Frances Kelley

Frances A. Kelley, Ph.D., LPC

Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D.Counseling Psychology (APA accredited),August 2002

University of Maryland, College Park, MD.

M.S.Community Counseling (CACREP accredited)

GeorgiaStateUniversity, Atlanta, GA.

M.B.A.Real Estate & Urban Affairs

GeorgiaStateUniversity, Atlanta, GA.

B.A.Political Science

DrewUniversity, Madison, NJ.

Teaching Experience

Assistant Professor (tenure-track)August 2007 – Present

Counseling Psychology Program

Professional Counseling Program


Department of Psychology & Counseling

School for Social change

Pittsburgh, PA

Assistant Professor (tenure-track)August 2006 – August 2007

Counseling Psychology Program (APA accredited)

Counseling Program (CACREP accredited)

West VirginiaUniversity

Department of Counseling, Rehabilitation Counseling,

& Counseling Psychology

Morgantown, WV

Assistant Professor (tenure-track)September 2003 – May 2006

Counseling Psychology Program (APA Accredited)

Counseling & Guidance Master Program


Department of Psychology & Behavioral Sciences

Ruston, LA

Associate Faculty September 2002 – August 2003

Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program (APA accredited)

Professional Counseling Master Program

ArgosyUniversity – Atlanta & ArgosyUniversity- National

InstructorSeptember - December 2001

Academic Excellence Program

GeorgiaStateUniversity, Atlanta, GA.


University of Maryland, College Park, MD.

Substance Abuse Treatment Program.July 1999 – July 2001


The Gemstone Honors ProgramSeptember 1997 – June 1999

Department of Psychology


Trinity College, Washington, DC.July 1997


Hess, S., Knox, S., Hill, C.E., Schultz, J. M., Sloan, L., Brandt, S., Kelley, F. A., Hoffman, M.

(In Press). Pre-doctoral interns' non-disclosure in supervision. Psychotherapy Research.

Pace, L. & Kelley, F.A. (2006). Multimedia Presentation Software Solutions for Internet-Based

Courses. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 9 (3).

Gelso, C. G., Kelley, F. A., Fuertes, J., Marmarosh, C., Holmes, S., & Costas, C. (2005).

Measuring the real relationship in psychotherapy: Initial validation of the therapist form.

Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52(4),640-649.

Hill, C. E., Kelley, F. A., Davis, T. L., Crook, R. E., Maldonado, L. E., Turkson, M. A., Wonnell, T. L., Suthakaran, V., Zack, J. S., Rochlen, A. B., Kolchakian, M. R., & Codrington, J.N. (2001). Predictors of outcome of dream interpretation sessions: Volunteer client characteristics, dream characteristics, and type of interpretation. Dreaming: Journal of the Association for the Study of Dreams, 11(2), 53-72.

Hill, C. E., Zack, J. S., Wonnell, T. L., Hoffman, M. A., Rochlen, A. B., Goldberg, J. L., Nakayama, E. Y., Heaton, K. J., Kelley, F. A., Eiche, K., Tomlinson, M. J., & Hess, S.(2000). Structured brief therapy with a focus on dreams or loss for clients with troubling dreams and recent loss. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 47(1), 90-101.

Driscoll, J. M., Kelley, F. A., & Fassinger, R. E. (1996). Lesbian identity and disclosure in the workplace: Relation to occupational stress and satisfaction. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 48(2), 229-242.

Submitted for Publication

Kelley, F. A., Gelso, C. G., Fuertes, J., Marmarosh, C., Lanier, S. (2007). The

development and psychometric investigation of the client version of The Real Relationship Inventory.

Schwartz, J. & Kelley, F. A. (2007). The development and psychometric investigation of The Dating Attitudes Scale.

Manuscripts in Preparation

Kelley, F. A., LeBoeuf-Davis, D. A., Lindley, L. D., & Smart, B. (2007). Therapist gender, sexual orientation and counseling practices with LGB clients: Relation to the real relationship, working alliance, and client ratings of therapist.

Kelley, F. A., & Gelso, C. G. (2007). Adult attachment styles: Relation to healthy and defensive narcissism.

Kelley, F. A. & LaBorde, C. (2007). Developing diversity dispositions in teacher candidates utilizing video vignettes.


Frances Kelley

LaBorde, C. & Kelley, F.A. (2007). Comparison of two methodologies for developing diversity dispositions in teacher educators.

Research In Progress

Kelley, F. A., & Fuertes, J. (2007). The development and psychometric investigation of The LGB Counseling Competencies Inventory.

