Michael Nolte, Corey Eberling, Gary McVicker
Meeting Agenda
May 30, 2017
8:30 AM
The Board will be meeting on Tuesday, May 30th, due to Memorial Day on the 29th.
Location of Meeting: Franklin County Courthouse Basement
Meeting called to Order by Chairman of the Board at 8:30 a.m.
Approval of Agenda
Approval of minutes from last meeting – May 22, 2017
8:35 AM Public Comment and Committee Updates
8:45 AM Joint Drainage District 1-31-86 conference call between Cerro Gordo, Hancock and
Franklin County Trustees
1. Acknowledge Petition for Repair/Improvement from Gloria Goll
2. Consider appointment of an Engineer for the proposed project
9:00 AM Jay Waddingham-County Engineer
1. Consider/Approve a Road Closure on 250th Street (C13) between Nettle Ave. and Olive Ave. at 9:00 AM May 22, 2017, for bridge construction project.
9:30 AM Earl Hill, Attorney
1. Bicycle, Blues & BBQ request to use Franklin County roadways
2. Consider/Approve Resolution 2017-
10:00 AM Public Hearing to receive comments on FY16/17 Budget Amendment
1. Consider/Adopt Resolution 2017-22
10:30 AM Toni Wilkinson, Recorder
1. Consider/Adopt Resolution 2017-21: Appointment of Robyn Pralle as PT Clerk in Recorder’s office retroactive to Feb 2017.
10:45 AM Consider/Approve a request from Milton Heyde for a 20 day extension on a Nuisance
Violation on property at 2008 190th St and a 40 day extension on a Nuisance
Violation on property at 2248 135th St.
New Business
a. Consider/approve 22 Business Property Tax Credit applications for 2016 as recommended by the Franklin County Assessor.
b. JDD #5-75 discussion on possible reclassification in future
c. Discussion on Medical Examiner Fees
The Board will be meeting the night of May 30, 2017, 6:30 p.m., at the Law Enforcement Center, Hampton, with all Franklin County City Mayors (or representatives) and garbage haulers in the county to discuss a recycling program.
The County Board of Supervisors meets regularly on Monday morning’s beginning at 8:35 a.m. All meetings are open to the public unless, for purposes described in Code of Iowa Chapter 21, a closed meeting is necessary or advisable to protect the interests of individuals or the county. Agenda appointments will need to be scheduled through the Franklin County Auditor’s Office by 1:00 pm on the previous Thursday. The Board is open for public comment between 8:35 a.m. through 9:00 a.m. when they are in session