Toys “R” Us
Freight Order Management System
Vendor User Guide
Freight Order Management
Vendor User Guide
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Table of Contents
2.0Overview and Navigation
3.0Accessing FOM
4.0The Freight Order Management Life Cycle
5.0Logging into FOM
6.0The FOM System Logon screen
7.0Change Password
8.0Accessing the Purchase Order Manager Screen
9.0Build A Shipment For One Purchase Order In FOM (Submit For Routing)
10.0Build A Shipment For Multiple Purchase Orders In FOM (Submit For Routing)
11.0Viewing Shipment Detail In FOM: Carrier And BOL Related Data
12.0Editing A Shipment In FOM
13.0FOM Validation Messages
14.0FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
15.0Toys “R” Us Vendor Coordinator Contact List
This document is the Toys “R” US Freight Order Management Vendor User Guide. The purpose of the Guide is to instruct the Toys R US Vendors/Suppliers on the use of the Freight Order Management (FOM) System to create freight orders and shipments to fulfill Toys “R” US Purchase Orders.
This Guide is intended for the Vendor/Supplier users involved in the management and fulfillment of shipments of merchandise to Toys “R” Us Distribution Centers. In the Guide, Vendor Users are referred to collectively, although the Vendor/Supplier may have several Departments or individuals involved in the Freight Order Management process. If this is the case, care should be taken by the Vendor/Supplier to identify the appropriate persons within the Vendor’s organization to perform the action described in this Guide.
2.0Overview and Navigation
The Freight Order Management (FOM) System is a web portal which domesticcollect vendorsshipping to Toys “R” Us Distribution Centers utilize to submit shipment routing requests.Note:Domestic Collect Vendors include all collect vendors shipping from the United States and/or Canada.
FOM facilitates collaboration between TRU buyers and Vendors/Suppliers through on-line purchase order confirmation, line item visibility, shipment creation, and transportation management integration.
The FOM portal provides Purchase Order Item level routing information. Vendors are responsible to validate item level carton weight and cube information, not just view.
Once in FOM the Vendor User will find navigation intuitive. The best way to navigate through FOM is to use the buttons on the individual sheets (“Done” if the User has made changes or “Cancel” if the User is just viewing. This method is better than using the browser’s “Back” or “Forward” arrows.
More background and help navigating through FOM can be found by clicking the “Help” button found in the top right corner of the FOM screen after the FOM user has logged onto the system. (See directions in Section 5 for logging onto FOM).
At the FOM Help page, the FOM user will find further information about navigating through FOM as well as further details on using the FOM system
3.0Accessing FOM
FOM is accessible through a web browser using Internet Explorer 7.0or above. Vendors using other earlier version of Internet Explorer of other web browser will not be able to access the system. Note: The preferred web browser for FOM is Internet Explorer 7.0. FOM does support IE8 however the use of IE8 may cause technical conflicts with other TRU applications.
The Vendor User accesses FOM through the Toys “R” Us Extranet.(Note:The Vendor’s Extranet System Administrator can setup a Vendor User on the Toys “R” Us Extranet.
In addition to Toys “R” Us Extranet access,a FOM user ID is required to access FOM.
To Request and FON user ID, the Vendor User must provide the following information in the attached FOM New User Form 1/18/11.
- Vendor Name
- Vendor Number (If shipping with multiple resource numbers, information is required for each resource number).
- Vendor Address (City, State, Zip Code)
- Vendor User Name
- Vendor User Phone Number
- Vendor User Email Address
Please email the complete FOM New User Form to the RRES Mailbox at
4.0TheFreight Order Management Life Cycle
- A Toys ‘R’ Us buyer generates a purchase order.
- Purchase orders are imported by batch processing to JDA Freight Order Management.
- Suppliers log into JDA Freight Order Management via the Internet, where they can view their own purchase orders.
- The supplier creates a shipment based on their ability to fulfill the purchase order requirements.
- After the shipment is created, the supplier confirms it. By confirming the shipment, the supplier makes a commitment to fill the purchase order.
- The shipment is now available to the Toys ‘R’ Us Transportation Planning group for scheduling.
- Once the shipment is planned, assigned a carrier by Toys ‘R’ Us, the shipment status in Freight Order Management (FOM) will be updated to read “Scheduled”.
- Once the shipment is tendered to a carrier by Toys ‘R’ Us, the shipment status in Freight Order Management will be updated to “Locked” Changes cannot be made to a shipment in “Locked” status.
5.0Logging into FOM
- Log into the Toys “R” Us Vendor Extranet
- Click on the Freight Order Management link on the left sidenavigation panel.
6.0The FOM System Logon screen
1.Enter the Vendor User Name and Password supplied by Toys ‘R’ Us (which are case- sensitive).
2.Click Log In.
7.0Change Password
1.Click Change Password.
- Complete the following fields: User Name, Password, New Password, and Confirm New Password.
- Click Log In.
- The Vendor User password was successfully changed and the vendor User will be logged into Freight Order Management.
