Français I – Rubrique pour Epreuve d’ACTIVITES 2016NOM:

Liste de contrôle/Check list


Nom et relation

Âge / anniversaire

Personnalité ……….

Physique …………..



Check to make sure you have used each of the following requirements once.


Bravo - 4 / Bien - 3 / Çava - 2 / Bof - 1
Content / All required content is included. / Most of the required content is included. You are missing 1 to 3 items total. / Some of the required content is included. You are missing four to nine items. / Over half of the required content is missing.
Pronunciation / The information is statedso that a native speaker would understand what is being said. An effort is made to sound French. / The information is stated so that an empathetic person would understand what is being said. The effort of sounding French needs refinement. / The information is stated but only a foreign learner would understand you. The effort for sounding French is needed and necessary. / No one would be able to understand you.
Grammar / Student makes 0 -2 minor grammatical errors but is communicating their point. / Student makes 3-4 minor grammatical errors but is communicating their point. / Student makes more than 5 minor grammatical errors or several large errors and it is difficult to understand exactly what is intended. / Student makes numerous grammatical errors and there is no communication.
Flow / Student spoke at a good rate and volume. There were no hesitations to think of vocabulary. Student spoke entirely in target language. / Student spoke a little faster or slower than necessary, or too quietly or loudly. There were a few hesitations to think about vocabulary. Student spoke in target language for the whole presentation. / Student’s speaking did not flow and/or there were numerous lapses between words or sentences. Student spoke English. / Studentpaid little attention to rate, volume or pronunciation. It was obvious that the student didn’t practice because of frequent hesitations. Student spoke as much as or more English than target language.
Variety / Each description has different
Verbs, adverbs and adjectives. You are showing me your large vocabulary base. / Your variety of words is very good, but you repeated 2-3 things. / Your variety could use a boost. You repeated over 4 things. / Please work on expanding your variety as you repeated 5 things.
Quality / Presentation is visually appealing and well-organized. Pictures were well chosen for presentation / Presentation is somewhat visually appealing and mostly organized. One picture is not clear or appropriate for the presentation. / Presentation is not visually appealing or is not organized. Two pictures are not clear or appropriate for the presentation. / Presentation is not visually appealing and is not organized. The pictures are not clear or appropriate for the presentation.