This plan provides information for all Fox Hollow residents in preparing for any emergency that may occur in our area, e.g.; hurricane, tornado, flood, etc. This plan is based on recommendations provided by the Citrus County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Management. Much of the information in this plan is available through their web site (

This plan cannot possibly cover all contingencies that may occur. It is provided only as a general guide to assist residents in preparing for any emergency, and to identify Fox Hollowcommon property interests for anyone involved in Fox Hollow post recovery efforts. Contact the Citrus County Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Management for assistance in creating your personal disaster plan and for further tips for being prepared for an emergency.

While each resident is responsible for their property and individual needs, one of the most important items in an emergency is, "know your neighbor and be prepared to help in any way possible." You will be separately advised of neighbors' special needs and plan to assist your neighbors as the need arises.

The Meadowcrest Community Association (MCA) has published an Emergency Plan that covers MCA common property and interests, and establishes a group to coordinate the "big picture" interest of all nine member property owner associations in an emergency.


During hazardous weather (or any emergency that threatens life or property, including problems at Progress Energy’s power plant), Citrus County Emergency Management Office, in cooperation with the City of Inverness, City of Crystal River and the Board of County Commissioners, will activate the warning siren system located on the west side of the county. If the sirens sound continuously for 3 to 5 minutes, it means that officials have important information for the public. Tune your television or radio to one of the Emergency Alert System stations shown in the Citrus County Emergency Alert Stations document(Attachment C).

Know that the siren system is tested each Friday at noon (except on holidays), and there is no need for alarm during these times. If a siren sounds and no emergency information follows, or you notice a siren that appears to be damaged or not working, please call 746-6555, or after normal business hours, call 911.


If you or someone you know is disabled or in need of assistance during an evacuation (and is not presently in a nursing home or adult congregate living facility), plans should be made to register with Emergency Management’s special needs program by completing the Citrus County Special Needs Registration Form (Attachment I). This program identifies the disability, plus the special equipment or specific assistance needed during an evacuation. If an evacuation is ordered, contact will be made with the special needs person to confirm that assistance is still needed. If it is, specially trained personnel will be sent to aid in the evacuation process. Should you or someone you know need such assistance, please call the Citrus County Emergency Management at 746-6555.

Complete the form and mail the original to the sheriff’s office at the address on the face of the form. Provide a copy to Fox Hollow Secretary.

In addition Fox Hollow has established a form it uses to assist residents having special needs during emergency situations. Complete the Fox Hollow Additional Emergency Information Sheet(Attachment J) and deliver a copy to Fox Hollow Secretary.

Using the data from the forms returned to the Fox Hollow Secretary, Fox Hollow will prepare a master list of persons requiring assistance for use by neighbors and/or emergency personnel.

During an emergency situation, you may have special needs in order to properly keep your pet or pets safe. If, in the case of an evacuation, you will need a shelter and additional preparations are required. See the CitrusCounty Emergency Plan for Pets (Attachment D). LecantoPrimary Schoolat 3790 West Educational Path in Lecanto will be the site for the Pet Friendly Shelter for CitrusCounty residents. Animal Control will be in charge of this shelter. The phone number is 746-2528.


Each resident is responsible for his/her individual needs and properties. If you need
help in any of these areas described below, complete the Fox Hollow Additional Emergency Information Sheet (Attachment J) and follow the instructions described in Section III. SPECIAL NEEDS of this document.

A.Move all outdoor furniture or other loose items (plants, bird feeders/baths, trash can, etc.) indoors or into other secure areas. During strong winds such items become flying missiles with the potential of causing personal injury and property damage.

B.Prepare a list/map of your water and electricity shut-off valves/switches, and any key connection points. As needed, or in the event of an evacuation, shut off the water and non-essential electricity.

C.Identify and prepare a master list of your key records and information (e.g., legal documents, insurance, financial records, persons to be contacted, etc.) and make a backup copy of your key computer files. Take the list and all items with you if you need to evacuate, and/or move them to a secure off-site location.

D.Identify and prepare a list and perhaps photograph all valuable personal property. Secure this list and photos at an off-site location.