- The Vendor User’s password can be changed once the Vendor User has logged in.
- The Vendor User’s password will expire every 90 days and the Vendor User will be prompted to change it again.
- After 3 attempts of logging in with incorrect user name or password, The Vendor User will be locked out and need to contact Toys “R” Usat via the RRES mailbox ()to have the Vendor User’s name and password reset.
Email Subject: Password Re-Set Request
Once the Login id complete the Vendor User will automatically be directed to the Purchase Order Manager screen
The Freight Order Management (FOM) viewpoint page offers access to a variety of search options within Purchase Order Manager and Shipment Manager .
“FOM” allows Toys ‘R’ Us to share purchase order data with Its suppliers and allows suppliers to provide critical shipment details.
At any time while in “FOM” the followings icons can be used to navigate:
= Go (Search)
= Clear (any previous search criteria or results)
= Build Shipment (Route)
= Add an item
= Remove an item
8.0Accessing the Purchase Order Manager Screen
Purchase Order Manager can be accessed other ways. The Vendor User can select “Purchase Order Manager” from the “Your Links” section located at the top of any page or can access the “Purchase Order Manager” from the Quick Link section of the welcome page.
HOT PO Field- Please note that if marked with a “Y”, this PO has been identified as priority by Toys “R” Us. The Vendor is responsible for ensuring product is made available and routedin a timely fashion.
Searching For And Viewing Purchase Order Detail In FOM
- Selecting the Purchase Order Manager loads a PO search tab. The search can be by a specific PO number, Supplier, Origin, Destination, Status, Product, PO Viewed by, and critical Date(s).
- Alternatively, the Vendor User can search for allthe Vendor’s PO’s by leaving all the header fields blank. Wildcards such as “%” can also be used to search for data. Note: Selecting “NO” in the “Viewed by: Supplier field will display new PO’s only
- Clicking on the PO# hyperlink enables the Vendor User to drill down for detailed PO information.
- To clear any previous search, click on the erasure icon at the top left next to the actions
The PO Line Items tab shows all line items for a specific PO that are available for shipments.
- The following purchase order statuses will be used by Toys “R” Us in Freight Order Management:
- Open- The initial status of a new purchase that has no shipments created against it.
- InProgress- Status of a purchase order when a shipment has been created against it, but has not shipped in full.
- Committed- Status of a purchase order when quantity has been fulfilled.
9.0Build A Shipment For One Purchase Order In FOM (Submit For Routing)
- Query purchase orders
- Select the purchase order to build shipments against by checking the check box at the far left of the screen
- Click build Shipment icon (Build Shipment at top left in blue banner) to build a shipment (submit for routing).
Shipment Line Items can be selected individually for inclusion/exclusion to a shipment.
- Select items to be removed that the Vendor User doesn’t want to build a shipment against.
- To remove a line item, check the box on left, and then click on the on the blue banner, on the left of the screen to process.
- NOTE: Items removed from a shipment remain open for future planning, leaving only those line items available for shipment visible on this screen.
- To add back any line item previously removed to this shipment, click the on the blue banner, on the left of the screen to process.
Then select the item/s you want to add, by selecting the check box to the left and select DONE
- Click on the magnifying glass to select *Origin.
Location Information displays Origin or ship-from locations, where multiple locations exist.
- Select the radio button on the left for correct location. Then click Done.
- Please verify that all of the possible ship-from locations and their descriptions are correct. If location ID’s need to be added or modified, please contact Toys “R” Us via the RRES mailbox ().
Email Subject: location to be added or modified.
Complete and attach following document.
- Please note that the origins/ ship from locations available in Freight Order Management, are not specific to the origins/ ship from location written on the purchase order.
Please verify that origin. ship from location you are selecting matches the origin/ ship from location on the purchase order. If there is a discrepancy, please contact your Toys “R” Us Planner to verify the correct origin/ship from location.
Any discrepancies will affect your overall lead time and ETA performance.
Shipment Line Items identified with an “*” are required fields.
- In the Details section, enter or change the following fields:
- *Planned Qty (available shipped qty)
Quantity defaults to the quantity of the purchase order.
- Weight(gross weight)
Weight cannot be greater than 45, 000 lbs for total of shipment
- Cube
Cube cannot be greater than 3200cubic feet for total of shipment
NOTE: If the planned quantity is adjusted, the weight and cube will NOT automatically recalculate. The recalculated weight and cube needs to be entered.
- *Earliest Available date is the only date that can be edited.
- The default date is the first day of the ship window.
- Change the date if needed.
- If submitting for routing within 3 days from the latest delivery date,an error message will be received.
- The earliest available date can not be in the past or an error message will be received.
- The earliest available date cannot be later than the latest available date or an error message will be received.
If an error message is received, please contact your Toys “R” Us Vendor Coordinator or the Rres Mailbox at .
Shipment Line Items … Status
- Change status from Unconfirmed to Confirmed. A Confirmed status indicates the order is ready to be planned. Remember, the Planned Qty is actual quantity being shipped.