Kelley, F.A. & Buboltz, W. (2007). The Inventory of Self Psychology (ISP)-Short Form:

Reliability, validity, and factor structure.

Kelley, F. A. (2007). LGB clients’ perceptions of their therapists’ counseling competencies.

Kelley, F. A., Ignatenko, V., Lytle, J., Lindley, L. D., Smart, B., & Hill, C.E. (2007). Lesbian clients' perceptions of their counselors' competencies: A qualitative analysis.

Kelley, F. A., Barcza, K, Vecchio, A, Blackham, A., & Schlosser, L. (2007). Gay clients' perceptions of their counselors’ competencies: A qualitative analysis

Kelley, F. A. & Schwartz, J. (2007). Development and initial validation of the Mirroring and Idealizing Scale.

Schwartz, J., Kelley, F. A., & Gelso, C.J. (2007) Development of the Enmeshment Disengagement Scale

Refereed Conference Presentations


Frances Kelley

Kelley, F.A. & Buboltz, W. (2007, August). Factor Structure of the Inventory of Self Psychology.

Poster to be presented at the 115th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, California.

LaBorde, C. & Kelley, F. (2006, March). Developing Diversity Dispositions in Teacher

Candidates via Video Vignettes. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Louisiana Educational Research Association, Lafayette, Louisiana.

Kelley, F. A. & Schwartz, J. (2005, August). The development and psychometric investigation of The Dating Attitudes Scale. Poster presented at the at the 113th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.

Kelley, F. A., Gelso, C. J., Fuertes, J., Marmarosh, C., & Holmes, S. (2004, June). Measuring the real relationship: Development and validation of the client and therapist forms. In C. J. Gelso (Chair), The real relationship in psychotherapy: Theory and beginning empirical inquires. Symposium conducted at the 35th annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Rome, Italy.


Frances Kelley

Kelley, F. A., Gelso, C. J., Fuertes, J., Marmarosh, C., & Holmes, S. (2003, August). Measuring the real relationship in psychotherapy: The Real Relationship Inventory – Client Form. In C. Marmarosh (Chair), Measuring the real relationship in psychotherapy. Symposium conducted at the 111th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

Fuertes, J., Gelso, C. J., Kelley, F. A., Marmarosh, C., & Holmes, S. (2003, August). Measuring the real relationship in psychotherapy: The Real Relationship Inventory – Therapist Form.In C. Marmarosh (Chair), Measuring the real relationship in psychotherapy. Symposium conducted at the 111th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

Gelso, C. J., Kelley, F. A., Fuertes, J., Marmarosh, C., & Holmes, S. (2002, October). Measuring

the real relationship in psychotherapy: The Real Relationship Inventory – Client Form. Paper presented at the 4th Annual Society for Psychotherapy Research Mid-Atlantic Conference, PennStateUniversity, State College, PA.

Fuertes, J., Gelso, C. J., Kelley, F. A., Marmarosh, C., Holmes, S., & Costas, C. (2002, October). Measuring the real relationship in psychotherapy: The Real Relationship Inventory – Therapist Form. Paper presented at the 4th Annual Society for Psychotherapy Research Mid-Atlantic Conference, PennStateUniversity, State College, PA.

Kelley, F. A. (2000, August). Relationship of secure and insecure attachment to healthy and defensive narcissism. In C. J. Gelso (Chair), Exploration of attachment phenomena in thepsychotherapy relationship.Symposium conducted at the 108th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.

Kelley, F. A. (2000, August). Predictors of outcome of dream interpretation.In C. E. Hill (Chair), Research on dream interpretation. Symposium conducted at the 108th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.

Kelley, F. A., & Wonnell, T. L. (2000, July).Predictors of outcome of dream interpretation. In C. E. Hill (Chair), Research on dream interpretation. Symposium conducted at the 17th International Conference of the Association for the Study of Dreams, Washington, DC.

Kelley, F. A. (1999, November). The relationship of adult attachment styles to healthy and defensive narcissism: Implications for psychotherapy. In C. J. Gelso (Chair), Exploration of attachment phenomena in the psychotherapy relationship. Symposium conducted at the Society for Psychotherapy Research Mid-Atlantic Conference, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.


Frances Kelley

Kelley, F. A., Davis, T. L., Crook, R. C., Wonnell, T., & Kolchakian, M. (1999, November). Effects of client characteristics, type of dream, and waking life vs. parts of self interpretation on session outcome and insight into dreams in dream interpretation. In C. E. Hill (Chair), Dream Interpretation. Symposium conducted at the Society for Psychotherapy Research Mid-Atlantic Conference, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.

