APRIL 21, 2008



Mike Fox, Sr., Cindy Schelcher, Stan Arterberry, Harriett Robles, David Montagna, Darrel Stambaugh, Mark Waxman, George Rossman, Mike Kotowski, Tab Morales, Willys Peck, Bill Allman, Eugene Sterling, Dan Schettler, Doug Allen, Len Duncan, Rita Boren, Julian Roberts, Frank Jewett, Bill Cooper, Rob Fernandez


Alan Aerts, Linda Durnell, Mary Fleischli, Mike Foulkes, Phil Hartley, Harold Hervey, Joseph Pon, Wendie Weisman

I.  Welcome and Introductions

The meeting was called to order at 12:15pm

II.  Approval of Minutes

It was moved and seconded that the January 14, 2008, minutes be approved as published. The motion was carried unanimously.

III.  Chancellor’s Report

Chancellor Arterberry reported that the planned transfer of $4 million to the Advancement Foundation by Land Corp has been delayed until the July Land Corp meeting. The California Community College Chancellor’s Office announced a $50 million endowment for the California Community College system. The first $25 million provides for at least five $1000 general scholarships per campus. The other $25 million will allow colleges to match 2 to1.

IV.  Presidents’ Reports

President Robles reported that the same anonymous donor who is providing the $4 million to Community Colleges is also donating $20 million to CSU and UC campuses with the provision that they help community college students transfer to these campuses. The donor’s ultimate goal is to create a $100 million endowment toward a nationwide effort. She thanked Mike Fox, Sr. and Cindy Schelcher for their work securing the LVN to RN grant. The LVN to RN program has Board of Registered Nursing approval. Chancellor’s Office approval is next but the program still needs an additional $180,000.

V.  Proposed New Board Member

Tab Morales presented Chad Walsh’s name for consideration for membership. Mike Kotowski and Mike Fox supported the recommendation. A discussion followed. A vote will be taken at the July 7 meeting.

VI.  Committee Reports

Scholarships: Bill Allman reported that West Valley College scholarship recipients would be selected shortly and more may be coming; Tab Morales reported that there were 158 applications for seven Mission College scholarships and recipients will be selected shortly. A call was made for volunteers to assist in the selection process.

Olympiad: Cindy Schelcher, Eugene Sterling and Tab Morales reported that the 2008 Olympiad of the Arts competition was a success, that the goal next year is to partner with Villa Montalvo and that Wendie Weisman is retiring from the position of Olympiad Director after seven successful years.

Finance: Rob Fernandez reported that capital gains and accrued interest on investment accounts has realized an increase of approximately $289,000 over the principal which will allow the awarding of more scholarships.

VII.  Board Orientation – Manual Review

Tab Morales stated that “…and other student, college and District activities…” needs to be added to the Mission Statement on page one. Mike Kotowski stressed the need for everyone to get involved in volunteering for committee service and stressed the importance of each member filling out and submitting the committee selection and biographical information forms. Cindy Schelcher brought attention to and discussed the Foundation’s Constituencies chart on page 26.

VIII.  Board Retreat Dates

Cindy Schelcher reported that a retreat should be scheduled by the end of July with an agenda to determine Board priorities for the coming year.

IX.  Announcements and Adjournment

David Montagna announced the Saratoga Rotary Art Show being held on Sunday, May 4, 2008 on the West Valley College campus.

The meeting adjourned at 1:37pm.

The next West Valley-Mission Foundation Board meeting is scheduled for

Monday, July 7, 2008, from 12 noon to 1:30pm in the WVC Board Room.