E.Prepare a list of names, addresses, phone numbers ofrelatives, friends, others for temporary relocation. See the following documents for helpful information:

  • Citrus CountyShelter List (Attachment H)
  • CitrusCounty Important Phone Numbers(Attachment G)
  • Citrus CountyEmergency Alert Stations (Attachment C)
  • Citrus County Distribution Centers (Attachment B)

F.Maintain a Disaster Kit. See theCitrus County Disaster Kit(Attachment A)for a suggested list of supplies to be maintained in the event of anemergency. Again, this is the individual resident's responsibility asno master supply will be maintained byFox Hollow or by MCA.

G.In your home have your medical data and medication information placed near where you sleep or on your refrigerator door. Bring this information with you if you evacuate. If you have a DNR Order (Do Not Resuscitate Order) this order must be on yellow paper.


When an evacuation order is made by the county it may be communicatedto you by the Sheriff's Office, MCA or Fox Hollow representatives, or by a radio/TV station. SeeCitrus County Emergency Alert Stations(Attachment C)for a list of local radio and TV stations that will broadcast emergency information. In the event the main exit located on Cannondale Road is blocked, there is an emergencyexit as shown on Fox Hollow Plat Map(Attachment L).


After an evacuation, re-entry to our area may be under the sheriff’s control and may be limited to residents only. Such re-entry may be facilitated by obtaining, in advance, a re-entry tag. See the Fox Hollow Procedure for Obtaining Evacuation Re-Entry Tag(Attachment K)for more information. Get a separate one for each car and keep it in the glove compartment.


This section is for general information and will be used by persons working on Fox Hollow emergency and recovery activities. Depending on the emergency and advance preparations information, the Fox Hollow Board of Directors will meet and serve as the Fox Hollow coordinating group for pre-and post-emergencyoperations. The President, or in his/herabsence the Vice President, will take the leadin organizing the coordinating group activity.

  1. Operations Records. The following are the key Fox Hollowoperations records maintained by the Fox Hollow Secretary. All records are contained in the Fox Hollow file cabinet in the MCA office, unless otherwise identified.
  • Board Meeting Minutes
  • A list of common property
  • A list and map of common property shut-off valves and electric control boxes
  • Insurance Policies

--Property (self-insured, no policy)

--Directors and Officers/Public Liability (Policy No. 052322-78633525-13)

Auto Owners Insurance Co. Local Representativeat

P.O. Box 30660 The Hagar Group

Lansing, MI48909-81602121 SE Hwy. 19

(517) 323-1200 CrystalRiver, FL 34429

(352) 795-2697

B.Financial Records.Financial records and Income Tax Returns are maintained by the CPA, FredKoehl, at 6050 W. Gulf to Lake Hwy., phone 795-7966, who is contracted by Fox Hollow. Mr. Koehl advises that he maintains backup files, and in the event of an emergency, information is adequatelysafeguarded. Monthly reports are maintained by our Treasurer, Finance Committee Chairman and Board members.

C.Fox Hollow Member Records. Member and directory information is maintained by Sharon Ziemba, phone no. 795-4693, and a backup computer file is maintained and secured by Ms. Ziemba on a flash drive and on the Internet using the Internet Drop Box storage application. Access to the Drop Box records is password protected and authorized by FHVPOA Board of Directors.


The following informationis maintained and distributed by Citrus County Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Management. You may find the same information at their web site

  • Attachment A - CitrusCounty Disaster Kit Recommendations
  • Attachment B - Citrus County Distribution Centers
  • Attachment C - CitrusCounty Emergency Alert Stations
  • Attachment D - Citrus CountyEmergency Plan for Pets
  • Attachment E - Citrus County Evacuation Zones
  • Attachment F - Citrus CountyFlood Map
  • Attachment G - CitrusCounty Important Phone Numbers
  • Attachment H - Citrus CountyShelter List
  • Attachment I - Citrus CountySpecial Needs Registration Form

Items maintained by the Fox Hollow Documents Committee:

  • Attachment J - Fox Hollow Additional Emergency Information Sheet
  • Attachment K - Fox Hollow Procedure for Obtaining Evacuation Re-Entry Tag
  • Attachment L - Fox Hollow Plat Map