Hess, S., Hoffman, M. A., Schultz, J., Knox, S., Sloan, L., Brandt, S., & Kelley, F. A. (1999, August). Supervision process and outcome: Effects of supervisee’s disclosure and non-disclosure of critical supervisory incidents. Paper presented at the Society for Psychotherapy Research Mid-Atlantic Conference, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.


Frances Kelley

Hess, S., Schultz, J., Knox, S., Sloan, L., Brandt, S., Kelley, F. A.,& Hoffman, M. A. (1999, August). Interns’ critical incidents of nondisclosure and reluctant disclosure in supervision: A qualitative analysis. Poster presented at the 107th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

Hill, C. E., Zack, J. S., Wonnell, T. L., Hoffman, M. A., Rochlen, A. B., Goldberg, J. L., Nakayama, E.Y., Heaton, K. J., Kelley, F. A., Eiche, K., Tomlinson, M. J., & Hess, S.(1999, January). Brief therapy involving dreams vs. not involving dreams for clients who have troubling dreams and recent losses.Poster presented at the 3rd Annual Poster Parade, Psychology Department, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.


Frances Kelley

Kelley, F. A., & Nakayama, E. (1998, June). Qualitative analyses of perceptions of dream interpretation and loss interpretation.In C. E. Hill (Chair), Focusing on dreams or loss in brief therapy. Symposium conducted at the 29th Annual Society for Psychotherapy Research Meeting, Snowbird, UT.


Frances Kelley

Kelley, F. A. (1994, January). The potential psychological implications of the prenatal and birth experience. Poster presented at the Georgia Psychological Association, Division E: Independent Practice, Mid-Winter Conference, Asheville, NC.

Invited Presentations

Kelley, F.A. (2007, August). Psychotherapy With Sexual Minority Clients: Why the Real Relationship Matters. In S. C. Whiston (Chair), Exploring the Real Relationship: A tribute to Dr. Charles Gelso. Symposium to be conducted at the 115th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, California.

Kelley, F. A. (2005, April). Cultivating Diversity in Professional Communities: Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation. Presentation given at LouisianaTechUniversity, Ruston, LA.

Kelley, F. A. (2003). College students and club drugs. Presentation given at the Psychology Clinic for Assessment, Therapy, and Research, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA.

Kelley, F. A. (2002). Counseling clients with substance abuse disorders. Presentation given at the Counseling Center, GeorgiaStateUniversity, Atlanta, GA.

Kelley, F. A. (2001). College students and club drugs. Presentation given at the Counseling Center, GeorgiaStateUniversity, Atlanta, GA.

Kelley, F. A. (1997, December). Career counseling and the gay/lesbian/bisexual client.Presentation given at the D.C. Area Career Center Consortium's Career Counseling Skills Enhancement Workshop, Washington, DC.

Kelley, F. A., & Mohr, J. (1997, February). Enhancing the career development of sexual minority students: Challenges for higher education.Presentation given at the 1997 Maryland Student Affairs Conference, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.

Research Experience

Research Coordinator: June 1997 - August 1999

CareerCenter, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.


Frances Kelley

Research & Evaluation Coordinator: September 1996 - June 1997

Women in Engineering Program, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.

Clinical Experience

Individual & Group Counseling

Psychologist: December 2003 – November 2004

Forcht Wade Correctional Center, Keithville, LA.


Frances Kelley

Post Doctoral Fellow, APPIC Approved: August 2002 – August 2003

Counseling Center, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA.


Frances Kelley

Doctoral Fellow, APA Accredited Internship: August 2001 - August 2002

Counseling Center, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA.

Counselor: January - August 1997; January - May 1999; September - December 2000

Research and Counseling Laboratory, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.

Therapist: June/July 1995; August 1995; March 1996; July 1997;May 1998;June 1999

The STAR Program, Geyserville, CA.

Group Counselor (practicum): January 1997 - May 1997

CounselingCenter, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.

Counselor (practicum): January 1995 - May 1995

CounselingCenter, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.


Frances Kelley

Counselor (practicum): September 1994 - December 1994

Research and Counseling Laboratory, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.

Post Graduate Intern: December 1993 - March 1994

The HubCounselingCenter, Tucker, GA.


Frances Kelley

Counseling Intern: March 1993 - December 1993

The HubCounselingCenter, Tucker, GA.

Assistant to the Director: November 1993

The STAR Program, Pocket Ranch Institute, Geyserville, CA.

Substance Abuse Assessment & Counseling

Substance Abuse Counselor: April 2002 – February 2003

Private Practice, Woodstock, GA.

Substance Abuse Counselor & DWI Coordinator: August 1999 - July 2001

Substance Abuse Treatment Program, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.

