Trust HQ





Direct Tel: 01452894264



12September 2016

Sent via e-mail to:-

Adam Cell

DearMr Cell

Freedom of Information Request – Ref: FOI 105AC-1516

Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request. Please find attached the Trust organisational charts as requested. Contact details are provided below for each of the divisional clinical managers/directors, deputies and general managers within the organisationincluding all manager names, contact details and job titles.

BOARD – Executive Directors:

Name / Job Title / Site / Email Address / Direct Line
Ruth FitzJohn / Trust Chair / Rikenel / / 01452 894167
Shaun Clee / Chief Executive Officer / Rikenel / / 01452 894003
Colin Merker / Director of Service Delivery/Deputy Chief Executive / Rikenel / / 01452 894025
Marie Crofts / Director of Quality / Rikenel / / 01452 894070
Carol Sparks / Director of Organisational Development / Rikenel / / 01452 894076
Dr Chris Fear / Medical Director/ Caldicott Guardian / Rikenel / / 01452 894701
Prof Jane Melton / Director of Engagement & Integration / Rikenel / / 01452 894024
Andrew Lee / Director of Finance & Commerce / Rikenel / / 01452 894057

BOARD – Non Executive Directors:

Name / Job Title / Site / Email Address / Direct Line
Charlotte Hitchings / Non-Executive Director / Rikenel / Contact Trust Secretariat on: / 01452 894165
Dr Martin Freeman / Non-Executive Director / Rikenel / Contact Trust Secretariat on: / 01452 894165
Jonathan Vickers / Non-Executive Director / Rikenel / Contact Trust Secretariat on: / 01452 894165
Marcia Gallagher / Non-Executive Director / Rikenel / Contact Trust Secretariat on: / 01452 894165
Nikki Richardson / Non-Executive Director / Rikenel / Contact Trust Secretariat on: / 01452 894165
Duncan Sutherland / Non-Executive Director / Rikenel / Contact Trust Secretariat on: / 01452 894165
Quinton Quayle / Non-Executive Director / Rikenel / Contact Trust Secretariat on: / 01452 894165

Finance & Commerce Directorate Managers:

Name / Job Title / Site / Email Address / Direct Line
Steve Andrews / Deputy Director Finance / Rikenel / / 01452 894767
Fran Wallbank / Transformation Programme Director / Rikenel / / 01452 894017
Adrian Eggleton / Deputy Director of Estates & Facilities / Rikenel / / 01452 894062
Rob Blagden / Deputy Director IT Systems / Rikenel / / 01452 894895

Medical Directorate Managers:

Name / Job Title / Site / Email Address / Direct Line
Dr Jon Haynes / Clinical Director West Locality / Ambrose House / / 01452 894802
Dr Martin Ansell / North Locality Clinical Director / / 01453 563125
Dr Barnaby Major / Herefordshire Clinical Director / Belmont / / 01432 361600
Dr Karen Williams / Countywide Clinical Director / Ambrose House / / 01452 894398
Dr Mark Scheepers / South Locality Clinical Director / Weavers Croft / / 01453 563148
Dr Rosemary Richards / Children & Young People Service (CYPS) Clinical Director / Acorn House / / 01242 634070
Dr Amjad Uppal / Medical Education Director / / 01452 894564

Organisational Development Directorate Managers:

Name / Job Title / Site / Email Address / Direct Line
Prof Alan Hawley / Clinical Director Working Well / Gloucestershire Royal Hospital / / 0300 4225165
Alison James / Service Director Working Well / Gloucestershire Royal Hospital / / 0300 4225165
Alison Wilmott-Miller / Deputy Director of HR / Rikenel / / 01452 894650
Sue Heafield / Assistant Director of HR Workforce / Rikenel / / 01452 894671
Nick Grubb / Assistant Director of HR / Rikenel / / 01452 894658
Ruth Thomas / Assistant Director of HR Training / Collingwood House / / 01452 894115
Julie Evans / Health & Safety Officer / Rikenel / / 01452 894260
John McIlveen / Trust Secretary / Rikenel / / 01452 894166
Sarah Farr / Staff Bank Manager / Wotton Lawn / / 01452 894577

Service Delivery Directorate Managers:

