring 2008

Instructor Goavec

Meeting Time TR 2:00pm - 03:13pm

Office hours M 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm

TR: 10: am-12:00 pm and by appointment

Tel: 660- 543-4747



Required texts

Siskin J. and all. Tâches d’encre. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2 ed., 2004.

Stillman David M. & Ronni L. Gordon. Gordon. Reprise, 2 ed. McGraw Hill, 2007.

CQIP and General Education Goals

A. Communicating

1. Students will develop their oral communication in both “everyday” and “idea-centered” conversational French. “Oral communication” does not mean perfection, but rather an increased ability to convey the speaker’s message in the foreign language.

2. Students will develop their reading proficiency.

3. Students will develop their writing skills.

4. Students will develop their speaking abilities by participating in class activities.

B. Valuing

1. Students will demonstrate an awareness of the cultural values of other communities

by reading the cultural information provided in the textbook.

2. Students will be introduced to some of the ways those living in other societies fulfill their needs, be they educational, social or cultural.

C. Humanities and Fine Arts

Students will understand the historical, linguistic and cultural contexts and expressions of the peoples where the target language is spoken, within the limits of the textbook and

Students will develop their language skills in speaking, writing, listening and reading.

Courses Objectives

This course aims to help students improve their written expression. Students will be introduced to various linguistic functions of the French language. Through the exploration of various genres, students will learn how to describe, to narrate, to persuade and defend opinions, to hypothesize, to synthesize, and to analyze.

Course Goals.

By the end of the semester, students will

*improve their writing skills through various tasks such as: describing, writing a portrait. composing a summary, reporting on an event, narrating a story.

*develop their critical thinking.

*be familiar with the linguistic function of the French language.

*be introduced to the cultural values of French and Francophone communities through the cultural information provided in the text book.

Attendance and Participation

Students are expected to attend every class meeting. You will receive 3 points for each class attendance and active participation. Active participation is crucial in learning a foreign language. Participation does not mean perfection. The most important thing is to keep trying and be active member of the class. If you are present in the class but do not participate in the class activities, or fail to do the assignments, you will get ½ points for the day.


Excused absences will be considered only if documentation is presented. This documentation must show dates that were advised not to attend classes and reasons for the absence. You will still be responsible for material covered during the absence.


Reading assignments and other types of homework are to be completed before coming to class. Scheduled quizzes will be announced later and will be given to help you focus on the main topics of each section covered in the class. Since language learning is cumulative, it is mandatory that each assignment be completed on time, and be done with care and attention. You are urged to see the professor concerning whatever specific or general problem you may be having in the course.

Attention to details from the start will pay off!


Students will write three two-page compositions, and a final one. Each composition will have two drafts, except the final one. You will receive a feedback on the errors to help correct them and to improve the second draft. The score will be based on the following criteria:

*Content (originality, use of a variety of vocabulary)

*Grammar (accuracy: verb tenses/ verb conjugations/ adjective/noun agreements/ structures)

*The overall length (the minimum length requirement needs to be met)

*Academic integrity (all the work must be a result of your own effort; no help from outside or translation software is allowed; no cut and paste). If you are borrowing from any source, provide the complete bibliographical information.

All written assignments must be typed, double-spaced, font 12, Times/times roman.

Système D

Students are urged to use the Système D, a Tutorial and Writing Assistant program that combines the features of your word processor with databases of language reference material, a searchable dictionary, a verb conjugating reference, and an audio recording of vocabulary and example sentences.

Système D is designed for those who wish to develop writing skills in French. It provides an effective way to use the written language as a complement to oral work in the classroom. Système D allows any user to instantly access the material needed. The wide range of example sentences and vocabulary clusters assure the user of selecting the correct word or phrase so the French sounds natural.

Système D can be used by learners at all levels, since it supports creative, task-focused activities. People who enjoy learning by doing will benefit quickly from Système D.

For Information to how to use Système D, see separate Handout.

Policy on make-up late assignments:

Make-up quizzes, or other assignments may only be given at the instructor’s discretion with a documented excuse. If a student has prior knowledge that she/he will not be able to take a scheduled test or quiz, or turn in an assignment, it is her/his responsibility to notify the professor in advance, not after the due date. This rule applies to all assignments. Late assignments will not be accepted.

Tips for Success

Learning a new language may be difficult but not impossible. It is an ongoing process. Seize any opportunity to practice. Attend classes regularly.

Do not wait until the last minute to do your homework. Motivation, effort, positive attitude and realistic expectations will help produce better results as you go through the learning process.

Do not try to rely on translation. Many words/phrases do not translate directly from one language to another. Review basic grammar terms if you do not remember them. Do not hesitate to ask for help anytime.

Class rules

Classes start promptly on time. If you miss a class, you are still responsible for the material covered and class assignments. Once the class has started, all cell phones must be turned off. Phone calls may interrupt class activities.

We need to respect each other and remember that each student has the same right to instruction.

