Foundations in Algebra

Foundations in Algebra

Foundations in Algebra

Teacher: Monica Cagle


Available for Tutoring: Monday and Wednesday – Friday 7:50-8:20 AM

(Breakfast duty Tuesday morning)

Monday – Friday 3:20 - 3:50 PM

Planning Period: 12:15-1:45

Supplies: 3-ring binderloose leaf papergraph paperpencils

colored pencils (erasable is preferred)

TI-84+ graphing calculator (optional for home use)

Purpose of Geometry Concepts Course:

  • To lay the foundation for my students to be successful in further math courses.
  • To interpret and analyze linear, quadratic and exponential functions using different representations.
  • To see measurable improvement in Algebra 1 skill level, as assessed by a pre-test and post-test for the course.
  • To meet standards set forth by the S.C. State Department of Education and the Chesterfield County School District.

Course Description: This course is designed to improve knowledge of Algebra 1 concepts. Upon successful completion, students will possess the tools necessary to be successful in further math courses. This course will be developed with College and Career Readiness in mind.Foundations in Algebra counts as oneCarnegie unit for completion of Math graduation standards.

Helpful Websites:

portal and teacher website)



  1. Be safe.
  2. Be respectful.
  3. Be responsible.
  4. We will not bully others.
  5. We will try to help students who are bullied.
  6. We will try to include students who are left out.
  7. If we know somebody that is being bullied, we will tell an adult at school and an adult at home.


  1. Come prepared to work. Sharpen pencils, get calculators and be seated before the final bell rings! Bring your book to class every day!
  2. Listen quietly when another person is speaking. Wait your turn to talk.
  3. All work is to be done in pencil, unless otherwise specified.
  4. Progress reports will be given at the mid-point of each nine weeks, which must be signed and returned for a grade.
  5. You are to take notes while the teacher is teaching. All notes and work is to be kept in your notebook.
  6. Students must use the restroom between classes only. In the case of an emergency, an administrator will be called to escort you to the restroom, but this results in loss of lunch time.
  7. You are responsible for all make-up work, and will have as much time to complete the work as you were out. You may do this work in homework center or before or after school, NOT during class.
  8. Remain in a learning posture (upright and on-task) at all times.
  9. Do your own work. Any copied work will receive a zero and a discipline referral.
  10. Cell phone policy: “If I see it or hear it, I take it”. Cell phone will not be returned until a parent comes to pick it up.
  11. Follow any verbal instructions as given by teacher.


The following consequences will occur if any rules are broken:

  1. First offense: Verbal warning.
  2. Second offense: Verbal warning and parent contact.
  3. Third offense: Discipline referral (write-up).

Please note that offenses that cause a major disruption to class will be cause for ejection from class and being sent to In School Detention (ISD). Please refer to student discipline handbook for full discipline policy.


Student nine-weeks grades will be determined based upon:

Homework and Classwork (Daily Grades)15%



Final grades are determined based upon:

First 9 Weeks40%

Second 9 Weeks40%

Final Exam20%


A: 90-100

B: 80-89

C: 70-79

D: 60-69


We use TI-84 graphing calculators in class. Each calculator has a number and each student is assigned a specific calculator at the beginning of the semester. Students must use their assigned calculator only. Replacement cost of a damaged calculator is approximately $110.

Please sign, remove, and return the bottom portion of this sheet for my records. Please keep the remainder of the syllabus in your notebook for your information.


I have read in detail the syllabus for Foundations in Algebra, the classroom rules and expectations, and the calculator usage agreement. I have received a copy of the College and Career Ready Standards for Foundation in Algebra.



Home phone______Cell Phone______

E-mail ______