Examination fees and Easter Course application deadline
1st February
Summer School and Training Course fees application deadline:
1st May
Applications which do not arrive by the deadline date
will not normally be considered
(please read these carefully before completing the forms)
- Applications are to be submitted to the Administrator by email except in exceptional circumstances when a paper copy will be accepted (only by prior arrangement with the Administrator). Please submit in Word, not a PDF.
- Funding categoryPlease indicate the course for which you are applying for funding, and/or whether for examination fees
- a) Teacher statusInclude current or most recent teachingpost inyour CV
b) Student status. State whether full, part-time or research
c) Other professionalGive title of current post and a summary ofyour professional work in your CV
d) UnemployedGive details
- Please tell us aboutthe training you have had in your CV.
- It is essential that you summarise and limit your CV to one A4 page. Your application will be returned to you for amendment if this is not adhered to. This summary should be inserted in the final page of this application form and submitted in Word, not PDF.
- Please give the name and email address (postal address if email is not known) of one referee who we will be contacting. If you have followed a Dalcroze training course, this should be one of your tutors. If you have not followed Dalcroze training, it should be a current or former employer, a teacher or another professional person who knows you well. If you are unsure who to put down, contact the Administrator for advice.
- Recipients of an award must submit a report to the Trustees on conclusion of the course. This should state any benefits the recipient has gained by attending the course.
Please return to:
The Administrator Dalcroze Society UK (Inc.)
If you require any help in connection with your application,
please contact the Administrator
Name: / I wish to apply for funding for:Address
Employment Status / (please delete those not applicable)
Teacher employed in UK/Student/Other professional/Unemployed/Pensioner
Reasons for application
Please give name and email address (preferred) or postal address
All information given is strictly confidential to the Society alone
We need to know details of any income you expect to have during the year of the training or the year in which thecourse takes place or in the case of an application for assistance with exam fees, the year in which you will take exams. Please insert NIL or N/A where applicable
1 / Your gross earnings / Per annumGross earnings of your spouse/partner / Per annum
Benefits (eg Child Benefit, Family Credit, other Social Security benefit ) / Per annum
Grants, scholarship, educational loan etc / Per annum
Any other income / Per annum
Total expected income / Per annum
2 / Have you any investments or savings? Please give brief details and approximate amount
3 / Please give the amount of rent/mortgage you pay / Per annum
4 / Do you have any dependants? Please give brief details
5 / Is there any other information about your financial circumstances which could help us to assess your application?
Please add a short summary of your CVbelow. This should include the information requested in ‘NOTES’ on page 1, and must be limited to this one page. Your application will be returned to you for amendment if this is not adhered to. A separate CV is not acceptable.
Grant Application 2016