O.K. My lovelies, as we are going in to the last gasp of the semester, I cannot let you go without drilling into your growing brains a worksheet (“Who is she kidding? Aren’t we in COLLEGE?”) on framing and citing quotes.

The following is a quote from a text and the bibliographic citation for that text. Give it a frame, why dontcha? And then a nice little in-text citation in MLA style.

1)  “List subjects that are similar and/or different in ways that you find interesting, perplexing, disgusting, infuriating, charming or informing.”

Vandermey, Carol, Chuck Meyer, Arnold Van Rys, and Allisa Sebranek. Write Comp. New York: Wadsworth publications, 2009. Print.

Found on page 74.

2)  “Whereas some of the most outspoken critics of rap are prominent right-winters, critics of hip-hop span a wide political spectrum.”

Ogbar, Jeffrey. “’Real Niggas’: Race, Ethnicity, and the Construction of Authenticity in Hip-Hop.” Black Studies, Rap, and the Academy 2.13 (2008): 24-36. Print.

Found on page 26.

3)  “We long ago decided that the Male Chauvinist Pig was an unenlightened rube, but the Female Chauvinist Pig (FCP) has risen to a kind of exaulted status. She is post-femininst. She is funny. She gets it.”

Levy, Ariel. “Female Chauvinist Pigs and the Rauch Culture.” Third Wave Feminists. 18 Nov. 2005. 1 Web. Dec. 2009.

4)  She is fo-shizzel some kinda jankety-ass professor, ait? Don’t take her class, bo.”

McBean, Crusty. Personal interview. 29 Nov. 2009.