Free Resources for Coachees
BITC Client Support Fund
The BITC Client Support Fund is a pot of money (kindly gifted to us by Accenture) that can be used to purchase something that your coachee needs in order for them to get into or progress in work.
Examples of things that we have funded in the past include:
- driving lessons
- smart clothes
- a dongle for internet access
- birth certificates for Right to Work documents
- travel while in work
- food shopping if a client has just started work and will have to wait a few weeks until they are paid
Decisions on whether or not we can fund something are dependent on how essential it is for that person to get into work or progress in work and the cost. We will not usually fund something that tis more than £200, but each decision is made independently.
If the situation arises where you think your coachee could benefit from the Client Support Fund, please email Anna and she can start the process within BITC.
Suited and Booted
Suited and Booted offer free suits and smart clothing for men with an upcoming interview or job offer. Suits have been donated by professionals or businesses and are usually second hand, but of good quality. If your client needs smart clothing of ran interview, please email Anna with the date and details of their interview, their chest, waist, trouser length and collar measurements and their shoe size.
SmartWorks offers a similar service to Suited and Booted, but for women. On top of providing smart clothes for women with a confirmed job interviews, they also offer an interview preparation session. Again, if your coachee needs smart clothes for an interview, email Anna and she can make a referral.
The Prince’s Responsible Business Network I 2