Foundation Subject Skills

Year 5/6

Art: A / DT / Geography : G / History : H
5A1. I am beginning to use my sketchbooks to select relevant visual information and ideas for my work.
5A2. I can experiment with materials and techniques to suit my own designs and ideas, using line, colour, pattern, texture, shape and space.
5A3. I am beginning to make personal choices about the shape, size, background etc or format of my work and the materials and techniques I use in both 2D and 3D.
5A4. I compare and identify the ideas, methods and approaches used in my own work with that of others, including artists, designers and craftspeople.
5A5. I am beginning to modify my work to reflect my own view of its purpose and meaning. / Design
5DT1. I carry out research to identify the needs, wants & preferences of individuals & groups.
5DT2. I create annotated sketches and cross-sectional drawings.
5DT3. I explain my choice of tools & equipment in relation to techniques I will be using, & explain my choice of materials according to functional & aesthetic qualities.
5DT4. I produce lists of what I need & formulate step-by-step plans.
5DT5. I accurately measure, mark, cut, shape, join & combine materials.
5DT6. I consider the views of others to improve work.
5DT7. I critically evaluate the design, make & fitness for purpose as I work.
5DT8. I compare my work to my design specification.
5DT9. I investigate methods of construction, how much products cost to make, how innovative they are, & how sustainable product materials are.
Technical Knowledge
I can, with support, identify:
5DT10. How pulleys, gears & cams work.
5DT11. How electrical circuits can create functional products.
5DT12. How to program a computer to control products I have made.
5DT13. How 3D textile products can be made from a combination shapes.
Cooking and Nutrition
5DT14. I know that seasons affect food availability.
5DT15. I can prepare & cook savoury dishes safely & hygienically.
5DT16. I know that recipes can be adapted to change the appearance, taste, texture & aroma of a dish. / 5G1. I can locate the world’s countries, focusing on European countries.
5G2. I understand land use patterns and how they have changed over time.
5G3. I can identify the position and significance of latitude, longitude, Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere.
5G4. I can understand similarities and differences between the United Kingdom and a region in a European country.
5G5. I can describe and understand the key aspects of the distribution of natural resources including energy, food, minerals and water,
5G6. I can describe and understand key aspects of the water cycle.
5G7. I can use the eight points of a compass, and four grid references on a map. / Chronological Understanding
5H1. I can show a greater understanding of chronology and order of events, people and objects.
5H2. I have a greater understanding of how the past can be divided into different periods of time.
5H3. I can pick out similarities and differences between different periods of time and know some significant dates.
Knowledge & Understanding
5H4. I understand and use abstract historical terms such as ‘empire’, ‘civilisation’, ‘parliament’ and ‘peasantry’.
5H5. I know, understand and can recall the historical events, people and changes of the period that I am studying.
5H6. I can give reasons for the main events and changes for the period that I am studying.
Historical Interpretation & Enquiry
5H7. I can pick out and understand different ways that the past is shown and suggest reasons for this.
5H8. I am beginning to show how features of the past have been retold and interpreted in different ways.
5H9. I am beginning to understand how evidence is used to make historical claims.
Organisation & Communication
5H10. I can pick out and put together information from a range of sources for the period that I am studying.
5H11. I can construct informed responses and beginning to use thoughtful selection and organisation of relevant historical information.
6A1. I can record and collect visual and other information in my sketchbook to develop my ideas.
6A2. I can use qualities of line, tone, colour, shape and texture with different materials and processes.
6A3. I can choose and combine materials, techniques, visual and tactile elements, to suit my intentions, applying my knowledge to 2D and 3D work.
6A4. I am beginning to analyse and comment on the ideas, methods and approaches used in my own and others' work, including artists, designers and craftspeople.
6A5. I can modify and refine my work to reflect my own view of its meaning and purpose. / Design
6DT1. I develop a simple design specification to guide my thinking & recognise when my products have to fulfil conflicting requirements.
6DT2. I use computer-aided design.
6DT3. I make design decisions, taking account of constraints such as time, resources & cost.
6DT4. I produce detailed lists of what I need and step-by-step plans.
6DT5. I can measure, mark, cut, shape, assemble, combine & finish materials & components accurately using techniques that involve several steps.
6DT6. I show resourcefulness when tackling problems.
6DT7. I adapt my design as necessary and refer to this in my evaluation, comparing my product to my design brief & stating how it could be improved further.
