Dear Parent/Guardian,

You are invited to a very important Student-Led Conference that will help your child develop his/her own individual plan for the future. At this conference, your child will present his/her portfolio to you and discuss educational goals toward graduation, post-high school plans and career interests. Your child’sadvisor will assist you and your child with guidance, directions, and information in developing these plans. This is also the way in which all 9th, 10th and 11th graders will pre-register for courses for next year. All seniors will need to present their “High School and Beyond Plan” to their parent and advisor at the conference. This is a Washington State graduation requirement that must be completed.

Parents who would like to speak to their child’s other teachers are invited to attend our Open House from 3-4pm on March 31st and April1st. During this hour parents can drop by the teacher’s room to discuss their child’s progress.

Conferences will take place on March 31st and April 1st. Please indicate one or more times below that would work for you and ask your child to return this letter to their advisor by March 10th. Thank you for being involved in this pivotal conference regarding your child’s future. For additional information regarding Student-Led Conferences, see our website at


Mark VandenHazel, Assistant Principal

Conference Times: Please Check One or More Times That Will Work for You

March 31 / Check if Available / Tuesday
March 31 / Check if Available / Wednesday
April 1 / Check if Available / Wednesday
April 1 / Check if
11:00am-11:20am / 2:20pm-2:40pm / 11:00am-11:20am / 2:20pm-2:40pm
11:20am-11:40am / 2:40pm-3:00pm / 11:20am-11:40am / 2:40pm-3:00pm
11:40am-12:00pm / Open House 3-4pm / 11:40am-12:00pm / Open House 3-4pm
12:00pm-12:20pm / 4:00pm-4:20pm / 12:00pm-12:20pm / 4:00pm-4:20pm
BREAK / 4:20pm-4:40pm / BREAK / 4:20pm-4:40pm
12:40pm-1:00pm / 4:40pm-5:00pm / 12:40pm-1:00pm / 4:40pm-5:00pm
1:00pm-1:20pm / DINNER BREAK / 1:00pm-1:20pm / DINNER BREAK
1:20pm-1:40pm / 5:30pm-5:50pm / 1:20pm-1:40pm / 5:30pm-5:50pm
1:40pm-2:00pm / 5:50pm-6:10pm / 1:40pm-2:00pm / 5:50pm-6:10pm
2:00pm-2:20pm / 6:10pm-6:30pm / 2:00pm-2:20pm / 6:10pm-6:30pm

Student Name: ______Advisor______

If you have otherchildren who attend RRHS, please list their names below to help us avoid scheduling conflicts.

Student Name______Advisor______


Parent/Guardian Name: ______Home Phone: ______

Students should return this form to their advisor on March 10th.