Francis: Corruptionisn’tfoughtwithsilence

In theFebruary Pope Video, Francis speaksabouttheconsequences of corruption and callsforthecondemnation of thisevil. The Pope VideoisreleasedeachmonthbythePope’s Worldwide Prayer Network.

VATICAN CITY, February 1, 2018 — In thenewest Pope Video, theHolyFatherasksthatcorruption be faceddown and condemned. Thismonth, the video wasmade in conjunctionwiththeDicasteryforPromoting Integral Human Development, a firstforthedicastery and a sign of theimportance of thistheme.

The video creativelycondemnstheevils of corruption and organizedcrime, contrastingthemwiththerelationshipbetweenjustice and beauty.

“Letuspraythatthosewhohave material, politicalor spiritual powermayresistanylure of corruption,” Francis invites. “Wemustspeakaboutit, denounceitsevils, and try to understandit so as to show ourresolve to makemercyreignovermeanness, beautyovernothingness.”

Cardinal Peter Turkson, prefect of theDicasteryforPromoting Integral Human Development, affirmedthat “weshouldn'tspeakaboutresolvingtheissue of corruption in theory. Insteadweshouldconfrontcorruption in every sector. Itisthepoorwhopayfortheparties of thecorrupt.”

JesuitFatherFrédéricFornos, international director of thePope’s Worldwide Prayer Network, notedthatit’snotsurprisingthe Pope includedthisthemeamongtheprayerintentions of thisyear. “Thisissomethingthatconcernshimdeeply,” he said, “and which he has spokenaboutonmanyoccasions. Corruptionaffectsmanynations of theworld and itisanevilthatdestroys and kills.”

The Pope Video oncorruptionis in line withvariousinitiativesfromtheDicastery to drawattention to thisscourge, beginningwithan International ConferenceonCorruptionheld June 15, 2017; thepublication of Cardinal Turkson’sbook (with Vittorio V Alberti) Corrosion, forwhich Pope Francis wrotethe prologue; and a conferenceoncorruption in NaplesscheduledforFebruary 3, wherethe video will be shown.

The intentions are entrusted each month to the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network and The Pope Video is produced by La Machi Communication for Good Causes with the support of the Society of Jesus, IndigoMusic, GettyImagesLatam, Doppler Email Marketingand the collaboration ofVatican Media. It also has Aleteia as a media partner.Since its launch in January of 2016, it has had more than 20 million views on its networks.
The Pope Video is made possible thanks to the support of many people. You can donate at this link.

Where can I see the video?

  • Official site of the Pope Video
  • YouTube channel for the Pope Video
  • Facebook ofthe Pope Video

About The Pope Video
The Pope Video is a global initiative developed by the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer) to disseminate the monthly intentions of the Holy Father concerning the challenges facing humanity. The videos seek to unite people in praying with Pope Francis for those challenges. The Project has the support of Vatican Media, sole owner of the rights. For more information:
About the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer)
ThePope’sWorldwidePrayer Networkaddressesthechallengesfacinghumanity and assiststhemission of theChurch. Its mission is to unite people in prayer and service in response to the challenges facing humanity which the Holy Father expresses in his monthly intentions. Those who participate in this network are encouraged to become apostles in daily life through a spiritual path called "Way of the Heart," transforming those who take that path in the service of the mission of Jesus Christ. Founded in 1844 and present in over 98 countries, the Apostleship of Prayer unites more than 35 million people in its network, including its youth branch, the Eucharistic Youth Movement. For more information:

AbouttheDicasteryforPromoting Integral Human Development
TheDicasteryforPromoting Integral Human Developmentwascreatedby Pope Francis and has been running sinceJanuary 1, 2017 underthedirection of Cardinal Peter Turkson. Withinitsscope, theDicastery explores thoseissuesrelated to migrants, theneedy, thesick, theexcluded, themarginalized, thevictims of armedconflicts and catastrophes, theimprisoned, theunemployed and thevictims of anyform of slavery and torture.


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