Fourth Grade Whole Group Lesson Plans

Topic: Helping Others Essential Question: How do friends help each other? Comprehension skills/strategies: Story Structure/Point of View/Summarizing Lesson: 1

Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
Poem: The Library___
* Introduce vocabulary words found in TE PG T14-15by following the routine on back of the context cards. / Vocabulary
Poem: _The Library___
*Begin a theme based word bank (TWB) that can be used throughout the week –expand by adding words from the poem or texts read through the week. Students can refer back to the list and use the words in their written responses. This is a great way to expose them to new vocabulary. / Vocabulary
Poem: _The Library___
*Apply Vocabulary Knowledge-Review the target vocabulary for the week by using the guiding questions on TE PG T35.
*Add words to the TWB that relate to the theme or topic of the week. / Vocabulary
Poem: _The Library___
*Vocabulary Strategies- Introduce and guide students through the vocabulary strategy using the prefixes re-, un-, and dis- on TE PG T40-41.
*Add words to the TWB that relate to the theme or topic of the week. / Vocabulary
Poem: The Library___
*Briefly introduce story vocabulary from the Interactive Read Aloud. These words should be pre-selected by teacher. If they relate to the weekly topic, you can add them to the TWB.
Read and Comprehend
*Read the Teacher Read Aloud, “Sideline Support,” from the teacher’s edition- TE PG T12-13and follow the listening comprehension guide on the right hand side of teacher’s edition.
*Introduce the target comprehension skill and strategy by using the guidelines for the “Read and Comprehend” section, TE PG _T16-17_ and preview the topic for the week. / Read and Comprehend
*Read the anchor story, Because of Winn Dixie, and use the “Think Through the Text” section on the left side of the teacher’s edition to guide discussion TE PG 19-28
*Revisit the theme word bank and add words from selection or related to the story that relate to the theme. (examples: assist, support, friendship, collaborate, loyal, alliance, companion) / Read and Comprehend
*Dig Deeper: How to Analyze the Text on TE PG T30-31
Revisit specific parts of the anchor text and have students use text evidence to support.
*Your Turn: Use this section to guide you in revisiting the essential question from the week and discuss orally-TE PG T32 / Read and Comprehend
*Connect to the Topic: Read and discuss the paired selection, Because of Bookends, on TE PG T36-38.
*Compare texts using only the Text-to-Text comparisons on TE PG T39- discuss orally. / Read and Comprehend
*Teacher selects an interactive read aloud to go along with the theme. Students will engage in conversation with a partner as its read. Follow the read aloud planning template to plan questions and writing extension.
Title: My Librarian is a Camel
Author Margarite Ruurs
Grammar and Writing
*Complete a modeled writing (I DO) based on the topic, read aloud, anchor text, and/ or comprehension skill/strategy. Try to integrate the writing focus skill and the grammar skill into the written response.
Modeled Writing: Construct a paragraph describing the situation from Omar’s point of view.
Independent Writing Activity: Students will use the model paragraph you just constructed to write a paragraph describing the situation from Brett’s point of view. / Grammar and Writing
*Complete a modeled/shared writing (I Do, We Do) based on the anchor text or essential question. Integrate the grammar and writing focus for the week in the writing. Modeled/Shared Writing: How do the characters in Because of Winn Dixie help others? Use details from the text to explain your answer.
*Use specific word choice to make the writing more descriptive and to convey the information more precisely. This will tie in the writing focus skill for the week. / Grammar and Writing
Construct a shared writing based on the story of the week. The writing can focus on the writing focus skill and/or the topic of the week. Shared Writing: How does the author’s use of flashback in Because of Winn Dixie, help you better understand the story? / Grammar and Writing
Writing Topic: For the final writing this week, the students will be constructing a paragraph describing the school library. To introduce, take a short trip to library, and have students take paper to jot down phrases or words to describe the library using their senses. When you come back to the classroom, you can have students share their words and phrases describing the library and how it appeals to the various senses. The teacher will record on a chart. / Grammar and Writing
*Revisit use of sensory words and vivid details in a descriptive paragraph by displaying projectable 1.9
Topic: This is a continuation of the writing activity from Day 4. In the story, the author used vivid details to describe the library. Write a descriptive paragraph describing your school library. Include vivid details and sensory words to make your writing more interesting.

*Assessments: Complete the comprehension assessment on Wednesday and the Vocabulary on Friday during independent time.