Foundation Stage 1Newsletter

Spring 2

28th February 2017

I hope you enjoyed the half term holiday. Nursery is a very busy place at the moment with more children coming in after the Easter holiday. With this in mind can you please make sure all of your child’s clothing is labelled with their name, this stops any confusion and anxiety for your child.

This term our topic is ‘animals’.

Urgent - Please can the children bring in a picture of their pet for one of our class displays (please put your child’s name and the pet’s name on the back). These will be returned to you at the end of term

In Communication & Language this term we will be:

* Using the role play (vets) to develop their speaking and listening skills.

*Looking at non-fiction books (animals)

* Naming animals

* Animal rhymes


-I Love Animals

-Fergus the farmyard dog

-Rainbow fish

-10 Chirpy Chicks

-Rumble in the Jungle


-Hairy MaClary

-Mog at the V.E.T.

-Farmyard Hullabaloo

In Literacy this term we will be:

* Labelling animal parts

* Writing lists, signs and posters

* Recognising and over writing our own names

* Learning sounds of letters in our phonics sessions.

How to help at home:Read lots of books and stories with your child. Encourage them to mark make or write their own names. Encourage your child to hold a pencil using the ‘froggy finger’ grip. Also you could encourage your child to write some letter shapes with their finger or a pencil focusing on s, a, t, p ,i, n.

In Mathematics this term we will be:

*Counting to 10+ in 1’s

*Counting backwards from 10-0 in 1’s

*Counting in 2’s to 10

*Recognising numbers to 10 and beyond

*Writing numbers to 10 and beyond

*Finding totals

*1 more than, 1 less than

*Data handling - Pets.

How to help at home: Practise writing numbers at home. Number rhymes– please practise these with your child. Find numbers in the environment this will familiarise your child with number recognition. Practise adding numbers together – if I have 3 sweets and you have 2 sweets, how many altogether?

In Expressive Art & Design and Understanding the Worldthis term we will be:

*Colour mixing – adding black/ white

*Animal Collage Pictures

*Design and build a pet carrier.

*Using language in the Vet Role Play area

*Animal painting

*Creating split pin animals

*Making dough animals

* Easter cards

*Making birdseed cakes to feed the wild birds.

*Looking at what a vet does

*Looking at what a farmer does

* Looking at what a zoo keeper does

* Animals and their young.

*Nocturnal animals – what are they?

*Observing an African watering hole (Google earth)

*Creating pictures of animalsusing dazzle computer program.

One of the children’s targets this term is to recognise and name the numbers from 1-10 and beyond. Please help your child by pointing out numbers in their environment

To end our topic about animals, we will be having an animal partyon the last day of term:Friday 7th April. Children will need to come dressed as an animal on this day (we will not be going outside to play on this day).


Snack is £1.00 a week. This helps us buy snack, baking ingredients, party food etc. Any spare money is used to buy new equipment.

Monday is rhyme day (the children will be bringing a rhyme home to share with you). 

Tuesday is library day.

Thank you for your continued support

Mrs Parmley Mrs Grattage

Nursery Teacher Nursery Nurse