Therapist: October 1995 - March 1996

Clinical AssessmentCenter, Brawner Healthcare Systems, Smyrna, GA.

Group Therapist: August 1991 - December 1991

CommunityTreatmentCenter, Dekalb County, GA.

Crisis Intervention

Therapist: August 1995 - August 1996

REACH (Rapid Evaluation and Clinical Help),WestPacesMedicalCenter, Atlanta, GA.


Frances Kelley

Supervisor, Psychiatric Assessment Team: February 1994 - August 1994

CPCParkwoodHospital, Atlanta, GA.

Clinical Specialist, Psychiatric Assessment Team: December 1993 - August 1994

CPCParkwoodHospital, Atlanta, GA.

Career Assessment & Counseling

Career Counselor (practicum): September 1996 - December 1996

CounselingCenter, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.

Career Counselor Associate: September 1994 - May 1995

CareerCenter, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.

Career Consultant: March 1994 - April 1994

AT&T, Alpharetta, GA.

Career Counselor: August 1992 - August 1993

GeorgiaStateUniversityCounselingCenter – Project Explore, Atlanta, GA.

Assessment Experience

Psychodiagnostic Extern: June 1999 – August 1999

Residential Institute for Children and Adolescents (RICA), Baltimore, MD.


Frances Kelley

Psychodiagnostic Trainee: September 1996 – May 1997

Assessment Seminar, Psychology Department, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.


Faculty Support Grant ($287) 2007

West VirginiaUniversity

Technology Enhancement Grant for the Development of an Online Ethics & Professional Conduct Course($2000), 2005


The Dynamics and Trajectory of the Emotional and Social Impact and Recovery from Hurricane Katrina and it’s Aftermath (Submitted September 2005, $74,000, not funded)

National Science Foundation

Lesbian and Gay Male Clients’ Perceptions of Their Counselors’ Competency

American Psychological Foundation Wayne F. Placek Award (Submitted March 2005, $18,972, not funded)

Developing Diversity Dispositions($42,181), 2004-2005

Education Enhancement, Louisiana Board of Regents Support Fund.


Washington Psychoanalytic Institute Research Award, 2002, Washington, DC.

Dissertation Support Grant, 2001,CAPS Department, University of Maryland,

College Park, MD.


Frances Kelley

Graduate Fellowship, 1994-1995, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.

Chi Sigma Iota, 1991-1993,GeorgiaStateUniversity, Atlanta, GA.

Academic Scholarship, 1987, CREW, GeorgiaStateUniversity, Atlanta, GA.

Academic Scholarship, 1986,Josephine J. Isakson, GeorgiaStateUniversity, Atlanta, GA.

Scholastic Merit Award, 1985, GeorgiaStateUniversity, Atlanta, GA.

Professional Service

2004 - PresentAdhoc Reviewer, Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training.

2004 – PresentAdhoc Reviewer, Psychotherapy Research.

2002Adhoc Reviewer, Journal of Lesbian Studies, special issue on Lesbians,

Trauma, and Resilience.

University Service

2007 – PresentCompensation Committee, CarlowUniversity

2007 – PresentCo-chair, Pride Student Grioup

2006 – 2007Research, Service & Professional Development Committee, College of Human ResourcesEducation, West Virginia University

2006 – 2007Diversity Task Force, College of Human ResourcesEducation, West Virginia University

2006 – 2007Council on Sexual Orientation, West VirginiaUniversity

2006 – 2007Safe Space Committee, West VirginiaUniversity

2005 – 2006Diversity and Global Issues Committee, LouisianaTechUniversity

2005 – 2006Chair, Doctoral Comprehensive Exam Committee, LouisianaTechUniversity

2003 – 2006Counseling Psychology Training Committee, LouisianaTechUniversity.

2003 – 2006Masters of Arts in Counseling & Guidance Training Committee,


2001 – 2003Diversity Initiative Committee, Counseling Center, Georgia State University.

2001 – 2003 Alcohol & Drug Treatment Program Committee, GeorgiaStateUniversity.

2002Faculty Recruitment and Selection Committee, Counseling Center, GeorgiaStateUniversity.

2001 Intern Selection Committee, Counseling Center, GeorgiaStateUniversity.

Professional Certifications and Affiliations

The American Psychological Association (APA)

Division 17 (Counseling Psychology)

Division 29 (Psychotherapy)

Division 44(Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Issues)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Georgia (Inactive)

MarylandState Certified DWI Level I Instructor

State certified to teach the DWI Level I curriculum

Certified Massage Therapist

Certified by the State of Maryland to practice as a Massage Therapist (inactive)