Attachment A

Citrus CountyDisaster Kit Recommendations

  • Water – Have at least 1 gallon per person, per day. Maintain a 5-day supply.
  • Food – Stock at least enough food for 3 days. Keep non-perishable, packaged or canned foods and juices in your kit. Make sure to include food for infants or the elderly, if needed. Snack foods, a manual can opener, cooking tools and fuel will be needed, as well as paper plates and plastic utensils.
  • Bedding – Have enough blankets and pillows for each family member to stay dry and warm.
  • Clothing – Include seasonal/rain gear and sturdy shoes.
  • First-aid Kit – Stock generic medicines, plus a 30-day supply of any needed prescription drugs.
  • Specialty Items – Remember to plan for infants and the elderly, as well as pets if they are staying with you.
  • Toiletries – Include hygiene items, moisture wipes and waterless antibacterial hand soap.
  • Flashlights – Don’t forget fresh batteries!
  • Radio – Have a battery-operated radio and a NOAA weather radio, too.
  • Cash (including small bills) – Banks and ATMs may not be open or available for extended periods after a catastrophic event.
  • Toys, Books and Games – These help pass the time for adults and children!
  • Important Documents – Secure them in a waterproof container or watertight, resealable plastic bag. Include insurance and medical records, bank account numbers, Social Security card, etc.
  • Tools – Keep a set with you during the storm for minor repairs, if needed.
  • Gas Cans – Use them to fill up vehicles if fuel is in short supply, or to run other needed equipment.

Attachment B

Citrus County Distribution Centers

Eastside / Westside
Holden Park 4229 S. Rainbow Drive, Inverness
Duval Island Boat Ramp 7790 S. Duval Island Dr., Floral City
Wesley Jones Park 2510 W. Castania Dr., Citrus Springs
Wallace Brooks Park N. Apopka Ave., Inverness / CentralRidgeDistrictPark 6905 N. Lecanto Hwy., Beverly Hills
Beverly HillsCommunityPark 997 W. Roosevelt Blvd, Beverly Hills
Floral Park 9530 S. Parkside Ave, Floral City
Hernando Boat Ramp 3650 E. Lake Place, Hernando / BicentennialPark 501 N. Baseball Point, CrystalRiver
Homosassa Springs Recreational Park 4210 S. Grandmarch Ave., Homosassa
Crystal River Mall Parking Lot 1801 NW Hwy 19, CrystalRiver
RockCrusherCanyon 275 S. Rockcrusher Rd., Crystal Rive
Educational Path Park 3505 W. Educational Path, Lecanto

Attachment C

Citrus CountyEmergency Alert Stations

Radio Stations
WXVC 95.3 FM
WXOF 96.7 FM
WSKY 97.3 FM
WKTK 98.5 FM
WTRS 102.3 FM / WRUF 103.7 FM
WINV 1560 AM
/ TV Stations
WUFT-TV Channel 5
WFLA-TV Channel 8
WTSP-TV Channel 10
WTVT-TV Channel 13 / WCJB-TV Channel 28
WTOG-TV Channel 44
Adelphia Cable: All channels
Bright House: All channels

Attachment D

Citrus CountyEmergency Plan for Pets

Plan your evacuation strategy and don’t forget your pet! Specialized pet shelters, animal control shelters, veterinary clinics, friends and relatives out of harm’s way are all potential refuges for your pet during a disaster. If you plan to shelter your pet, work it into your evacuation route planning. Contact your veterinarian or local humane society for information on preparing your pets for an emergency.

  1. Have a leash and a collar or halter with identification tags for most animals. Animals, such as birds and some reptiles, that cannot have identification on their bodies, must have proper identification on their cage in case of separation.
  2. Provide a portable carrier in which the animal can easily move around.
  3. Since the pet may have to live in the carrier for several days, make sure it is large enough for the pet to stand, stretch and turn around. For cats, the carrier must be able to hold a small litter box and still leave room for the cat to move around.
  4. Supply water in gallon-sized plastic containers, dry pet food and food dishes. There should be a 1 to 2-week supply of food and water for the pet.
  5. Include a supply of the pet’s regular medications, such as heartworm medicine and flea prevention products.
  6. Provide up-to-date health records, including vaccination history. Many veterinary clinics or kennels will not board dogs and cats without proof of vaccinations. Without that proof, you may have to pay for the animal to be re-vaccinated.
  7. Have written instructions on the pet’s feeding schedule and diet, medications and any special needs.
  8. Include newspapers or trash bags for cleanup.
  9. Bring pets indoors before bad weather hits - reassure them and remain calm.
  10. If severe damage occurs, walk pets on a leash until they become reoriented to their home. Downed power lines, reptiles and debris can all pose a threat for animals after a disaster.
  11. If pets cannot be found after a disaster, contact the animal control office to find out where lost animals can be recovered. Bring along a picture of your pet.
  12. After a disaster, animals can become aggressive or defensive - monitor their behavior.