- After confirming, click the Done button to save the information.
NOTE: Status must be changed from Unconfirmed to CONFIRMED or Toys “R Us will not received your shipment to be processed.
- View confirmation that shipment has been created. (Printed above the header tabs).
- Once confirmed Toys “R” Us transportation planners can route shipment
- Shipment ID is created. See top left blue bar.
NOTE- Status must be changed from Unconfirmed to CONFIRMED or Toys “R Us will not received your shipment to be processed.
10.0Build A Shipment For Multiple Purchase Orders In FOM (Submit For Routing)
Building Shipments for multiple purchase orders
- Navigate to the FOM Purchase Order Manager screen and select multiple purchase orders by clicking the selection box.
- To build shipments for multiple purchase orders, the following information must be the same: origin, destination, and ETA week.
If applicable, supplier must be the same as well.
- Click the build shipment icon after selecting the purchase orders.
- Any line items not included in this shipment can be selected by checking the check box located on the far left by each line item.
- Click the red icon once the line itemes to be removed have been selected.
- NOTE: Items removed from a shipment remain open for future planning, leaving only those line items available for shipment visible on this screen.
Shipment Line Items identified with an “*” are required fields.
- In the Details section, enter or change the following fields:
*Planned Qty (available shipped qty)
Quantity defaults to the quantity of the purchase order.
Weight(gross weight)
Weight cannot be greater than 45, 000 lbs for total of shipment
Cube cannot be greater than 3200 cubic feet for total of shipment
NOTE: If the planned quantity is adjusted, the weight and cube will NOT automatically recalculate. The recalculated weight and cube needs to be entered.
- *Earliest Available date is the only date that can be edited.
- The default date is the first day of the ship window.
- Change the date if needed.
- If submitting for routing within 3 days from the latest delivery date, an error message will be received.
- The earliest available date can not be in the past or an error message will be received.
- The earliest available date cannot be later than the latest available date or an error message will be received.
If an error message is received, please contact your Toys “R” Us Vendor Coordinator or the Rres Mailbox at .
- Change status from Unconfirmed to Confirmed. A Confirmed status indicates the order is ready to be planned. Remember, the Planned Qty is actual quantity being shipped.
- After confirming, click the Done button to save the information.
NOTE: Status must be changed from Unconfirmed to CONFIRMED or Toys “R Us will not received your shipment to be processed.
After Shipments Are Built (Routing Has Been Submitted)
After building of shipments for the dayor cycle has been completed, the Vendor User should search those shipments to ensure nothing was missed and that all are showing in “confirmed” status.
Search purchase orders by status:- “in progress” in the PO Manager screen
“unconfirmed” in the Shipment Manager screen
- The Vendor User should change the status of any unintended results before exiting FOM.
- “In progress” – continue building a shipment and confirm
- “unconfirmed”- confirm shipment
- The search should be Rerun until all orders have been properly submitted.
11.0Viewing Shipment Detail In FOM: Carrier And BOL Related Data
Shipment Details
- Navigate to Shipment Manager link
- To access the Shipment Manage screen the Vendor User can:
- Select “Shipment Manager” from the Quick Link section of the welcome page
- select “Shipment Manager” from the “Your Links” section located at the top of any page
- Select “Shipment Manager” link from the Purchase Order Manager screen at the top left
- Query Shipments
The following shipment statuses will be used by Toys “R” Us in Freight Order Management:
- Unconfirmed- Initial status of a shipment when it is created against a purchase order.
- Confirmed- Status of shipment that was submitted by a supplier. Changes can only be made to the Origin, Early Available Date, Weight, and Volume for shipments in “Confirmed” status.
- Scheduled- Status of a shipment that has been scheduled by Toys “R” Us transportation planning. Changes can only be made to the Early Available Date, Weight, and Volume for shipments in “Scheduled” status.
- Locked- Status of a shipment has been tendered to a carrier by Toys “R” Us transportation planning. No changes can be made to a shipment in “Locked” status.
- Click Edit to view shipment details
- View the Carrier andRouting ID. Suppliers should refer to the Routing IDcreated by Toys ‘R’ Us in all communications after the shipment is scheduled.
12.0Editing A Shipment In FOM
Going back to Shipment Managerthe Vendor User can search and view Shipment Details. Shipment can also be EDITTED and DELETED:
- To edit a shipment click the pencil icon on the left
- A shipment in Confirmed status can be EDITED as needed, by changing its’ status to Unconfirmed, making corrections, and changing the status back to Confirmed.
- A shipment in Unconfirmed status can be DELETED by adding a check mark in the white box on the far left of the shipment numbers, then clicking on the icon.
- A confirmed shipment cannot be deleted in FOM. The status must be changed to unconfirmed to be deleted. When a shipment in confirmed status is unconfirmed, the unconfirmed quantity is updated to reflect the correct open amount.
- A Shipment in Locked status can NOT be changed.
13.0FOM Validation Messages