6DT8. I investigate & analyse the impact that products have beyond their intended purpose.
Technical Knowledge
I can identify & analyse:
6DT9. How pulleys, gears & cams work.
6DT10. How electrical circuits can create functional products.
6DT11. How to program a computer to control products I have made.
6DT12. How 3D textile products can be made from a combination shapes.
Cooking & Nutrition
6DT13. I know how food is processed into forms that can be eaten or used in cooking.
6DT14. I know that different foods contain different substances that are needed for health.
6DT15. I design, prepare & cook savoury dishes.
6DT16. I use a range of food preparation techniques. / 6G1. I can locate the world’s countries including North and South America concentrating on their environmental regions, key physical and human characteristics, countries and major cities.
6G2. I can identify the Prime/Greenwich Meridian and time zones.
6G3. I can understand similarities and differences of the human and physical geography of a region of North or South America.
6G4. I can describe and understand climate zones, biomes, and vegetation belts.
6G5. I can describe and understand economic activity including trade links.
6G6. I can use digital /computer mapping to locate countries and describe features studied.
6G7. I can use the eight points of a compass, six figure grid references, symbols and key (including Ordnance Survey maps.)
6G8. I can use fieldwork to study the human and physical features in the local area, including graphs and digital technology.
6G9. I can use geographical evidence to draw conclusions, and give opinions about a place. / Chronological Understanding
6H1. I understand the similarities and differences between different periods of time and know some significant dates.
6H2. I am beginning to make connections between features of past societies and periods.
Knowledge & Understanding
6H3. I am able to use my knowledge to describe the individual and special features of past societies and times.
6H4. I can describe, give reasons and results for the main events and changes for the period that I am studying.
Historical Interpretation & Enquiry
6H5. I can show how features of the past have been retold and interpreted in different ways.
6H6. I can understand how evidence is used to make historical claims.
6H7. I am beginning to evaluate which sources of evidence are reliable and most useful for particular tasks.
Organisation & Communication
6H8. I can evaluate, pick out and put together information from a range of sources for the period that I am studying.
6H9. I am beginning to produce structured narrative and analyses using important dates and historical terms.
Music: M / Computing: C / PE / RE
5M1. I sing confidently, in solo and ensemble contexts, displaying a variety of vocal techniques.
5M2. I sing a harmony part confidently and accurately.
5M3. I play more complex instrumental parts with rhythmic and dynamic control.
5M4. I am imaginative and confident using sound and use ICT where available.
5M5. I select sounds and structures carefully to express an idea.
5M6. I create complex patterns.
5M7. I use different musical devices including melody, rhythms, chords and structures.
5M8. I can take the lead in creating and performing and provide suggestions to others.
5M9. I understand how lyrics may have cultural and social meaning.
5M10. I can hear how harmonies, drones and melodic ostinato are used to accompany singing.
5M11. I improve my work.
5M12. I identify cyclic patterns. / 5C1. I understanding that information found online is not always true and unbiased
5C2. I am starting to develop skills in identifying the origin of website
5C3. I can think critically about the information that I put online
5C4. I understand the difference between a computer network and the internet
5C5. I understand what a network is and how it links devices
5C6. I can use networks for communication and collaboration (e.g. working on shared documents)
5C7. I can test my work with peers in order to evaluate and improve it
5C8. I have completed the majority of the Key Stage 2 Key Skills list
5C9. I can design, write and debug algorithms to solve real world problems using physical or digital devices / Dance and Gymnastics
5PE1. I demonstrate precision, control & fluency in response to stimuli.
5PE2. I can link ideas, skills & techniques with control, precision & fluency when performing basic skills.
5PE3. I can vary dynamics & develop actions with a partner or as part of a group.
5PE4. I understand composition by performing more complex sequences on the apparatus.
5PE5. I continually demonstrate rhythm & spatial awareness.
5PE6. I can confidently describe how to refine, improve & modify my own performances and that of my peers.
5PE7. I can demonstrate specific aspects of warm-up & describe effects of exercise on the body.
Games and athletics
5PE8. I am using a wide range of throwing and catching techniques well.
5PE9. I am varying the pace, length and direction of my throws.
5PE10. I can sustain a good running technique at different speeds.
5PE11. I can demonstrate some accuracy & technique in a range of throwing & jumping actions.
5PE12. I can select the appropriate sending and receiving technique during a game.