Name / Job Title / Site / Email Address / Direct Line
Eddie O’Neill / Deputy Director of Service Delivery / Rikenel / Eddie.o’ / 01452 894261
Les Trewin / Countywide Locality Service Director / Ambrose House / / 01452 894780
Jan Furniaux / Gloucestershire Locality Service Director / Ambrose House / / 01452 894783
Mark Hemming / Herefordshire Locality Service Director / Belmont, Herefordshire / / 01432 361607
Sarah Batten / CYPS Service Director / Acorn House / / 01452 894387
Steve Moore / Head of Information Management / Rikenel / / 01452 894009
Leigh Clarke / Assistant Director Service Continuity / Rikenel / / 01452 894261
John Hudson / Emergency Planning & Business Continuity Officer / Rikenel / / 01452 894006
Ian Leese / Local Security Management / Rikenel / / 01452 894067
Philip Southam / Head of Health Records / Rikenel / Wotton Lawn / / 01452 894267

Information & Clinical Systems Directorate Managers:

Name / Job Title / Site / Email Address / Direct Line
Steve Moore / Head of Information Management / Rikenel / / 01452 894009
Tim Woods / Deputy Head of Information Management / Rikenel / / 01452 894690
Ruth Wethey / Deputy Head of Clinical Systems / Rikenel / / 01452 894735

Quality Directorate Managers:

Name / Job Title / Site / Email Address / Direct Line
Alison Curson / Deputy Director of Nursing / Rikenel / / 01452 894888
Gordon Benson / Assistant Director Clinical Governance / Rikenel / / 01452 894075
Matthew Edwards / Assistant Director of Quality Assurance & Transformation / Rikenel / / 01452 894711
Roland Dix
Crispin Hebron
John Chilton
Tina Kukstas / Non-Medical Consultant
Non-Medical Consultant
Non-Medical Consultant
Non-Medical Consultant /

/ 01452 894584
01453 563149
01452 894570
08454 222709

Engagement & Integration Directorate Managers:

Name / Job Title / Site / Email Address / Direct Line
Jenny Romer
Sarah Bennion
Carrie Marrow
Jon Cash / Trust Head of Medicines Management
Trust Head of Social Care
Trust Head of Physiotherapy
Trust Head of Psychological Therapies / Gloucestershire Royal Hospital /

/ 0300 4226560
01452 894572
01242 275015
01452 321057
Lauren Wardman / Deputy Director for Engagement / Trust Head of Speech & Language Therapy (SALT) & Dietetics / Rikenel / / 01452 321000
Andrew Smart / Trust Head of Communications / Rikenel / / 01452 894005
Rebecca Shute / Trust Head of Occupational Therapy / Wotton Lawn / / 01452 321006
Karen Dawe / Trust Head of Physiotherapy / Wotton Lawn / / 01452 241158
Genevieve Riley / Trust Head of Research & Development / Rikenel / / 01242 634491
Jo Denney / OT Social Inclusion Consultant / 136 Stroud Road / / 01452 894338
Zoe Scott-Lewis / Assistant Director – Special Projects / Rikenel / / 01452 894000

Children & Young People Service (CYPS) Directorate Managers:

Name / Job Title / Site / Email Address / Direct Line
Sarah Batten / CYPS Service Director / Acorn House / / 01452 894387
Dr Rosemary Richards / CYPS Clinical Director / Acorn House / / 01242 634070
Melanie Harrison / Service Manager CYPS / Acorn House / / 01452 894300
Katherine Smith / Service Manager Hereford (CAMHS) / Herefordshire / / 01432 842222

Gloucestershire Countywide Locality Inpatients Managers:

Name / Job Title / Site / Email Address / Direct Line
Les Trewin / Countywide Locality Director / Ambrose House / / 01452 894780
Dr Karen Williams / Countywide Clinical Director / Ambrose House / / 01452 894398
Jez Leat / Community Services Manager / Ambrose House / / 01452 894368
Marieanne Bubb-McGhee / Inpatient Services Manager / Ambrose House / / 01432 361665
Chris Woon / Operational Development & Performance Lead / Ambrose House / / 0300 422 5165

Herefordshire Locality Managers:

Name / Job Title / Site / Email Address / Direct Line
Mark Hemming / Herefordshire Locality Service Director / Belmont / / 01432 361607
Dr Barnaby Major / Herefordshire Clinical Director / Belmont / / 01432 361600
Diane Topham / Community Services Manager / Belmont / / 01432 361615
Katherine Smith / Service Manager Hereford (CAMHS) / Oak Street / / 01432 842222
Damian Gardner / Psychology Services / Belmont / / 01432 262408
Sally Simmonds / Community Services Manager – Countywide / Belmont / / 01432 361669

Gloucestershire Locality Senior Managers:

Name / Job Title / Site / Email Address / Direct Line
Jan Furniaux / Gloucestershire Locality Service Director / / 01452 894783
Nathan Gregory / Performance & Development Lead / / 01452 894784
Debbie Furniss / Deputy Service Director / / 01452 894415

Gloucestershire Locality – Social Care Team Managers:

Name / Job Title / Site / Email Address / Direct Line
Sarah Bennion / Head of Professional Social Care / / 01452 894572
Theresa Donoghue / Social Care Specialist West / Albion Chambers / / 01452 894814
Tim Maddocks / Social Care Specialist South / Weavers Croft / / 01453 563185
Rebecca Barrow / Social Care Specialist North / Sherbourne House / / 01452 894602

Gloucestershire Locality – North Services Team Managers:

Name / Job Title / Site / Email Address / Direct Line
Louise Pickering / Community Service Manager – North / Sherbourne House, CLC / / 01242 634105
Angela Saw / One Stop Team, Later Life & Tewkesbury Recovery / Avon House / / 01684 861159
Louise Cleveland / One Stop Team, Cheltenham & Recovery/LD / Leckhampton Lodge / / 01242 634459
Cathy Newman / One Stop Team, Assertive Outreach Team (AOT) & North Cotswolds Recovery & Complex Psychological Interventions (CPI) / Leckhampton Lodge / / 01242 634300
Ann O’Reilly / Reablement / CHS Teams / Ambrose House / Ann.o’ / 01452 241109
Peter Fitzpatrick / Managing Memory 2gether/MA S/CDN / Old Day Hospital, Charlton Lane / / 01242 634467
Colin Baker / Lead Nurse / Sherbourne House, CLC / / 01242 634434
Carol Meredith / Support Services Manager / Sherbourne House, CLC / / 01242 634454

Gloucestershire Locality – South Services Team Managers:

Name / Job Title / Site / Email Address / Direct Line
Jonathan Thomas / Community Service Manager – South / Weavers Croft / / 01453 563091
Trish Butler / One Stop Team, Recovery, Complex Psychological Intervention (CPI) / Weavers Croft / / 01453 563184
Tony Warnes / One Stop Team, Later Life/LD / Weavers Croft / / 01453 563103
Andrea Clarke / One Stop Team, Recovery & Assertive Outreach Team (AOT) / Weavers Croft & Cirencester / / 01453 563190
Katie Conlon / Accommodation / Fieldview / / 01452 894425
Mark Adams / Lead Nurse / Weavers Croft / / 01452 563103
Karen Bennett / Support Services Manager / Weavers Croft / / 01453 563103

Gloucestershire Locality – West Services Team Managers:

Name / Job Title / Site / Email Address / Direct Line
Andrew Telford / Community Service Manager – West (Albion Chambers) / Albion Chambers / / 01452 894825
Claire Holder / One Stop Team, Recovery 1 & 3 Gloucester / Albion Chambers / / 01452 894790
Mandy Carpenter / One Stop Team, Forest of Dean Recovery / Later Life / Colliers Court, Forest of Dean / / 01594 593059
Mike Blackburn / One Stop Team, Assertive Outreach Team (AOT) West, Recovery 2 / Albion Chambers / / 01452 894821
Denise Evans / Later Life / Gloucester LD / Fieldview / / 01452 894125
Helen Maplestone / Vocational Services Manager, Community LD Team (CLDT) Forest of Dean, Complex Psychological Intervention (CPI) West / Albion Chambers / / 01452 894872
Caroline Andrews / Lead Nurse / Albion Chambers / / 01452 894834
Sarah Smith / Support Services Manager / Albion Chambers / / 01452 894873

