English II – Pre-AP –Sample Course Schedule1
Fourth Six Weeks - Fiction and Thematic Analysis
Reminder: You will need to use different colors of highlighters for your work this semester.
January 8 - February 15
Brief overview of 4th six weeks
Jane Eyre, TAKS preparation, REHUGO assignment
Week One - January 8 – 11
Introduction to Jane Eyre,
Read Chapter 1 aloud and analyze it orally for literary elements.
REHUGO assignment explained, materials given
Vocabulary V2, 1 due, 30-15-10 test 2.1
Week Two - January14 – 18
Jane Eyre - Gateshead – Chapters 1 – 4
Dialectical journal on the Gateshead setting in the novel according to the rubric.
Vocabulary V2, 2 (3 of your 15 sentences must use an appositive. Make sure you highlight the sentences using appositives!), Also use the following words correctly somewhere in your sentences. Please highlight just the words! it's/its; set/sit;
than/then; accept/except. 30-15-10 test 2.2
Week Three - January 22 - 25
Jane Eyre - Lowood – Chapters 5 – 7
Vocabulary V2, 3 (construct 3 of your 15 sentences as fragments and then correct them in 3 different ways. Make sure you highlight the fragments and the corrections!), Also use the following words correctly somewhere in your sentences. Please highlight just the words!there/their/they're/there're; you're/ your/yore.30-15-10 test 2.3
Week Four - January 28 – February 1
Jane Eyre - Lowood – Chapters 8 – 10 Thornfield Chapter 11
Dialectical journal on theLowood setting in the novel according to the rubric.
Vocabulary V2, 4 (construct 3of your 15 sentences as run-on sentences and then correct them in 3 different ways. Make sure you highlight the run-on sentences and the corrections!),Also use the following words correctly somewhere in your sentences. Please highlight just the words!to/too/two; brake /break; descent/dissent.
30-15-10 test 2.4 – time to discuss a bargain!
Week Five – February 4 – 8
Jane Eyre - Thornfield - Chapters 12 – 17
TAKStest taking strategies
First REHUGO assignment due, February 7 and 8.
Vocabulary V2, 5 (construct 3 of your 15 sentences as comma splices and then correct them in 3 different ways. Make sure you highlight the comma splices and the corrections!),Also use the following words correctly somewhere in your sentences. Please highlight just the words!effect/affect; gorilla/guerrilla; here/ hear; quite/quiet. 30-15-10 test 2.5 – we will see how you did on the bargain!
Week Six - February11 – 15
End of the fourth six weeks
Jane Eyre - Thornfield - Chapters 18 – 21
Vocabulary V2, 6 (construct 5 of your 15 sentences with the incorrect use of apostrophes in contractions such as won’t and possessives such as Smith’s and then correct your mistakes. Make sure you highlight the mistakes and the corrections!), Also use the following words correctly somewhere in your sentences. Please highlight just the words!Principal, principle; Right, write, rite; Sight, site, cite. 30-15-10 test 2.6? (How are we doing with our bargain!)
Fifth Six Weeks – Argument Analysis,
February 18 – April 4
Brief overview of 5th six weeks:
TAKS, Jane Eyre (conclusion),
Antigone, REHUGO assignment
Week One - February 18 – 22
Jane Eyre - Thornfield - Chapters 22 – 26
TAKStest taking strategies
Dialectical journal on theThornfield setting in the novel according to the rubric.
Vocabulary V2, 7 (construct 3 of your 15 sentences with incorrect subject-verb agreement and then correct your mistakes. Make sure you highlight the mistakes and the corrections!), Also use the following words correctly somewhere in your sentences. Please highlight just the words!eminent/imminent/immanent; advice/advise. 30-15-10 test 2.7?
Week Two - February 25 – 29
Jane Eyre – Chapters 27 – 35
TAKS test taking strategies
Dialectical journal on theMoor House setting in the novel according to the rubric.
Vocabulary V2, 8 (construct 3 of your 15 sentences with incorrect use of verb tenses and then correct your mistakes. Make sure you highlight the mistakes and the corrections!), Also use the following words correctly somewhere in your sentences. Please highlight just the words!there’s/ theirs; weather/whether; loose/lose. 30-15-10 test 2.8?
Week Three – March 3 -7
TAKS - TAKS ELA - March 4
No vocabulary due this week or 30-15-10
March 10 – 14 – Spring Holiday
Week Four - March 17 - March 20
Jane Eyre – Chapters 36 – 38
Dialectical journal on theFerndean setting in the novel according to the rubric.
Vocabulary V2, 9 (3 of your 15 sentences must use at least one participial phrase. Make sure you highlight the sentences using the participial phrases!), Also use the following words correctly somewhere in your sentences. Please highlight just the words!our/hour; capital/capitol; weigh/way. 30-15-10 test 2.9?
WeekFive - March24 – 28
Second REHUGO assignment due, March 27 and 28
No vocabulary due this week or 30-15-10
WeekSix - March 31 – April 4
Vocabulary V2, 10 (3 of your 15 sentences must use at least one absolute phrase. Make sure you highlight the sentences using the absolute phrases!), Also use the following words correctly somewhere in your sentences. Please highlight just the words!knew/new; lessen/lesson; who’s/whose. 30-15-10 test 2.10?
Sixth Six Weeks - Persuasion and Argumentation
April 7 - May 23
Brief overview of 6th six weeks:
Argumentation – Debate – Persuasion, TAKS
The Things They Carried (excepts),
The Grapes of Wrath (excerpts)
Julius Caesar (excerpts)
Week One - April 7- 11
Argument analysis – persuasion – newspaper columns
Vocabulary V2, 11 (3 of your 15 sentences must use at least one prepositional phrase. Make sure you highlight the sentences using the prepositional phrases!), Also use the following words correctly somewhere in your sentences. Please highlight just the words!whole/hole; convince/persuade;farther/further. 30-15-10 test 2.11?
Week Two - April 14 – 18
Vocabulary V2, 12 (3 of your 15 sentences must use at least one adjective clause. Make sure you highlight the sentences using the adjective clauses!), Also use the following words correctly somewhere in your sentences. Please highlight just the words!hanged/ hung;passed/past; among/between, 30-15-10 test 2.12?
Week Three - April 21 - 25
The Things They Carried (excepts)
Vocabulary V2, 13 (3 of your 15 sentences must use at least one adverb clause. Make sure you highlight the sentences using the adverb clauses!), Also use the following words correctly somewhere in your sentences. Please highlight just the words!bought/brought; buy/by; fewer/less, 30-15-10 test 2.13?
Week Four -April 28 - May 2
No vocabulary due this week or 30-15-10
Week Five - May5 – 9
Third REHUGO assignment due, May 8 and 9
Argumentation – Debate
No vocabulary due this week or 30-15-10
Week Six - May 12 – 16
Argumentation – Debate
Vocabulary V2, 14 (As you write your sentences, use, highlight, and label all of the following syntax techniques – asyndeton,polysyndeton, anadiplosis, anaphora, antimetabole, and inverted order of sentence), 30-15-10 test 2.14?
Week Seven – May 19 - 23
Argumentation – Debate
No vocabulary due this week or 30-15-10
Week Eight – May 27 – 30
Semester Finals