Freeman Combined PTSG Minutes

December 19, 2016 (1:30p-3:30p) Elem Community Classroom

·  Welcome and Introductions: Katie Millhorn (President)

·  Members present: Lisa Phelan, Katie Millhorn, Amanda LaShaw, Kelli Paine, Jenny Bryant, Jayne McLaughlin

·  Approval of November Minutes: Jayne motioned to approve, Kelli seconded, All Approved

·  Financial Review Presentation—Amanda

o  Monthly budget (of both October and November)

o  MCT, concessions, coupon books, membership deposits and many disbursements (grants, reimbursements) will be shown on December budget

·  Reports

o  Fundraising (report on what has been raised, what is needed, current/future fundraising events)

§  Coupon Book(Jenny)

·  As of end of Nov, $225 raised

·  About 25 books sold at this point

·  Jenny will check to see if we can return books to SaveAround

§  Gear Sales—Freeman socks sale (Amanda)

·  $500 for 72 pairs ($6.94 a pair)---would be sold for $15 each

·  If all sold, $576 profit

·  HS isn’t selling them, so we will push them after winter break

·  Amanda will oversee this (and work with Dee Dee)

§  MS Concessions (Kelli/Katie)

·  How are sign ups going? Need items (items in PTSG Closet for concessions)?

o  There is a sign up on via our webpage (it needs to be updated)

o  Make about $50-$70 per game/event

o  There is no way to get into concessions if we get there after 2:45. Can PTSG get a key to the room? Lisa Ph will check.

·  Replace refrigerator—Katie will put a request for a donation on FaceBook

o  Membership (report on current membership number and current/future membership drives)--Jayne

§  Directory progress—distribution date?

§  Current General membership (goal 110) #: (94)

§  Current Business membership (goal 10) #: (14)

o  Programs (report on current/future programs)

§  Craft Night report (Jayne)—total cost?

·  Very successful—about 125 kids came

·  Next year we will up the number of crafts per table to 125 and possibly up the budget next year

·  Treats and Raffle offset cost by about $310

·  Total cost ??????

§  Book Fair review (Cis?) $3257.80 was raised by the Fair. Goes directly How much raised for the library? Due to extenuating circumstances, Scholastic was paid a little later than usual, but all is cleared now.

·  Newsletter/advertising items (Jenny/Katie): *Newsletters look back, Facebook & Scottie Scoop/Freeman Flyer look forward*

o  Newsletter dates (all are Mondays except first and last ones): 9/30, 10/24, 11/21, 12/19, no Jan newsletter, 2/21, 3/27, 4/24, 5/30, no June newsletter

§  February issue: Concessions, Screenagers, Coupon Books, April Voting Meeting, Board Positions, Volunteer of the Month,

§  Get items to Jenny by the Thursday before the publishing date

§  Send pictures whenever possible

o  Facebook presence (what’s posted/to be posted): list all items to be posted

§  Advertising upcoming events (Facebook, reader board, school newsletters, fliers for Friday Folders): list all items to be advertised

·  Coupon Books

·  Concessions

·  ScreenAgers?

·  Upcoming meetings

·  Thanks to our volunteers

·  Membership link

·  Old Business

o  HS finals encouragement from PTSG (Jenny)

§  We can order 400 bags for about $6

§  Jenny will check with A-R and Marge Arnzen about making cookies

§  Katie will send template to Jen & what labels to buy so they can be printed

o  Screenagers: Approved by all schools. Dates to consider: Feb 13, 15, 16, 22, 27

§  Waiting to hear from schools regarding dates (PTSG prefers the 27th)

§  Jenny will check with lawyer to be on panel. Amanda will check with a Freeman parent doctor to be on the panel

·  New Business

o  HS “Good Luck On Finals” note from PTSG (Jenny)

o  PTSG donation to Jim Straw’s GoFund Me account (Katie)

§  Katie suggested that we donate to his GoFundMe account

§  Jenny motioned to up the “Special Request” line item to $1000, Jayne seconded. All Approved to donate $1000 to his medical costs. Amanda wrote the check to Nancy Straw and Katie will deliver it.

o  Fundraiser for Josh Wiggen

§  We would not necessarily RUN an event, but would be very interested in supporting an event (get the word out, contact our volunteers, etc).

§  Looking at possibly after Spring break as a time line

§  Kelli & Amanda will check around to see if something is in the works

·  Motion to adjourn: 3:30pm