Gloucestershire Locality – Entry Services Team Managers:

Name / Job Title / Site / Email Address / Direct Line
Rosemary Neale / Community Service Manager – Entry Level / Ambrose House / / 01452 894322
Gabby Cooper / GRIP Team Manager / 44 London Road / / 01452 894178
Jennie Christer / Contact Centre / Ambrose House / / 01242 894410
Jennie Christer / Autistic Spectrum Service / Lexham Lodge / / 01242 894410
Elaine Davies / Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Herefordshire / Belmont, Hereford / / 01432 347606
Nick Stevenson / North Intermediate Care Team / Stanway Laurel House / / 01242 634226
Julie White / South Intermediate Care Team / Southfields Park House / / 01453 563059
Sally Gardner / West Intermediate Care Team / Denmark Road / / 01242 634354
Sam Metcalfe / Support Services Manager / Ambrose House / / 01452 894324

INPATIENT SERVICES – Charlton Lane Hospital:

Name / Job Title / Site / Email Address / Direct Line
Ruth Kyne / Modern Matron (Mulberry & Willow Wards) / Charlton Lane / / 01242 634108
Gemma Coltraro / Ward Manager (Mulberry Ward) / Charlton Lane / / 01242 634100
Tracy Cresswell / Ward Manager (Willow Ward) / Charlton Lane / / 01242 634100

INPATIENT SERVICES – Laurel House & Honeybourne Units:

Name / Job Title / Site / Email Address / Direct Line
David Lozynskyj / Modern Matron & Unit Manager / Laurel House / / 01242634217
Charles Garton / Inpatient Unit Manager / Honeybourne / / 01242 634286
Jan Thompson / Deputy manager / Laurel House / / 01242 634216

INPATIENT SERVICES – Westridge Assessment & Treatment Service, Nr Standish, Glos:

Name / Job Title / Site / Email Address / Direct Line
Steve Campbell / Matron (Interim) / Westridge / / 01453 563071
Simon Eddy / Unit Manager / Westridge / / 01453 563063

INPATIENT SERVICES – Acute Day Unit, Stonebow Unit, Herefordshire:

Name / Job Title / Site / Email Address / Direct Line
Paul Ward / Matron / Stonebow / / 01432 364432
Melanie Jones / Ward Manager / Stonebow / / 01432 364432


Name / Job Title / Site / Email Address / Direct Line
Roland Dix / Consultant Nurse – Greyfriars (PICU) / / 01452 894584
Steve Ireland / Ward Manager – Greyfriars (PICU) / / 01452 894500
Roland Dix / Consultant Nurse – Montpellier Unit / / 01452 894584
Anthony Lake / Ward Manager – Montpellier Unit / / 01452 894582
Jayne Robinson / Department Manager – Occupational Health / / 01452 894524
Gary Dodson (was James Wright) / Modern Matron – Abbey & Dean Wards / / 01452 894559
Damon Coombs / Ward Manager – Abbey Ward / / 01452 894519
Vacant / Ward Manager – Dean Ward / Vacant / 01452 894500
Nicola Mills / Ward Manager – Priory Ward / / 01452 894500
Simon Webster / Ward Manager – Kingsholm Ward / / 01452 894014
Leon Meek / Inpatient Bed Manager / / 01452 894556
Jez Leat / Community Services Manager – Physiotherapy Department / / 01452 894368
Lloyd Andrews / Physiotherapy Department Manager / / 01452 894522
Jez Leat / Community Services Manager/Acting Inpatient Services Manager Occ Health / / 01452 894368

Should you have any queries about this letter, please do not hesitate to contact me. If you are unhappy with the service you have received in relation to your request and wish to make a complaint or have a review of our decision, you should write to:-

Anna Hilditch

Assistant Trust Secretary,

2gether NHS Foundation Trust




Tel: 01452 894165


If you are not content with the outcome of your complaint, you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner’s Office for a decision. Generally, the ICO cannot consider your case unless you have exhausted the complaints procedure provided by the Trust. The ICO can be contacted at: The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.

Yours sincerely,

Sharon D Bryant-Small


Information Governance Officer

2gether NHS Foundation Trust