Attachment E

Citrus County Evacuation Zones

See file titled Citrus County Evacuation Zones.pdf

Attachment F

Citrus CountyFlood Map

See file titled Citrus County Flood Map.pdf

Attachment G

CitrusCounty Important Phone Numbers

Police, Fire, EMS Emergencies…………………………..………………………….911

Citrus CountySheriff's Office………………………………………………...726-4488

Citrus CountySheriff's Office, Emergency Management……………..………746-6555


Citrus County Health Department……………………………………….……527-0068

Citrus CountyPublic Works…………….…………………………...………..527-5477

Citrus CountyAnimal Control…………………………………….…..……....726-7660

CitrusCounty Solid Waste……………………………………………….…....527-7670

CitrusCountySchool Board…………………………………………………...726-1931

Citrus CountyFlood Management Coordinator……………………..………...527-5253


City of Inverness Administration……………………………….……………..726-2611

City of Inverness Public Works……………………………………………….726-2321

City of CrystalRiver Administration………………………………………….795-4216

City of CrystalRiver Public Works……………………………………………795-6149

Florida Highway Patrol………………………………………………....1-866-369-4613

Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission…………………....1-888-404-3922

American Red Cross (Citrus CountyChapter)………………………………...564-8455

Salvation Army (CitrusCounty)………………………………………………621-5532 FEMA………………………………………………………………...1-800-621-FEMA

1-800-462-7585 (TTY)

State of Florida, Dept. of Insurance (Storm Help Line)………………..1-800-227-8676

Progress Energy - (to report outages)…………………………………..1-800-228-8485

Sumter Electric- (to report outages)…………………………………….1-800-732-6141 Withlacoochee Electric………………………………………………………..795-4382

Citizen Information & Rumor Control………………………………………..746-5470

(lines open during any emergency) …………………………………………..527-2106

Attachment H

Citrus CountyShelter List

CitrusCounty emergency management officials remind you to have an evacuation plan in place before a crisis occurs. If you must evacuate, you are asked to look first at relocating with family, friends or a trusted organization located outside the disaster area. Moving into a public shelter should be your last option.

Public schools open as shelters when citizens are issued a voluntary or mandatory evacuation notice. NOT ALL SHELTERS MAY OPEN. You should listen to the news or call the Emergency Management Section at 746-6555 to find out which shelters are open and available to the public.

It is a good idea to make a trial trip to the nearest shelter during day and night conditions before a storm is encountered so that you can find your way better when the need arises.

Citrus Springs Elementary 3570 W. Century Blvd. Citrus Springs
Citrus Springs Middle School 150 W. Citrus Springs Blvd, Citrus Springs
Rock Crusher Elementary 814 S. Rock Crusher Road, Homosassa
Lecanto Complex LecantoHigh School 3810 W. Educational Path, Lecanto
Lecanto Middle School 3800 W. Educational Path, Lecanto
Elementary School 3790 W. Educational Path, Lecanto
ForestRidgeElementary School 2927 N. Forest Ridge Blvd., Hernando
Central Ridge Elementary 185 W. Citrus Springs Blvd., Citrus Springs / Hernando Elementary 2353 N. Croft Road, Hernando
Pleasant Grove Elementary 630 Pleasant Grove Road, Inverness
InvernessMiddle School 1000 Middle School Dr., Inverness
Citrus High School 600 W. Highland Blvd., Inverness
Floral City Elementary Marvin St. & Old Floral City Rd., Floral City
Withlacoochee Technical Institute 1201 W. Main Street, Inverness
Inverness Primary School 206 S. Line Street, Inverness
RenaissanceCenter 3630 West Educational Path, Lecanto
(Special Needs Shelter) Crest School 2600 S. Panther Dr., Lecanto

Attachment I

Citrus CountySpecial Needs Registration Form

Citrus CountySpecial Needs Registration Form.pdf

Attachment J

Fox Hollow Additional Emergency Information Sheet




Have you completed the CountySheriff's special needs registration form?