5PE13. I find ways of attacking successfully.
5PE14. I am selecting the techniques taught in lessons and using them in race/competition style activities.
5PE15. I can explain ways of keeping possession of the ball as a team.
5PE16. I understand that there is a need to defend as well as attack and use this in my performances.
5PE17. I can identify & explain good athletic performance.
5PE18. I understand the similarities between invasion games, even though they use different sending, receiving and ‘travelling with’ techniques.
5PE19. I can recognise that games make me use my muscles. / 5RE1. I can identify and know that some things are a characteristic of more than one religion.
5RE2. I can retell religious stories and identify some religious beliefs and teachings.
5RE3. I can identify some religious practices and know that some are characteristic of more than one religion.
5RE4. I can suggest meanings in religious symbols, language and stories.
5RE5. I can respond sensitively to people’s views and opinions.
5RE6. I can respond sensitively to the experiences and feelings of others, including those with a faith.
5RE7. I can realise that some ‘I wonder’ questions are difficult to answer.
5RE8. I can respond sensitively to the values and concerns of others, including those with a faith, in relation to what is right and wrong.
6M1. I sometimes use my voice in different ways
I sometimes join in singing
6M2. I am beginning to follow instructions when I perform
6M3. I am beginning to make sounds that are very different
6M4. I can make sounds using voices and instruments
6M5. I can make a long sound and a short sound
6M6. I can clap short rhythms with help
6M7. I recognise the difference between fast and slow
6M8. I can listen to live and recorded music and say how it makes me feel
6M9. I can copy changes in pitch – high and low
6M10. I know how some sounds are made / 6C1. I understand plagiarism, copyright and the concept of data protection
6C2. I can design and create a program and debug it by collecting data and feedback from a group
6C3. I can independently select and use software to achieve a goal
6C4. I can collect, analyse, evaluate and present data and information using a digital device
6C5. I can select and combine a variety of software to achieve a long term goal (e.g. select software to plan, design, select, present, analyse, evaluate, improve and report on a long term project)
6C6. I can evaluate feedback from a range of sources and a wider group of peers
6C7. I can design, write and debug programs and algorithms that respond to and learn from inputs / Gymnastics and Dance
6PE1. I can perform & create motifs in a variety of dance styles with accuracy & consistency.
6PE2. I can perform & create movement sequences with some complex skills & displaying accuracy & consistency.
6PE3. I can select and use a wide range of compositional skills to demonstrate ideas in dance.
6PE4. I can perform & create movement sequences with some complex skills & displaying accuracy & consistency.
6PE5. I can suggest ways to improve quality of performance showing sound knowledge & understanding.
6PE6. I can analyse fairly complex skills & can suggest ways to improve quality of performance showing sound knowledge & understanding.
6PE7. I am able to take the lead in my own warm up & demonstrates all round safe practice.
6PE8. I can describe how different types of exercise contribute to my health and fitness.
Games and Athletics
6PE9. I am using a wide range of throwing and catching techniques fluently.
6PE10. I am varying the pace, length and direction of my throws and shots, to outwit my opponent.
6PE11. I can shoot, pass and dribble with some accuracy in most sports.
6PE12. I can control movement with a ball in opposed situation whilst moving.
6PE13. I can demonstrate good control, strength, speed & stamina in a variety of athletic events
6PE14. I select different types of shots/passes increasingly well in the games I play.
6PE15. I make the correct decisions when attacking or defending in a variety of games.
6PE16. I can combine accurate passing skills / techniques in game.
6PE17. I can advise and help others in their techniques and skills in game situations.
6PE18. I can watch others’ performances and spot weaknesses and strengths.
6PE19. I can explain how different types of exercise contribute to my fitness and health.
6PE20. I can describe how I might get involved in other types of activities / 6RE1. I can identify and know that some things are a characteristic of more than one religion.
6RE2. I can retell religious stories and identify some religious beliefs and teachings.
6RE3. I can identify some religious practices and know that some are characteristic of more than one religion.
6RE4. I can suggest meanings in religious symbols, language and stories.
6RE5. I can respond sensitively to people’s views and opinions.
6RE6. I can respond sensitively to the experiences and feelings of others, including those with a faith.
6RE7. I can realise that some ‘I wonder’ questions are difficult to answer.
6RE8. I can respond sensitively to the values and concerns of others, including those with a faith, in relation to what is right and wrong.