Grades. Your final grade will be based on the following:

Homework 20%

Compositions 210%

Class attendance and participation 10%

Grading Scale:

100%-90% A

89%-80% B

79%-70% C

69%-60% D

59%-0 F

Extra credit

There is no extra credit for this course.

Academic Honesty:

In accordance with the honesty policy outlined in the Student Handbook (pp.141-144), a violation of that policy will result in an “F” on any assignment or exam and may result in an “F” for the course.

Office of Accessibility Statement: Students with documented disabilities who are seeking academic accommodations should contact the Office of Accessibility Services, union 220, (Voice and TTY) 660-543-4421.

Early Alert: As part of the UCM commitment to building a positive, student-centered learning community that supports the success of every student, the faculty member instructing this course participates in the UCM Early Alert Program.

Get help @ your library

You may access your library account, the online catalog, and electronic databases from the James C. Kirkpatrick Library’s web site at Library.ucmo.edu. For research assistance, you may contact the Reference Desk at: 543-4154

AIM JCKL Reference


RefChat library.ucmo.edu/chat



Reading assignments and homework will be announced each day of class meeting and are expected to be completed before the next class meeting, unless indicated otherwise.

N.B. All assignments with the * must be turned in on the next class meeting, unless otherwise advised.



Jan 15 Introduction au cours Lecture: Tâches p.62-63

Analyse structurelle

Structurelle, p.65-6

Jan 17 Ch.3 Lecture: Prise de conscience, p.63-63

Analyse structurelle&stylistique, p. 65-6

Jan 22 Les actes de la parole, Tâches p. 67-68. Tâches, *C, p. 70-71

Reprise, p.12 #4; p. 13-15

Jan 24 Le discours direct et indirect; Tâches, p.72-3 Tâches A* p. 76-7.

Jan 29 L’essai, Tâches p. 82-84 Tâches «Contagion», p.84-86

Atelier d’écriture I

Jan 31 Contagion, p. 84-87 1. Tâches p.94

La stylistique, p.95-96 Atelier d’écriture II, p.94

2. Tâches: B. p.97-8


February 5 Tâches, p.97-8 Atelier d’écriture III, p. 99

February 7 La dissertation 1. Composition I Tâches, p.100

Taches p. 102 2. Lecture: Tâches, p. 106-8

Atelier d’écriture I. p. 103-4

February 12 Dissertation

Tâches p. 106-9 Analyse structurelle,

Tâches, p. 110-112

February 14 Analyse structurelle Exercice, Tâches, p. 116

Tâches, p. 110-112 Atelier d’écriture II, p. 117-8

Les Actes de la parole, p.115

February 19 La Stylistique Tâches p. 118-20 Tâches, *L’infinitif, p.120 A-B;

* p. 142-143 A. Atelier d’écriture III, p.122-23

February 21 Le compte-rendu Composition II, Tâches, p. 124 Atelier d’écriture I Lecture, p. 131-2 Tâches, p. 128-130

February 26 Magie d’Afrique Analyse Structurelle, p.134-5

Taches, p. 131-133 Analyse Stylistique, p. 135-6

February 28 Les Actes de Parole Atelier d’écriture II, p. 140-1

Taches, p. 136-9


March 4 La Stylistique Le participe passé VS

La phrase nominale *Voix passive, Tâches, A.,

Tâches, p. 141-142. p.143-44

Les pronoms relatifs

Reprise p. 224-29; 230-31 227-8 (3); 230 (5);




March 18 Le silence des agneaux

Tâches, p. 144-5 Atelier d’écriture III, p.145 Lecture, Tâches, p. 148

March 20 Les phrases négatives Composition III, p. 146 Reprise p. 261-2; p. 264-6 (Écriture libre)

March 25 Exercices sur la négation TBA

Reprise p. 263; 264; 265-7

March 27 Exercices sur la négation L’explication de texte

Reprise p. 269–70; 273; 277-8 Tâches, p. 148-9


April 1 Atelier d’écriture I

Tâches, p. 150-1

Mai , Tâches, p. 150-1 Mai , Tâches, p. 151-154

April 3 Mai , Tâches, p. 154-155 Les Actes de Parole, p.157-8

April 8 Mai , Tâches, p.155

Les Actes de Parole, p.157-8

April 10 Atelier d’écriture II *Exercice A, Tâches, p. 161

Tâches, p. 159-160 Lecture, Tâches, p. 162-164

Noter vos remarques sur

le texte

April 15 Atelier d’écriture III Composition IV

Tâches, p. 165-6 Tâches, p.166.

Choisissez 1 ou 2.

April 17 Le Subjonctif TBA

Reprise, p. 329-34

April 22 Le Subjonctif TBA

Reprise, p. 335-37

April 24 Le Subjonctif TBA

Reprise, p. 335-37

April 29 Le Subjonctif Work on the final comp

Reprise, p. 337-40


May 8 Final : 11:00- 1:00 pm

Turn in Final composition