Framingham Earl High School Parent Forum


Framingham Earl High School Parent Forum

30.01.18 (6.30 - 8.20pm) in the Den

Present: Julie Wilson (JW), James Edwards (JE), Nicola Margand, Tracy Desouky, Clare Hitchcox, Caroline Néron Blouin, Andrew Ling, Kerry Buck, Claire Dixon, Robert Lewis, Paul Webster

Apologies: none received

Minutes / Feedback / Actions

The website has been updated with the assembly rota

1. Welcome Refreshments have been provided and Parents attending are greatly appreciated by the School.

Action: Meeting reminders to be tweeted in advance.

2. Rewards systems and behaviour logging

James Edwards, assistant Headteacher attended to explain the rewards system and the developments which are taking place this year in time for September.

It was explained that in November we appointed 6 Teachers as House Leaders and that they are working to create a tariff for rewards in the aim of encouraging competition. The discussion continued around the current collection of house points and James Edwards explained the Prom passport system. James Edwards explained that he will attend the final Parent Forum meeting of the year in May to explain the final plans for the new rewards system.

The discussion moved on to the recent trips for Years 10-11 to Gravity and for Years 8 and 9 bowling. It is clear that we need to consider and establish in advance the criteria for these trips. James Edwards apologised for students missing out on the trips.

A letter will go out regarding the Easter trips. James explained the difficulty in getting staff to attend the trips.

Nicola Margand asked why we needed trips with an Activities Week. She also expressed her disappointment that criteria hadn’t been made clear.

James Edwards explained that we need to be clear whether the trips are for reward or pleasure, and also when they take place whether in school time or after the school day.

Clare Hitchcox added that Activities Week is the pleasure and agreed that rewards trips are a good idea in recognition of effort.

Nicola Margand explained her son’s experience and expressed concern that he has lost faith in Bromcom and house points.

Julie Wilson confirmed that we need to re-engage any students who are disillusioned.

Concern was expressed regarding the Iceland trip being oversubscribed. Parents felt that the possibility of students not being able to go needs to be made clear in initial correspondence. Staff agreed with parents that we want to limit disappointment.

James Edwards asked Nicola Margand for more detail on her son’s disappointment with Bromcom. She explained the negative marks and raised a concern regarding a lack of consistency with behaviour management. Janes Edwards was able to confirm that this matter has been looked in to and is being addressed. Nicola Margand added that there is a lack of house points being issued in Maths.

There followed a conversation on the importance of positive student teacher relationships. A question was asked regarding the management of Cover Teachers

Julie Wilson clarified the line management responsibility for Supply Teachers (Cover Supervisor for brief cover and Directors of Learning for long-term cover).


1.  Letter from DoL re: trip at Easter

2.  Julie Wilson to feedback trip letter comments to Gareth Yassin (Educational Visits Co-ordinator)

3.  James Edwards to attend the meeting on 15th May

4.  James Edwards to issue a reminder on house points to staff at the next training day

3. SAFE developments and Charity work

Julie Wilson explained that the Student Association of Framingham Earl have been working on creating their own constitution and explained the benefits of them understanding clearly the set of principles which the School Council is working to. The way the School Council supports charity collections was also explained with the added information that £2400 was raised for New Routes, a Norwich based charity supporting refugees.


Parents agreed that it would be useful to make second-hand uniform available at Parents’ evenings

A concern was expressed over the quality of the school uniform jumper and parents would like a skirt with an adjustable waist

Action : Julie Wilson to share feedback with Birds of Dereham

A.O.B. items

1.Concern that the Guidance Team newsletter is issued too late after the school is closed for holidays. Therefore it was not possible to get any Options information. The booklets were also handed out p5 by a Teacher and parents felt that DoLs should have an involvement. Twitter was also recommended to be used for these kinds of occasions.

2. Toilets – Concern that students are reporting to parents that the toilets are too unpleasant to use.

3. Locker reallocation was raised again and since this meeting it has been clarified that access to the Annexe is up until 1.30 to allow students to access their lockers.

4. Confidential item raised by a parent with Julie Wilson regarding one particular curriculum area – this was referred to Deputy Head and Director of Subject

Action : Julie Wilson to share feedback on all these items with LT

Meeting closed at 8.20pm.

Next meeting dates - Wednesday 14th March and Tuesday 15th May

Please email agenda items in advance to