FPCP 2010 Agenda – Sixth DRAFT

Tuesday May 25

8:30 Registration

9:45 Welcome

First Results from New Experiments

10:00 Flavor physics with ATLAS: status and perspectives - Samira Hassani (Saclay CEA)

10:25 Flavor physics with CMS: status and perspectives - Urs Langenegger (PSI)

10:50 Coffee Break

11:20 First Results from LHCb - Franz Muheim (Edinburgh)

11:45 First Results from BESIII Hai-Bo Li (Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing)

12:10 Contingency

12:30 Lunch

Angles of the CKM Triangles(1)

14:00 Measurements of (Belle) - Kazutaka Sumisawa (KEK)

14:25 Measurements of (Belle) - Jeremy Dalseno (Max Plank Institute)

14;50 D hadronic decays (related to extraction of angle ) (CLEO-c) - Chris Thomas (Oxford)

15:15 Measurements of (BaBar) - Denis Derkach (LAL - Orsay)

15:40 Angle measurements - Jure Zupan (JSI Ljubjana)

16:05 Coffee Break

Angles of the CKM Triangles(2)

16:30 Phenomenology of s extraction - Sheldon Stone (Syracuse)

16:55 Measurement of s (CDF) - Louise Oakes (Oxford)

17:15 Measurement of s (D0)

Bs Decays

17:35 Bs Decays at the Tevatron (CDF) - Gavril Giurgiu (Johns Hopkins)

18:00 Bs Decays at B-factory (Belle) - Remi Louvot (Lausanne)

18:25 End of session

18:30 Welcome Cocktail

Wednesday May 26

Hadronic B decays

9:00 Charmless B Decays (BaBar) - Simon Sitt (Univ. Paris VI and VII)

9:25 Baryonic B Decays (Belle) - Jing-Ge Shiu (National Taiwan U.)

9:50 Hadronic Decays (Theory) - Guido Bell (Bern)


10:15 b Baryon Production and Decays and b-hadron lifetimes (CDF) - Simone Donati (Pisa)

10:40 Coffee Break

D decays

11:00 D leptonic decays (CLEO-c) - Sheldon Stone (Syracuse)

11:25 D semileptonic decays (CLEO-c)

11:50 D hadronic decays (not related to extraction of angle ) (CLEO-c)

12:15 Lattice and charm physics - Junko Shigemitsu (Ohio State)

12;40 Lunch

B Leptonic & Radiative Decays

14:00 B-> s/d l+l- & s/d(Belle) - Hiroyuki Nakayama (KEK)

14:25 Radiative and rare semileptonic decays (Theory) - Mikolaj Misiak (Warsaw)

14:50 B -> , B -> K* (D0)

B-> and B-> D(*)Belle) - Andrzej Bozek (Krakow)

15:50 Coffee Break

Sides of the CKM Triangles

16:20 Measurement of |Vcb| and |Vub|(BaBar) - Robert Kowalewski (Univ. of Victoria)

16:45 Determination of |Vub| and |Vcb|: a theory perspective - Thomas Mannel (Siegen)

17:10 |Vud| and |Vus| (KLOE) - Paolo Massarotti (Napoli)

17:35 |Vus|from strange decays of  lepton (BaBar)

18:00 End of session

18:15 Poster Session

Thursday May 27

D0 mixing and CP Violation

9:00 D0 mixing (BaBar) - Nicola Neri (INFN, Pisa)

9:25 CP violation in D0 decays (BaBar) - Maurizio Martinelli (INFN, Bari)

9:50 D physics: SM and new physics potential (Theory) - Gilad Perez (Weizmann)

10:15 D(s)+ decays and their CPV (Belle) - Anze Zupanc (Karlslruhe)

10:45 Departure for excursion (lunch provided)

Friday May 28

Overview of CKM data

9:00 Lattice input to CKM measurements - Jack Laiho (Glasgow)

9:25 Global fit to CKM data (CKMfitter) - Sébastien Descotes-Genon (CNRS/Univ. Paris-Sud)

9:50 Global fit to CKM data (UTfit) - Marcella Bona (Queen Mary College)

10:15 Lessons for new physics from CKM studies (Theory) - Enrico Lunghi (Indiana)

10:40 Coffee Break

Quarkonia and Beyond

11:10 b anti-b States (BaBar) - Peter Kim (SLAC)

11:35 c anti-c states (BaBar) - Pietro Biassoni (INFN, Milano)

12:00 New quarkonia states - Antonello Polosa (INFN, Roma “La Sapienza”)

12:25 (nS) polarization measurements (CDF) - Jonathan Lewis (FNAL)

12:50 Lunch

Charged Lepton Flavor Violation

14:10 Charged Lepton Flavor Violation (Theory) - Vincenzo Cirigliano (Los Alamos)

14:35 Neutrinoless double beta decay (Cuoricino + Cuore)

15:00 Lepton Flavor Violation at B Factories (Belle) - Yoshiyuki Miyazaki (Nagoya)

15:25 Lepton Flavor Violation in ->e (MEG)

15:50 Future LFV experiments - Yoshitaka KUNO (Osaka)

16:15 Coffee Break

Neutrino Physics

16:40 Neutrino Physics (Experiments) (MINOS) - David Jaffe (Brookhaven National


17:05 Neutrino Physics (Theory) - Thomas Schwetz-Mangold (Heidelberg)

17:30 Neutrino Physics (Future experiments) - Mauro Mezzetto (INFN, Padova)

17:55 End of session

18:00 Departure for Social Dinner

Saturday May 29

Future Projects

9:00 Physics reach of future flavor physics experiments - Zoltan Ligeti (LBNL)

9:25 Status of SuperB

9:50 Status of SuperKEKB - Thomas Kuhr (Karlsruhe)

10:15 Upgrade of LHCb - Frederic Machefert (LAL Orsay)

10:40 Coffee Break

11:00 K -> Experiments (KOTO) - Monica Tecchio (Michigan Univ.)

11:25 Status of NA62 - Cristina Lazzeroni (Birmingham)

Concluding Session

11:50 Summary and Outlook (Exp) - Hassan Jawahery (Maryland)

12:25 Summary and Outlook (Theory) - Ben Grinstein (San Diego)

13:00 End of the Conference